Kijabe B.E.Africa, Mar. 23 1911

Dearest Mother:

        Our hearts are so sad tonight for we received 2 such sad letters yesterday. First from Rumuruti Little Karl Barnett after 10 days of fever and before the Dr. could reach them died Mar. 16. Barnetts may be here in the morning. We were all feeling so bad about that when a 2nd letter came from Mrs. Sywulka at Nasa, G.E.A. telling of the sudden death of Mr Wall. How our hearts bleed for poor Miss Jacobson his betrothed. Mrs. S. wrote no details only that he hadn’t been feeling well for a few days but was very ill only 2 days. Had been in the country but 2 months. and so strong and robust looking. We can’t understand it all but we know it’s His will, and that’s sufficient. We are all well. No development in plans as yet.

        Lovingly, Florence
