[Makeshift diary from August & September 1929, not a letter.]

        Wed. 21. Olle Motion took the loads & me to Narok. Jno came with Mr. Oulton & Douglas. We found another man was going in. Jno & I sat with driver. My head hurt badly but after walking up to the Mission it was better. Went to Downings after seeing Milan. Barnetts & Wilsons came in late but go on to Nairobi tomorrow & if Lanys take some of their loads they will take us. Mrs. D. & I had a nice visit this eve. My! her guest room is lovely.

        22 After much fussing we got off by 11:30. Lunches at stream & then stopt to see Blaikies who insisted on tea. Got to Nairobi about 6 - found Miss Slater & then had a hard time finding Clarke. After hunting for 1 ½ hrs we finally found him & then he was surprised for he said Jno mentioned no date only Thur. & he expected us last Thur. He had promised to join in some social function so left us & we played the phono til 11:30 & then went to bed. He is repairing his house.

        23 Mr. C. took us to Miss S’s. He is fed up with social functions & declares he has gone to the last one. Went down town with B’s but broke axle on way & W’s had to come & tow him in. Met Mr C. at lunch time & all had it together. Met Mr. Lany too & truck. They & we at Salvation Army. B’s & W’s on the road - perhaps at Kajiado. Roxana goes out to Lanys.

        24 Mr. L. called about 2 & we were off. Pretty cold til sun up. Ate a bit of lunch out on the plains some place beyond Kajiado. All lunched together at Manga, but we left early. When almost at Moshi we had a puncture & spent 1 ½ hrs. B’s & W’s past us. Ludwig L. drove the truck & Milan went with Barnetts. Got in here about 8. Very dusty but not so tired as we thot. - after being on the road 18 hrs. & covering 250 miles. in a truck too. We had dinner and then hot sponge bath & bed. They have beds for us all but not quite enuf blankets.

        25 How we slept! breakfast at 9 - & I only awakened then! After singing & prayer we went to Mr. Reusches to see what to do about tomorrow. He has lovely pictures. I do hope we can get some really good ones. Lunched & slept a bit. Its lovely to just lounge around. We are surprised that the long day yesterday was no more tiring. We went for a walk up past the dukas & missed our tea. After supper Milan & his mother played - piano & violin. Ludwig also plays violin. We sang a few hymns & had prayers & went to bed.

        26 Bismark Hut! [on Kilimanjaro] On the way up alright. We got away from Lanys about 10. and away from Mr. Reusch about 15 to 12. Very hot at first. and pretty much up all the way. I got very tired & Jno pulled me up some of the harder places. Lanys gave us walking sticks. We have 6 porters and got each a 3sh. blanket and rice 36 lbs. & meat 18 lbs. and some tea & sugar. and give each Sh 2. per day. Makes a very expensive trip but this is doubtless the last time we’ll try it. Was very glad when we reached here. Met the 2 Norwegians going down. They got only to the cave. Porters had fire when we got in & Jno got beds made up & I got right in. as my back was very lame. Went thro big woods then some scrub & bunchy grass hard to walk - & saw elephant tracks all day. Wonder if Barnetts & Wilsons got to Voi. We wanted Ludwig to come with us & B’s wanted Milan to go with them but Mr. L. needed them at home.

        27 Peters Hut. Got in about 1. Quite wet as it was rainy much of the last part. After we got in I began to feel rather punk. & lay down much of the time after we got dry. Men had a good fire going & we boil things on the stove. This is a lovely convenient hut. Comfy beds & tables & plenty of wood. Heavy clouds all day so we hardly saw Kibo at all & Mawenzi only part of the time. Much easier trip than yesterday. Have decided to spend tomorrow here. Huge rocks around here. Took a snap of trees & moss at Bismarck but got nothing all day as it was too rainy. Rained very hard after we got here. Mlombare the best guide returned here after taking the Norwegians down. We find it much warmer than we had thot. That is no doubt the reason for the clouds & rain. We hope to get pictures around here tomorrow.

        28. Had a restless wakeful night. Very warm and feel this morning as tho I had had fever. Got pictures of Mawenzi but while waiting for the clouds to clear from Kibo they blew in thick. Went way down the valley to a pretty water fall in the rocks & when ready to take it clouds blew in so couldn’t - but went again this P.M. & got 3 snaps. between clouds. This eve it is so thick we can’t see far at all. Didn’t wind the watch so it stopt & we aren’t sure of the time. Feels pretty good this eve. Jno too. He complained of pain back of eyes yesterday. We do hope it will be fine tomorrow but if it is this way at caves we’ll come back & perhaps try on Fri. Knitted some & slept some & read some.

        29. Started about 8 for the caves. first part was a climb up, up up til we got to the saddle. Mawenzi was very clear & we took some pictures. Wanted to lunch before going across saddle but porters didn’t stop. They either don’t understand or don’t want to obey. Took pictures of both mountains but Kibo had clouds at the lower dome end. However we got some that should be good. Got some with “the author” in the pictures. Across saddle ‘twas fairly easy but cold wind was blowing & much of the time we were walking thro loose gravel & ash. Got to caves about 2. and ate a bit. Jno was very hungry & ate heartily in spite of the fact that some one said no one ever eats at the caves. We put up the tent hi enuf to crawl in and about 4:30 we got in. Men made fire in back part of caves & we boiled a kettle of water & made tea filling the thermos - ready for Jno in the morning. We didn’t sleep much but we were warm and free from smoke. Jno struck matches often to see the time. He called the guide at 3:15 & by 4 they got off by the light of the moon. I napped after he left & awakened as the sky was getting light. called Arwinia my guide, drank some hot tea & filled a glass bottle with some. I took off a pillowslip & wrapped the bottle so it should stay warm then slipt it into a new pair of wool socks of Jno’s. We hadn’t gone far when I had to take hold of the guides stick. As soon as it was really light we spied Jno & his guide getting up pretty far. Some of the others followed us and then scrambled on ahead of us - seemed so easy to them while I could go but a few steps & then puff. Finally we saw Jno on the horizon which meant he was up. This was about 9 oclock. I kept going up - very slowly - drinking tea quite often - just a swallow or 2. We were to meet at Leopard pt. if I got up. The boy kept saying it wasn’t far but I got so short of breath & no strength that I finally decided to give it up & looked for a big stone to get behind & wait for Jno to come down. Clouds were blowing in thick & it was awful cold. Having made up my mind I drank a bit more tea & then put the pillowslip about my shoulders & when the boy had run on up & looked over to Leopard Pt. & did not see Jno I told him we’d go down. He complained of his feet being very sore so I told him to put on the socks & drink the tea & we started down. John thinks I was 18,000 at least. I had wanted much to wait for him so he could see how far I had gotten & then too wanted the fun of coming down with him. But it was so cold I was getting thoroly chilled so we started down thro the ash & gravel. which went very fast but was tiresome too. Got to some big rocks & down over them to a second gravel slide when between clouds we saw Jno coming too - so we waited. The gravel was warm. Jno seeing us wait came on very fast & was soon by us. From this place the snow & ice wall looked so pretty I wanted a picture but the clouds were blowing in so thick & cold there was no chance so after telling what he accomplished we went on down. He got to Kaiser Wilhelm Pt. to the box & left his name & took pictures all along too. Then coming back to Gilmans Pt. he got very sick. So when he got to Gilman Pt he looked to Leopard Pt. & seeing no one & the distance between the two was very rough & hard to cross he decided to come on down, as it was getting very cloudy too. Got to the caves about 2:30 & wanted tea but porters had used all the wood & water. The tea in the thermos had gone bad. The milk had kurdled & tasted rotten - so we had to empty it. We had some water in the bottle. I ate a cooky. We packed up & got started on down a bit before 3. Across the saddle wasn’t so hard. But my shoes had quite hi heels & coming down in the gravel they had turned out - then when walking on hard paths they sometimes went out & sometimes not. but turned my ankles at almost every step & the narrow paths with stones in them made walking very hard. We told the guides to go ahead & build fire & have hot water ready. I hung onto the end of both sticks & we tried all kinds of ways. Much of the time heavy clouds blew in especially as we came down so we feared we might be caught out after dark and once we thot surely we were lost but still we could see foot prints in the path tho everything looked so strange - hi rocks where we had never noticed them before. Each step was agony & I thot I couldn’t stand it but all at once here we were beside the hut & then as we stept into the open door a stranger stood before us. A Mr. Sanders, on his way up. I dropt onto the nearest bed & this man soon poured us some tea. It tasted good but my stomach had been mistreated so long it kept revolting & I had a hard time to keep even tea down. We soon arranged about the bed. Hung up the tent & I got in. Mr. S. fried Jno some bacon & eggs & how he enjoyed them. I was so sick & so chilled & so tired I had a hard time to get settled. Perhaps I was foolish to try to go up at all but I did want to see what I could do. I wasn’t sick, like Jno, but my stomach has not been right since the first day to Bismarck. I eat but have no appetite.

        31 First thing John took most the heel off my shoes. Mr S. helpt him and they have been fairly comfortable today. I don’t know how I could have goten down otherwise. We had breakfast together - then all packed. He took our picture just before leaving. Got off 9:15. Awful sore muscles - and being so sick in the night (Jno had to get me some bread to eat my stomach hurt so) left me with little extra strength. We got on fairly well to Bismark by 12:45. There we rested. I ate a cooky & drank tea & slept a bit. Then came on. The bunchy grass was hard to get thro but the big woods was nice. We stopt at a pretty rocky stream & got a picture. Here we met a party who started for Bismarck but had about decided to return. It got more & more tiresome as we came on & the way got so long. I stopt only a bit at Reuches & came slowly & painfully on. Jno paid men. Just as I started I thot I was on a wrong road & cut across to a house but came back again to the road. Got here about 6 and Mrs L. had a big bath of hot water ready. O how good it felt! My stomach had been so upset all day I didn’t want food but did enjoy a plate of soup. How thankful we are to be back again and altho sore & stiff yet so glad to have been, & seen, & conquered.

        Sun. Sept. 1. We rested pretty well after we got at it but achey muscles hindered for awhile. Walking is quite a painful process & going up & down steps is agony. Reminds me much of the time I climbed the Pyramid. Wonder how Mr Sanders feels by this time. Did singing this eve and have read some today & slept. John went to see Mr Reusch & got lots of information We had intended driving to Mwika - five miles to where Mr Eisenschmidt lives. He was on the boat going home with us in 1924, but it rained so much we gave it up. Warrens birthday.

        Mon. Sept. 2. Lora’s birthday. Mrs. Lanys boys are washing & I added part of mine but it is so rainy its hard to tell when it will be dry. They killed a pig this P.M. & are getting up early to cut it up.

        John tried to get 2 porters to go with him out toward Laitokitok, but tho he offered them Sh. 2 per day yet no one wants to go. It’s so rainy too it is hard to know what to do about it. Mr Eisenschmidt is here working on his car - a 2nd hand Chrysler. Ludwig helps. He thinks perhaps if Jno can go out with him he might get 2 men there. I don’t know what we will do if he can’t.

        Tues. 3. Lights were flashing around at 4 A.M. & by the time we were up & around the lard was rendered and sausage meat ground and head etc boiled for head cheese. 2 ladies came in to help so altho Mrs Lany had said I should help I could see there was little I could do so staid out of the way. John went to see Sanders. He got to Stella Pt. but it was raining & snowing so hard & he got so sick that he went no further & got very few pictures. It rained all the way back to Peters hut. John tried again for porters but could find none & this eve after tea as Mr Eisenschmidt was ready to go he told Jno to put his loads onto the car & he’d take them & Jno should come tomorrow & he’d see if he could find some one. If he can’t John will take his walking stick & go just so as far as he can. We took a short walk tonight but my left ankle seems swelled more than ever. Every body tired tonight but every thing is taken care of & a neighbor is doing the smoking so all feel the day has been well spent. Its a lot of work to kill a pig but nice when all done.

        Wed. 4. How fast these days go. I’ve surely been lazy today. Jno left after breakfast. & I washed out a few things as the sun was shining & then put hot compress onto my ankle & have tried keeping it up on the bed. I think it is doing it a lot of good. Read in “Wild Wales” & finished Mrs Hurlburts letter & knitted a bit. Clothes got fairly dry. Wonder how far Jno is. Very quiet & tame around here after the noise & clatter of yesterday. Hasn’t rained all day.

        Thur. 5. Mr. Eisenschmidt was here this P.M. & said Jno left this morning with 2 porters & hoped to get to Osere today. By looks of map its a big day then to Laitokitok. but he may not go so far.

        We walked up to Rothers this A.M. to see her. She is quite sick. Mr. Lany showed us all the Seminary buildings. He is putting up a very large one now. All stone work. Wrote Browns today. A very lazy day. Quietest most restful time I’ve had in a long time. This is my vacation now tho I’d like to be with John. No rain today & quite clear but tho I watched the mt. did not clear.

        Fri. 6 The Mt.was out a bit this morning but not for long. Mrs. Lany had thot we’d go up to the Mamba church to Fritche’s but she had work that must be done. I wrote Agnes. Read quite a bit & knitted some. Gathered some pretty flowers from the garden. O such a lazy time. Wish I could see where Jno is & how he is getting on.

        Sat. 7 Roxanna called me before I was quite dressed to see the Mt. then I waited for Mawenzi to come out so I could get both but clouds soon blew in I’ll try again tomorrow morning. We went up to Mamba church this A.M. My ankle got pretty tired coming back. Had coffee at Fritches and went to see sister Elizabeth & she gave us a cooky then the girls & I went to the church. The view from there is wonderful. The girls, Mr. Lany & Ludwig went to Mwika after tennis. Mrs. L. & I ate alone but they came just as we finished. I started double letter to the folks. Bathed & washed out some things. Sort o’ headachey. No John and no Mombasa folks.

        Sun. 8 Rained in the night & heavy clouds this morning. After breakfast Mrs. L. packed our lunch and all of us except her went for a picnic to the Pare hills. Also a Miss Fleck went with us. A lovely river there where crokodiles are sometimes seen. ‘Twas very hot. Roxanna had headache & mine was pretty bad before we left & then got bad again after we came back & had coffee. but I took a walk & now its better. Ludwig has had cold. Surely John will be in tomorrow. Arrangements are being made for celebrating L’s silver wedding on Thur.

        Mon. 9 And John did come in this eve about 6 P.M. I had gone to the road for a walk & met him. He came about 27 miles today. One porter carrying both loads. He is well satisfied with his trip. Went to Laitokitok & saw Mr. Whitehouse who is very glad we are thinking of opening a station there. There are motors going out that way most every day & he thot one might come back & he’d ride along but none came. Mr. W. brot him back to Usere about 18 miles. We made fondant and began on work for Thur.

        Tues. 10 Was just finishing coffee when Barnetts & Wilsons came in from Mombasa. Mrs. Barnett is about sick with bad ears & throat. Wilsons are quite determined to go on tomorrow but Mrs B. may not be able to. Piano tuner is here - he is doing Mrs. Ungerers too. Made more candy. Washed Jnos khaki & underwear. My ankle still stays swelled but I can walk without limping. Erika & Ludwig went to Moshi. Roxanna helpt with candy. Then we went to upper falls for picture & to duka for things for the silver wedding.

        Wed. 11 Mrs B in bed all day so they couldn’t go on. At noon Mr. L. asked who wanted to go to Lake Chala & Jno offered to pay the gas so 12 went. Mr Eisenschmidt with us. It is a beautiful lake. lying deep in hi rocks. One place to go down to its edge. Very steep but natives were getting debes [drums] of water. Saw quite a lot of Masai. Roxanna kept the crowd entertained with stories. Had fun about the roads. Whenever rough twas Kenya. Good were Tan. Ter. We were about on the border between the two. ‘Twas a very fine trip. Mrs L. & Mrs Ungerer busy all day with baking. Several chickens are dressed. Everything most ready. We wanted to coat the chocolates but choc. wouldn’t get soft. Fondant is fine & creamy.

        Thur. 12 Early this morning Miss Flick came with flowers & girls helpt her to decorate with palms, cypress & bougainvillea. The veranda was very pretty. Inside the crucifix was on a little table in the corner with flowers etc & two decorated chairs where they sat.

        Mrs. B is better & she & I made 4 lemon pies & 4 rhubarb pies. Everyone rested after lunch & about 2:30 the guests came. At 3:30 there was a nice little service. Afterwards we all congratulated them & then had coffee. Put up a long table on the veranda. Jno, Roxanna & I bot a lot of silly little things at the duka & wrapped each separate & among it all Sh. 30/ in silver. They undid these before coffee & had a lot of fun over it. After coffee there was tennis & walks & visiting. The guests were: Barnetts 4, Wilsons 3, Roxanna & we of Americans, Mr. Reusch, Mr & Mrs. Danielson of their mission - newly weds & Americans also. Mr & Mrs. Eisenschmidt, Mr & Ms. Rother, Mr & Mrs. Fritze, Mrs. Hartberg, Mrs. Ungerer, Mr. Raum, Sister Elizabeth, Miss Flick, Mr. Blumer, Mr. [name missing]

        Had a very nice 5 course dinner - toasts & wine - as is always done among them. Roxanna thot she should not stay at the table but Mrs. B spoke to her & she came back. After dinner we had lovely music. Mrs Ungerer plays beautifully. Milan played the violin & Miss Lany & Mr. Rother sang duets. At 10:30 there was tea & cakes and candy. They got some nice gifts. A linoleum rug, doz. tea spoons, toast tray, lovely cream cake. Wilsons ordered the huge wedding cake. beautifully decorated: large jar of candy, pretty vase, silver wrist watch, fountain pen, 1 doz sherbet glasses in silver holders. A book.

        Around 11 or after, they left after very profuse “goodnights” and “aufweiderschein”. Everything was in German except conversation with us. The Danielsons are where Zielingers will be when they come in Dec. D’s. have been here 10 mos. met on boat & married a month ago.

The day was very successful. The whole affair very pleasant & all greatly enjoyed it. We forgot to get a picture - which we regret now.

        Fri. 13 Barnetts left the children - Lanys asked them to. They seemed pretty heavily loaded any way. We had wanted to go with them but Mr. L. said if we stay & go with them helping them with expenses they would drive up to Nairobi one week from today. They got away by 10:30. Mrs. B. does not feel at all well but will see a Dr. in Nairobi if not better. They are probably camped at Manga tonight. Everybody rather tame today. Ludwig not well. We went to get picture of native hut but sun was not bright. Milan, then Mrs. L. played the piano for us. others played games.

        Sat. 14 Jno & Willie went to find where 2 rivers join. Mrs. L. wanted to go to Rothers on an errand & to see Danielsons & we, Roxanna, Ruth B. & I went along. We got back ab’t 1. Just as we finished lunch Mr. L. came and we decided to all go for a swim in a pond in the river ab’t 3 miles from here. Mrs. L. & Ruth did not go. I didn’t swim. Jno had Mr. B’s suit on. I had bath in the tub at bedtime. As every body seemed tired we all went to bed early. Mr Danielson & Mr Raum here to play tennis.

        Sun. 15 Rainy. We all went to Mamba Church to services but Mrs L & Ruth ‘Twas raining hard after services so stopt in at Fritzes. At once tea & bread & sausage were brot. When thro with them we found a boy had come from Mrs L. with rain coats & umbrellas. but it had almost stopt raining & after looking at the garden we came on. Then lunch. & I was not comfortable in my stomach & Jno wanted to rest so when they all went to Mwika about 3 PM we staid home. I ate no supper & have had an awful go of indigestion but no headache.

        Mon. 16. Mr. Blumer wants to go to Nairobi too. The more the merrier. We are both reading Chas Reade’s “Never too late to Mend”. Roxanna not feeling very well. Erika is helping sew a green tussok for herself. In Dec. she is to be bridesmaid at Miss Rother’s wedding. I wrote Mrs Westervelt.

        Tues. 17 - Girls & boys all went to Moshi but Milan. They didn’t get back til 4 P.M. Mr. Eisenschmidt came & Milan went to help him with his car. Is staying over night. I helped Mrs. L. finish the green for Erika. She is making a pongee for each Erika & Ruth B. Jno copies music most of the time these days. Ruth B, he & I took long walk after tea. Every one seems ready for bed early. Lanys have refused board money so we are paying Sh 200 toward gas.

        Wed. 18 Mr. L. had to go to Moshi via forest road so asked us all to go along. The trip down was lovely. Steep & slippy in some places but thro lovely country. Hot in Moshi & we didn’t get started back til 1 P.M. Erika drove. When about 4 mi from home there was a puncture & as the boy had not put the extra wheel onto the truck he came home to get it. Mr L., Jno & I walked home for we were invited to tea at Rothers. When we got here we found Mrs. L. had written we’d not come as we were getting in so late. We didn’t mind but were rather glad as we were tired & hot. Eisenschmidts came. She may go to Nairobi with us. Mr. Raum came for tennis and later Miss Fleck, Mrs. Danielson & Mrs. Ungerer came. Mr. D. is at Peters Hut tonight on his way up Kibo. She is lonely without him. Talked awhile after supper - then to bed.

        Thur. 19. Mended socks for Mrs. Lany. Mr Blumer came this eve to join our crowd for Nairobi. Fixed sandwiches etc for lunch. Everything packed & on the truck - but bedding bag. Rothers butchered a hog today. We had roast pork for supper - awful rich. Fear there wont be much sleep. Ruth B. not very well.

        Fri. 20 - Nairobi. We were called at 2:00 & were off by 2:30. We slept scarcely at all & were glad to be off early. The trip seemed very tiresome this time. I have a very bad headache. Mr. B. would smoke & it all came into our faces. Had several good chances at giraffe pictures but hadn’t my camera out. When I did have it out we saw none. Got here about 5:30 - having stopt at Salvation Army first & arranged for Lanys & Roxanna there. The rest of us are at Miss Slaters. Mrs. B. had Dr. Burkitt look at her ear. He found a boil there & lanced it. She has been quite ill all week. My head ached so badly I ate some soup & had tea in bed & settled down before dark.

        Sat. 21 Saw Mr. Clarke at office. He goes out to Syabei next Fri. if we are ready. Decided I wouldn’t go to Kijabe. tho he offered to take me & bring me back again. I’ll just write for things we need. Met Reynolds down town & got big bunch of letters. Money from the church in Brooklyn for John. Bot a few things for tomorrow & Jno got hat & glasses fixed. Miss Felter is here too.

        Sun. 22 Barnetts wedding day. Jno went to see Mr Clarke & found Mr Hislop there. Saw Haines too & he has asked us & Clarke there to dinner Tues. eve. B’s went to hear Dr Burkitt. This eve Miss S. & Bs & I went to Salvation Army. Twas very nice. Only about 25 there. 2 men went forward for prayer. Miss S. called to us last night to put our light out. She thot we had gone to sleep while reading. We’ll not burn it so late tonight.

        Mon. 23. Mrs. B. seems to be suffering a good deal. They all went down town this A.M. Jno worked til 11:30. We 2 went to Salvation Army for lunch to see Mr. Blumer as he & Ludwig Lany are returning to Marangu. They go as far as Kajiado tonight. Mr Blumer enjoyed his visit to Kijabe. We did a bit of shopping this P.M. It takes 20 min. to S.A. & 20 from there on down town. Ruth & Willie went to Kijabe with Hollands & Mrs H. stayed here. Mrs. Barnett must remain here a few days. I go to Spencer Palmer tomorrow at 12. Miss Felter has the half hr. before Jno.

        Tues. 24 Jno got up at 5 & worked til breakfast time. Everybody is coming down hard on him cause he woke ‘em up. We staid down to lunch. My teeth only needed cleaning, no filling. Jno has to come again. Duncan is packing all our things & booking them to Kijabe. Went to CMS Book shop & got a nice lot of books. Felter & we had lunch at Ely’s - very nice. Had ice cream too!!! Walked back from town in 45 min. Washed & dressed & went to Clarkes. ab’t 7 he took us to Mr. Haines’s. Such a beautiful place! Like pretty California homes. Mr. Hislop came very soon too. Very nice dinner & lots of fun. Afterward radio and then Clarke got the phono and entertained us. Then talked til after 11. Mr. C. brot us home. Hollands & Mr Stephens - here all night.

        Wed. 25 No one up early. but still Jno did a good deal before leaving for town. B’s went down & we with ‘em. I got dress materials for native sewing. Mrs. B. must see Dr. again tomorrow. Jno too must go to dentist again. Mr. Clarke says the films of his camera are fine. He offered to show them to us but Jno said no - less handling the better. Had fresh fish for supper. So good. We are to go to Clarkes for supper & all night tomorrow night as we leave from there on Fri. I do have a hard time to get to sleep these nights only I didn’t last night. Need to work more. The men are getting a lot of things done. Moved the garage now the drive can go around the house.
