June 12th 1925. Anaheim, Calif

Dear folks at Hooppole.

        Your letter which you hoped would get to me by June 3rd just reached me June 12th. I was here last Sunday and spoke in the Evangelical Church and they at once asked me to come again for next Sunday. Then I got a chance to go to Fresno with Jerry Behrns and just got back this evening and found your letter here. I had a long fine trip which cost me nothing. Did not get to Yosemite Valley that was too expensive but went to Grants Park and saw the big trees and some very fine mountain scenery. Looked more like Switzerland than anything I have seen yet in America. I stayed with Kendalls. They have their own house and he works for a painter. He is taking the Abrams treatment for ulcers in the stomach and thinks he is coming out alright. They talk about going back to Africa. On the way back we stopped at Shafter and spent a night with Hoyts. He is station agent and they live in rooms above the station. They too are talking about going to Africa but don’t know when. Now before answering your questions I have something to put up to you only to get your opinion however. The Church where Hilgenfeld preaches is looking for a preacher and they want me to take the place. I am to go there a week from Sunday (pg. 2) and will I guess get a strong bid. It is at Buena Park only about 6 miles from Anaheim. the only objection I have to it is that it belongs to the Congregational Church but Hilgenfeld says they never gave him any trouble at all. It is the only church in that town so there is no Ministerial Association to bother with. The church is old fashioned but the house is a very good one all except the bath room but I think that could be fixed and Albert S. thinks I ought to take it and says he thinks they would pay me $2000 a year. I would’nt consider it at all until I discovered that at Fullerton 4 miles away they have one of the best High Schools and Junior College in California and a bus takes students in every day without charge. That would make it possible for the boys to finish High School and Junior College without tuition. I am staying now with George Schmid and their oldest boy just graduated there and I attended the Commencement Exercise and went through all the buildings and it all looked very fine. They wont take any teachers there who have not at some time been engaged in Christian work and they dont have any dummies. They have got the finest buildings and best equipment I ever saw. Of course its not very nice to be 4 miles away but it takes the (pg. 3) School bus only a few minutes to get there so that is not so bad. If they urge me very much and you think it might be alright I thought I would say that if they allowed me to be ordained in an Interdenominational Church like the Church of the Open Door at the Bible Institute that I might consider it but not if I must join the Congregational Church. Hilgenfeld said they never asked him to change from the Evangelicals and he has been there five years. Now just say what you think about it without feeling I will rush into it. I like San Bernardino much better as a place to live and they have a very fine High School there and are planning a Junior college too. I think I can get plenty of opportunities for speaking for at least a year and Zeller says he’s sure the Evangelicals will give me work next year if I want it, but of course this is possible now and 2000 a year with house and good schools looks mighty good. I don’t think I need to worry about my health. I am eating mostly fruit now and it is making a new man of me and will I think continue to do so. I think if I go about to different places I may find something that will suit much better than Buena Park. The strong pull for San Bernardino is to have the (pg. 4) boys in Albert B’s church. We go up there as soon as I can and see what the chances are for work and if there seems to be nothing at all we may be forced to take this church. Hilgenfeld stays there until Aug. 1st. Now if that appeals to you at all you had better come as soon as you can and look it over before we decide definitely. It all depends on how much they want me. Perry Watkis said tonight that Hilgenfeld called up several times to know where I was so I think they are trying to get hold of me, but I wont do anything until I consider very carefully. If I speak there next Sunday I am going to come out as straight and as strong as I know how, and if they can stand that I guess they’ll stand anything I might say later on. Now about that trunk. If you need it of course it will be alright (but if you could make the old trunk do and with straps I think you can) that would be better as we will have no use for the trunk unless we go to Africa soon which I dont think is likely. I think the book will be alright in Miss Messenger’s box or any wooden box would do. (for instance one of those Richard and I sent from Anawan?) I wish I could be there and help. Now about Raymond. I hate awfully to see him stay behind. Not that I dont think he could come (pg. 5) alone. He can do that better than the rest of us but I know what it means to travel all alone and I hate to see anyone undertake it, but if he is getting on alright with his work when you leave I guess it will be alright. The best way for you to come would be either (by the North western to Salt Lake City and then the Salt Lake City and Los Angeles line which is only a continuation of the North Western or Union Pacific) or a more direct line would be by the Santa Fe straight to San Bernardino. Both of these lines take you direct to San Bernardino. The Union Pacific is I think the shortest and cheapest, but neither go to Beloit or Colorado Springs. To do that you will have to change a good deal. On the Union Pacific you could get your train at Morriano and never get out until you are at San Bernardino. The same on the Santa Fe if you go to Galesburg. I just got a letter from Brooklyn with a check for $100 from St Paul (Normans church) so now I have about $170 dollars. Do you want me to send you any. If you dont I will use to furnish a room or get what seems necessary, but I think I can leave most of that until you come. My how good that sounds. I am quite sure you will never (pg. 6) regret the move we are making. The more I see of California the better I like it and I am afraid the offer to come back if you want me to, wont hold very long. I wont decide on anything definite until you get here but I dont think we need to worry about a living. My talks seem to take very well and will I am sure find an opening for me. Kendall said there is a church in Fresno looking for a preacher and thinks I might get it. It is true there are many preachers here looking for a job but they are all too old or something else wrong that nobody wants them but I think you will like San Bernardino best only it will be very hot when you get there but always cool at night like Africa. Buena Park is only 12 miles from the ocean and always cool while San Bernardino (or San Berdie) as they call it here is close to the mountains and 65 miles from the ocean but a very pretty place. You will come at end of dry season so it may not be so nice then, but I am sure you will like it. Now keep on firing questions either by letter or better still by mouth. I would almost rather you would stay and all come together but if you think Raymond can come alone I wont object. Do what you think best but come as soon as you can.

        Yours waiting for the day

