Florence Minch Stauffacher Diary – 1942.                                                                                Index

Thur. Jan. 1

Pretty much alone tonight for the mt. climbers haven’t returned. Dr. came, much to our surprise. at breakfast Mrs. H. [Hoyt] complained of pain in her chest & back. it got so severe later that Dr. came & tried to find the cause. decided it was a bit of neuralgia. has taken a bit of cold. She feels much better this eve. Miss N. [Noweck] said this is Day of Prayer in U.S.A. so we met too.

Fri. Jan. 2

And no folks back yet. Mrs. H. feels quite concerned, & thinks we should send some one in morning. so, I’ll call for 2 & send a note & some food. Radio says Manila has fallen. all people left & destroyed what they could. The harbor has not been taken. Baked Mrs. Guildings ginger cookies today. Yeast I made yesterday seems alright. Just can’t see why the folks haven’t come back.

Sat. Jan. 3

We sent 2 men with a few provisions, but Cl [Claudon] & Harriet were here by 9:30 & the others got here by 11:30. All quite tired but declaring they had a grand time. They got to top of baboon head & Cl & H. got up the tail end too. Every body got bathed up & then after dinner all rested. This eve music & pop corn. The mail man came but brot nothing from Oicha. Said Agnes said Dr. would bring it.

Sun. Jan. 4

Mt. climbers pretty stiff. Hoyts rested. Girls attended first service then Ruth went. Had roast mutton for dinner. 1 lemon & 1 raisin pie. I awakened at 4 A.M. & couldn’t sleep for thinking ab’t the mail. It looked as tho it had been stolen from the bag but man declares Agnes gave him none.

Mon. Jan. 5

Pretty busy getting safari things cleaned up. Garden man helped with washing. The folks think they should leave tomorrow P.M. for Oicha. We expected the Deans-Stough-Pierson crowd in tonight but none have come. Picked lots of strawberries. Will jam what we haven’t eaten. No rain these days. not like last year. Cl. went for elephant but got none.

Tues. Jan. 6

They got away by 2:30. Mr. H. cut Dad’s hair - & they looked over the place for the turbine. he has one he wants to give us. No Deans folks have come. We hope no one is sick. The Medical Officer & his wife from Matwangas called this A.M. Finished sewing Ruth’s dress. Cl. went for elephant near here but got none.

Wed. Jan. 7

Miss F. [Frost] came home from safari. This eve after prayermtg started we saw a car come down the hill. Mr. Ford & Jim bringing Mother H. [Hurlburt] over. They brot. a lot of nice mail. The men finally decided to stay over night. The Piersons & Stoughs were too busy canning vegs. or the days were too few, for them to get to the Lake. Jim’s car is broken so they’ll go with Cl.

Thur. Jan. 8 Mother H. 83 today

’Twas nice seeing Mr F. again & something of a surprise to have Jim stay over night. I baked a cake for Mother & asked ladies over for hi tea. Mother rested pretty well tho she was very tired. So she feels fine today & is sewing some. Agnes gave her a pair of nice slippers.

Fri. Jan. 9

The men and Miss F. left before 2 as Cl. had to stop at Office at Beni. Miss N. comes over for prayers. We had thot she’d get news too. but Dr. didn’t send battery back. Jim said he had a wire from Wiliams at Durban. We’re so glad & hope they’ll soon be up. He said to me he was going to see if Council wouldn’t ask W. to do Cl’s work there.

Sat. Jan. 10

They are no doubt at Rethi by now. Hope Dad isn’t too tired. It’s so nice having Mother H. here. She doesn’t get around as well as she did 1 ½ yrs. ago. Just a little walk among the flowers tires her. Baked an Angel food with whites Miss F left. She made 2 qts salad dressing.

Sun. Jan. 11

Jno had P.M. meeting at Rethi. Went to both services but they were very short. and very short recess as it was raining & cold. I have fire in fire place. Miss N. came over & we had a little service. Mother seems to rest well. tho she rests P.M. too. Wrote Mrs. Guilding.

Mon. Jan. 12

Tonight they are gathering at Kijabe for Conf. Guess Miss N. forgot to come over. Mother has been very short of breath today - so went to bed early. Had quite a nice shower ab’t 6. Am making yeast again. trying to, at least. Do hope it gets good.

Tues. Jan. 13

Baked very good bread. Yeast seems alright. Picked some strawberries. Miss N. was too tired to come over. She’s house cleaning. She came this eve. Mother went to bed in good time. She says she rests so well. I put wool quilts on her bed. She likes the softness. Started letter to Aunt Ellen.

Wed. Jan. 14

Mother had spell of severe gas pains but easier now. When Miss N. went last eve we heard a kitten some place but couldn’t place it. It awakened me several times & I finally got out & hunted for it. found it in the bedroom & got it out but it was after 3 before I got to sleep. So am sleepy tonight. N. said there was one in her attic too last night so she couldn’t sleep. Oicha man came with nice parcels for Mother & Miss N. (Conf. half done)

Thur. Jan. 15

Rained first thing but they got berries picked by noon. Made ab’t 4 qts jam and caned 3 qts. Didn’t want to use all the nice dry sugar Agnes sent me. It’s nicer than any we’ve had. Worked at pictures a little. Mother feels better but goes to bed ab’t 7. We both slept fine last night. but I’ve had headache today. Took quinine last eve.

Fri. Jan. 16

Finished pictures & mended some. Head fussy still. Started to read Pearl Buck’s “The Exile”. Miss N. came for prayer. Asked us to eat with her on Sun. so I’ll not bake much tomorrow. but am starting bread. The yeast seems very good. Thank God.

Sat. Jan. 17

One surely does not know what a day may bring forth. I baked bread & custard pie & crust for another. and Mother & I were just finishing lunch when a car drove in. Mr. & Mrs. Jenkinson and Mr. & Mrs. Kerrigan. Unevangelized Fields Mission - came from Kivu & Pauls. Got them lunch & they’ll stay the week end. They put their battery on to the radio & we got news.

Sun. Jan. 18

Sunny mostly but cool. Enjoying our guests. I want them to stay til Tues. but they may not. Miss N. had part of a chicken & we killed one so we had a nice dinner with lemon pie. They enjoy the hills and clouds etc. Wish Dad were here to take them places. Nice service this eve.

Mon. Jan. 19

Guests staid & I took them above the falls where they spent the A.M. I returned. This P.M. we went to the garden & turbine. They can’t fix the tire pump so haven’t tire pumped up. but will try again in morning. Spose folks are at Oicha.

Tues. Jan. 20

They got away a bit before 10 and met our folks on road. Stopt & talked. Ours got here ab’t 2. Agnes with ‘em. and Linquists are coming later. Mother was asleep when they got here. Have been hearing many things ab’t Conf.

Wed. Jan. 21

Cl. shot 2 elephants so we took Mother out to see them as they were near the road & also took her picture on one. No Linquists yet. So hot & dry. Grimshaws are at Oicha. Mr. to see Dr. Miss Dakin is also there still. No further word of Williams. Cl. goes to Oicha til W’s come.

Thur. Jan. 22

Linquists came as we finished lunch. also Miss Quackenbush. Guest house was ready. All native help gone to the elephants. but the cook pretty well staid on the job. Cl. took L’s out to see elephants. Some music this eve.

Fri. Jan. 23

All went above falls for A.M. of fun. back in time for lunch. Yuda killed pig this eve so had liver for supper. Agnes helped & we made marsh mallows & popped corn & had music. miss N. didn’t come - too tired. Rather expect Jim tomorrow.

Sat. Jan. 24

HOT Baked quite a bit. but now have finished flour borrowed from Miss N. No Jim yet. Others went to Paradise & scrambled up to the cave. Came back for lunch very tired but enjoyed it all. Ag. didn’t go. Had a nice sing til news & then Agnes & Mr. L. read a Cohen story.

Sun. Jan. 25

Hot again. Services as usual. John spoke. Boys were so good and attended both services. Had roast ham and dried apple pie. Miss N. furnished the apples. Had service this eve as usual. Then news and then Agnes read the “hin’s feet” darky sermon. Mother staid up for all.

Mon. Jan. 26

As Jim didn’t come, Cl. took Agnes & Mother home. He had to get several things. and as men were to have a mo. off, he returned, til next week. He stopt at de Wildes & got permission to go to the Lake tomorrow. so we made sandwiches etc for an early start. Dad & I wont go.

Tues. Jan. 27

I was up & getting things together at 4:30. They got off a bit after 5. It was cloudy & cold all day - rained down there. Cl. got a water buck on way down. They stopt at de Wildes again to get per. for going to baboon head. They will wait for Dr. on Thur. Had fire in grate this eve.

Wed. Jan. 28 Frieda Paul.

Mrs. L. not feeling very well. Getting things together. The ladies want to try it. so I may keep the children. Dad isn’t feeling very well. The cook has come back for work but he’s not very peppy. We filled 3 qts with meat & made a few sausages.

Thur. Jan. 29

A grand moonlight night but very hot today. Dr. came and then they got off. Grimshaws came with him. She looks so well - but he doesn’t. Dad took them & the boy took children for a walk up river while others got away. Mrs. L. almost decided not to go - because of children. They’ve been fine - only Donny didn’t want to nap. but this eve all went fine & both are asleep.

Fri. Jan. 30

Not so bad - being step-grandma. They are really very good youngsters. The boy looked after them while I baked hermits and cookies, processed some mutton and also the water buck sausages. So hot again & doesn’t even cool off this eve. Do wonder if folks got up today. Cl. loaned me money to pay the men.

Sat. Jan. 31

Mr. L. isn’t feeling so well. Baking & cleaning done & dinner overwith & some rest when they came. They are pretty tired and have some blisters and stiffness but all say they had a grand trip. Slept at the foot of the tail last night & had beautiful view of the mt. this morn. The de Wildes came & we had hi tea and now 7:45 every one has gone to bed.

Sun. Feb. 1

Hot again. Such a lot of outschool folks in that the communion wine didn’t reach. tho I made an extra glass. The folks that went up the hill are complaining of stiffness & no wonder. Miss Q. has some blisters that are sore. but they all insist they had a good time. War news not so good. Bangasi has fallen into German hands again.

Mon. Feb. 2

L’s gave us a number of ivory articles. so pretty. My, it is quiet & lonely here but not at Oicha. They got away after dinner. Cl. too. also a man to bring back the mail. Mate came & helpt with washing. School is on in full swing. So hot ‘twas hard to do any thing. Dad is bringing water over the east lawn & garden. It’s only a little after 7 and we are ready for bed.

Tues. Feb. 3

Still no rain & hot. Dad has water coming over the west lawn too & around the house. Helped a bit with ironing. Finished Shaffers letter & started one to Ray. Dad went to get avocadoes but brot a lot of peaches instead. Shall do some up tomorrow. gave ladies some. Every thing is drying up so fast.

Wed. Feb. 4

Canned 2 ½ qts. of peaches & made one glass of jam & 2 glasses of jelly. Hope we’ll get more - they are a treat. Getting rooms cleaned and beds made up ready for Chilsons next wk. if not this wk. Have a nasty cold. Kinyabila is sick with ‘grip. Miss N. calls it. Miss F. led prm’t’g.

Thur. Feb. 5

We were starting to eat supper when Miss N. came onto veranda bringing Mr. Ford and Mr. & Mrs. Chesterton, B.M.S. workers from Yakusu. friends of Palmers. They are going to Butembo but will stay here tomorrow & go on on Sat. Mr & Mrs C. have this guest room & Mr F the little corner room in guest house.

Fri. Feb. 6 Mrs. Guilding - 1946 - 60 yrs.

Dad took them up the river & even to the high point before dinner. and this P.M. we went to Paradise. It’s so dry all over even in these pretty valleys things look dry & wilted. The stream is quite small in paradise. Had music & popcorn tonight.

Sat. Feb. 7 Roy David Shaffer. 1925

A yr. ago today Cl. got back. & Paul & Lehrers. They got off after breakfast. so should have gotten to Butembo by 1 at least. Mr. & Mrs C. want to return the first Tues. in Mar. for a few days. Hope we’ll have room. A Mr. & Mrs. Buckley want to come soon too. We’re trying to hold all off til C’s come.

Sun. Feb. 8

O so hot. Some thunder but that’s all. A very hungry cat got into the cool cupboard and ate several little meat pies & dumped things around badly - door must have been left open. and tonight Sibamwenda brot a hen half eaten. She was sitting on 6 eggs - outside the house & a cat ate her. Yuda came & set the trap. Hope we get the bold thing. Am reading C.H.M. on Leviticus. I think it’s very interesting. Peaches & cream for dinner.

Mon. Feb. 9

Wrote Mary Brown birthday letter. Much cooler today - very cloudy. Dad has taken on 5 men for work around the church. getting ready for when Cl. comes to work. Got no cat last night. Trying again tonight. One of our nice kittens has been sick for 2 days. I told Yuda to tell Kinyabila to come to work. Miss N. says he is able. They said he is coming. Hotter than ever.

Tues. Feb. 10

Hot again altho there was a tiny shower & tonight lightening & thunder. Yuda brot peaches & I canned 1 ½ qts. Kinyabila returned to work. Wrote Ivy. Washed & ironed my liberty dress. Looks nice. Fixing up a thin blue silk that Mrs. W. left. ‘Twill do for P.M.s at least. putting belt in.

Wed. Feb. 11

Had a nice shower & cold wind. And just ab’t dark the Chilsons came - 2 cars & a trailer and 7 folks. We had all ready but the childrens’ beds. Now all are settled. Mrs. & Rachel in guest room. others in guest house. Wonder if rains are really on.

Thur. Feb. 12

When Dr came Cl. was with him and he said Udds were at Oicha ready to come. & they came before Dr left. Took Cl’s bed to guest house dining room & set up their two camp cots. So glad the table stretches. Boys all working well. Little sprinkles was all the rain for today.

Fri. Feb. 13

After dark this eve there was a nice rain. Supposed to read negro stories but when folks went to put children to bed it rained & they didn’t return. so we talked. Dad took them all even baby Jewell up the river. Came back for dinner. Mrs Udd seemed to enjoy it tho’ got pretty tired.

Sat. Feb. 14

“Plenty works” today. Cafeteria supper. baked choc. cake but didn’t get very nice. Dad & Mr Udd & Rachel, & Miss Ridgway & Esther went up to look out pt. Got started late so got back for dinner almost 2. Mr. Udd is quite a cut up too so there are lively times. Pop corn & music before news. Singapore is almost taken etc. etc. all very disappointing.

Sun. Feb. 15

All but Mrs. Udd & baby went to all meetings. Sun was very hot & very bright til second meeting when it clouded & this PM sprinkled a little. Had a nice sing this eve. Mrs C & the girls sang “Down from the Glory”. News at 8 & then Churchill at 10. Ladies staid for it. Singapore has fallen.

Mon. Feb. 16

Planned to go to paradise for dinner but after man had left with potatoes to make fire & roast em, it began to rain. so we called him back & ate the potatoes etc on front veranda. All rested this P.M. Went for walk to native village & past church. Dad has a lame back.

Tues. Feb. 17

They all went to paradise just for a walk & back before dinner. I baked a cake and Mrs. C. baked some crackers for Rachel. I started a letter to Mrs. Riebe. Went to Udds for a chat. They want to stay til they get all papers etc for T.T. [Tanganyika Territory] and also want to see Dr. Becker.

Wed. Feb. 18

Cl. came just after dinner & wants to go to Lake tomorrow. so we were busy all eve getting break & din for there. Mrs Udd can’t go as babe is not well but she wants me to go any way so I will. Cl. brot lots of mail - 2 letters from Ray & several home letters. Stuart Watts want to come soon.

Thur. Feb. 19 Shirley

Were up by 4:20 and off before 5. but Udds couldn’t go as baby has been sick & Mrs. U. not so well either. We saw over 50 elephant and as many buffalo but not so near. & took a side drive & saw lots of mpala & other buck. Cl. shot a water buck and bush buck and they killed a small pig so we have lots of meat.

Fri. Feb. 20

Worked at taking care of meat. Canned two jars of pork. but Cl. is having the canvas put on his car top. The girls are doing it mostly. so he went for elephant & decided not to go back to Oicha til Mon. as the men have plenty of work to do til he gets back. so will have more meat to do tomorrow because couldn’t send any to Oicha.

Sat. Feb. 21

Canned more meat and baked apple & peach pie, & cake etc. buns & bread. Busy all day but went for supper at the falls. They finish car top & Cl. coated it all dark green so looks real nice. ‘Twas a long job but they got it all done & it looks so much better. Cl. will go back Mon. morning. Pop corn & fudge.

Sun. Feb. 22

Meetings etc as usual only Miss Noweck didn’t come to dinner. We had it all arranged for her but when I let her know dinner was ready she sent word she was getting her own. “Too many” was her reason. Had a gay time with the children on the veranda after supper. Cl. leaves in the morning.

Mon. Feb. 23

Elephants were just below the garden this morning & Cl went for em & didn’t get back til after 2 P.M. then hadn’t shot any. Sambiri went too so got only part of the washing done. Every thing seemed to go wrong. Kinyabila didn’t come noon nor eve to set table. But the cake seems nice & the marshmallows too. Cl. got away after 3. Negro story [O.R. Cohen] tonight.

Tues. Feb. 24 Anne’s 3rd birthday.

Iced the cake. Went to the river for lunch but had tea & dessert which Miss. F. made, up here. Had jello but not very jelled. The cake was nicest Devils Cake I ever made. It stays so hot & dry. Sat out & talked til news time. They seem pretty well packed

Wed. Feb. 25

They got away ab’t 8. tho we hustled breakfast. Miss F. says while we were at the river yesterday Sambiri got into Rachel’s car & started it. I’ve said nothing to him but will let Cl. talk to him. De Wildes came ab’t 5. we had tea. Miss N. was over. Supper later. & prayermtg.

Thur. Feb. 26

Dr. came & brot butter and Ward parcels. 2 of them only. The 3 and largest & most interesting hasn’t come. Dad was provoked when half of the large package was shirts Miss N. had ordered. Buckleys want to come soon as possible. Pauls will come on Sat. Lots of nice letters. Ivy writes Mrs Guilding is in U.S.A.!

Fri. Feb. 27

Cl. came in time for lunch, goes early to get a buck for natives & us. Just as we had finished our supper Buckleys came bringing David Williams. We hadn’t beds made nor rooms cleaned. They are in the guest house. Mr Udd will go with Cl. early. have made lunch for them. hemmed the 4 new sheets. TIRED

Sat. Feb. 28

Cl & Mr Udd got off early & came back in time for dinner with 3 water buck. Pauls came too just in time so we are 12 again. Meeting tonight was well attended. Have car & loud speaker just beyond garage & place for boards as seats in circle driveway. Wire & electric lights make it very nice.

Couldn’t count every one but I estimated there were over 300 present. Quite a number held up hands for prayer & the team dealt with each individual. Twas most 10 when we came to bed & mt’g was still on. We do pray God’s spirit may work. Sambiri told Cl. he had started Rachels car. We fined him a mo. pay & Miss N. did her cook too as he had also meddled with several cars.

Sun. Mar. 1

Cl. says Alice heard from Mrs Williams that they may get a truck & come overland. boats wont take women. The blind man spoke at 9 A.M. mtg then we went to the school house for communion service & after that they again dealt with individuals. Dinner a bit late so P.M. mtg was at 3. Again good crowds. This eve showed pictures. Dad’s back is troubling so he came home before it was out & I did too. Didn’t rest this P.M. - chatted with Mrs Paul.

Mon. Mar. 2

Shower No Chestertons have come & I’m glad. Pauls will leave after break. & Cl. too. 3 mtg’s today. This P.M. women met & Mrs. Paul used her felt-o-graph. Very nice. Had a brisk shower this P.M. & hope for more. Pictures tonight.

Tues. Mar. 3

Pauls got away first & then Cl. got loaded & took a man to bring back post. No Chestertons yet so I don’t think they’ll come. Big washing is done. Still hot. milk curdles every day by noon. Wrote Co’s birthday letter. Guest room is cleaned and ready for next folks.

Wed. Mar. 4

David not feeling well. Went to garden and found a few things but it surely is dry and looks like ‘twould take a wk. of rain to soak it up. Seemed many things to do so got no writing done. Had avocadoes for supper. Stewed a few cape gooseberries too. Prayermtg tonight.

Thur. Mar. 5 Miss Meloon

David seems OK again. It rained a bit last eve at bed time & has been cloudy & rainy all day. Folks all went to their rooms at dark & Dad is pasting negro stories. & I’ve written Betongwe. Did some baking this A.M. Udds thot of going to Oicha so had avocadoes gathered. but now car isn’t running well enuf.

Fri. Mar. 6

Mended and finished fixing up the thin blue silk so I can wear it. Mrs. Williams left it. Baked corn bread. Mrs Buckley dropt the milk jug at supper & broke tray to salt & pepper - Mrs Kendall gave me. Then David later broke glass in door while playing with avocado seeds like balls.

Sat. Mar. 7

Aunt Lorene’s first birthday in heaven. Baked & did usual work but it was so rainy that ‘twas impossible to take mats out to clean. I took care of Jewell while the rest played Chinese checkers. Udds will try to get to Oicha on Mon. Car is not quite ready yet.

Sun. Mar. 8

Dad had quite severe pain at bedtime. in abdomen right side so had hot water bottle & hot drink & ab’t 11- an enema. Stayed in bed all day. and ate very little. Chicken broth for dinner. Men worked at car to have ready if he got worse & needed to go to Oicha. Seems better this eve.

Mon. Mar. 9

Udds got away right after breakfast. Took a lot of their stuff along for they do not know how long they’ll need to stay. Dad is feeling better so decided not to go. Rainy this P.M. & the wash was still out. B’s bicked avocadoes.

Tues. Mar. 10

Worked in garden between showers. Got all Mother H’s seeds planted. Those she got from Calif. Wash still on line at noon but got dry this P.M. Udds have not returned so we have no post either. Wrote letters this P.M. Head is not comfy. wants to ache. Dad called the men to come to work - only 3 came.

Wed. Mar. 11

Udds came back ab’t 4 brot mail & 3rd parcel. Spent most A.M. sowing more seeds. A yr. ago this morning I fell & broke my shoulder. How I thank
God it is so well. Almost as good as ever. Mr. Buckley has been in bed most all day. sore leg & fever. They are both here because ordered to get a 2 mo. rest. both have amoebic dysentery. Miss F. led mtg.

Thur. Mar. 12

Rained most all day. Dr. came & Cl also Misses Edna & Dakin. ‘Twas so nice having them here. Dr & Cl worked at radio & found tiny light bulb burned out & when they put another in it worked fine as well as when we first got it. Heard Churchill. The things in Ward parcel are very nice. My dress is very large so it will need to be altered before I can wear it. Dad likes his Waltz book. Moved orange tree up here.

Fri. Mar. 13

Dad is enjoying his new music book. So nice having the radio again. Worked in garden sowing more seed. til 11 when it began raining and was showery all P.M. tho Dad’s men said they worked. He is cutting a path straight up here from side church door. thro coffee patch. Every one is enjoying avocadoes so much & I’m very grateful for ‘em, so little to be had these days.

Sat. Mar. 14

Tried baking with very little white flour but not so good. Can’t grind fine enuf to be really nice. De Wildes came. had tea then supper later on. Popped corn & made fudge & had radio most all eve. Miss N. was at Miss F’s. I think they meet for prayer on Sat. night.

Sun. Mar. 15

A lovely day. No rain but not too much sun shine - just enuf to be pleasant. Miss F. went to villages but got back for dinner. Finished Littlejohns’ letter and got notes ready for Cl. & Agnes. 12 allies’ boats sunk & 8 Japs. around Philipines & Pac. in last 2 wks.

Mon. Mar. 16

Mrs de Wilde sent celery & endive & eggplant. so thankful. Almost thot I must sprinkle little seeds but haven’t yet. It rained a few drops so may get more tonight. Have taken on a couple more boys to help get weeds down. O dear it’s hard to find things for meals - that is a variety - and hard to bake with almost no white flour.

Tues. Mar. 17

A heavy down pour came ab’t 11. Dad came up from work in it. That takes care of all watering - and does it thoroly. Baked bread of corn meal & wheat meal – not too bad. Am making yeast. tho without white flour hot breads are best. Am wondering what to have on Sat.

Wed. Mar. 18

Started to rain ab’t 11 and rained hard. Also a bit just after break. so no school. Am having wheat & corn ground. Takes a good deal with so little veg. variety. We do get on tho & something comes each meal. We are sad again because Sambiri has been accused of adultery. He says he hasn’t committed it but others say he’s been tormenting several women writing notes to some.

Thur. Mar. 19

So glad for avocadoes. they do help. The man got in ab’t 4. Cl. had given him rides as he was going to Beni for petrol. Not much mail. but announcement of arrival of Alice Elizabeth Propst Feb. 21. So glad. Harriet wrote she had sent the parcel. So twill soon come.

Fri. Mar. 20

Prayer Day. at least for Miss F. & me. There’s difference of opinion ab’t the shauri of Sambiri. Dad says wait for Cl. but some of us think better be settled at once. Baked corn bread. and pie crusts of whole wheat. Made prune jelly for tomorrow. Have some cleaning done.

Sat. Mar. 21

De Wildes came ab’t 9:30. Enjoyed having them here. Had tea before they left at 3. Ab’t 4:30 the church met & called for us to take up Sambiri’s case & decide what to do. Dad had said “wait for Cl.” but the ladies didn’t think best. Miss N. presided. It rained very hard all the hr. I finally came at 5:30. I hadn’t seen any sense to my being there - it was an affair of the native church. ‘Twas decided S. should leave til he could show he could live right.

Sun. Mar. 22

O my, what a day! Mr. Buckley spoke at first mt’g and when Dad spoke at 2nd he read Jno. 8. and said what was done yesterday was not legal but for nothing etc etc. Ladies & we all are so sorry he did it but he seemed to think it alright. They didn’t come to dinner nor for evening mt’g. Dad has consented to talk it over together tomorrow eve. so we pray there may be some things explained.

Mon. Mar. 23

And what a night! I feel like I’d been thro a spell of fever. and the other workers look like they had too. I paid off Sambiri and others are on the job. Feel a bit more free this eve but always that heavy feeling on my heart. I wish so Dad would talk things over & try to straighten things out but he thinks it is best to keep still. talking does no good. but how then have fellowship?

Tues. Mar. 24

I made another “stab” at reconciliation with no better results than before. Miss N. says she has nothing personal against us but the work has rec’d such a set back that until it’s made right things can’t go on. Busairio is getting onto the work. Mate helpt both yesterday & today. I cant think of any thing to do now but to pray. & ask the Spirit to guide each one of us.

Wed. Mar. 25

No ladies came for prayer m’t’g. I may be making too much fuss in my heart ab’t the trouble but I can’t feel happy when we aren’t having fellowship. Mr. Buckley worked under his car all A.M. & has been quite ill this P.M. perhaps fever. but his side pains him. his trouble is amoebic dysentery.

Thur. Mar. 26

Williams are in T.T. & should be here any day. Dr. only came. Not much mail either. but Agnes sent me 22 kilos of flour - of Engelbrechts which she got. I made b.p. biscuits for every body for dinner. Lots of thundering ab’t noon but didn’t rain hard til ab’t 3:10 just as Dr. left. Every thing is well soaked again.

Fri. Mar. 27

And w’atta day! Ab’t 3:30 P.M. it began to rain - then hail then blow from all directions at once - it seemed. I couldn’t get windows closed quickly enuf. pictures & mottoes went flying. It blew a gale and rained so hard we couldn’t see the school house & when we could it was down. Miss F was there & got them out as fast as she could but one woman was hurt. Miss N. says not serious. but all were panicky and hysterical. Don’t know how much damage was done to books & slates. Big fig tree is badly broken down & several others are down. Miss N’s big one went down the precipice.

Sat. Mar. 28

No rain today. Dad trimmed up several trees. The fig is a bare stump & stumps of branches as the heavy leafy ends had to be cut off. Miss F’s boy did it under Dad’s directions. We’ve not put back the fence either. so we haven’t much of a screen ‘tween us now. We’ll hope Cl. will be here by next wk. this time.

Sun. Mar. 29

Weather was fine for outdoor meeting under the tree in the drive before the garage. Just a little sun but not hot. Yuda’s wife is in labor so Miss N couldn’t come to dinner & Miss F. went to villages - so sent dinner to both. Yuda was excused from work this eve. Haven’t heard how his wife is. Just ab’t dark it began to rain & rained hard til after our mt’g. No ladies nor Udds came. Prayed much for Dad’s service this A.M. but haven’t heard if his message pleased or not.

Mon. Mar. 30

Yuda’s wife died just at dark last eve - so he didn’t come to work. I wanted to help Miss N. but she’s too tired & fussed to have any one around. Miss F. tried school in house & on lawn and got on. Men gathered up a lot of broken trees for kiln fires. Bricks aren’t greatly damaged. We’re out of potatoes & it’s hard to get on without.

Tues. Mar. 31

Showers all day. Yuda came back to work. His little girl was with him at first this morning but guess he found he couldn’t work well if she was under his feet. Don’t know if Miss F. is going to take her. Boys did ironing - took them both til 2 P.M!! I had to run up & see ab’t things many times - results aren’t too bad tho. Pay day but I’m waiting til Cl. brings cash. He might come tomorrow.

Wed. Apr. 1

This was April fool for us cause we thot Cl. would come & he didn’t. Spect he will on Sat. Yuda is back on the job faithful as ever. The little girl is with F’s girls. Neither of ladies came to pr. mtg. I led. O dear if I could only know what I should do to correct things. Both are very pleasant.

Thur. Apr. 2 Aunt Ellen

Wonder if Aunt Ellen has her letter. Cl. came ab’t 7. Had killed a buck on way. & brot potatoes. Also says Williams got to Oicha a wk ago. Couldn’t come here too loaded & too rainy. Letters from Stuart Watts & Lasses. Former are not coming now. Latter will be here ab’t the 20th. $5. from Steeles for Xmas. Thank God. & I’m sure the other will come too. Am asking for 150 dollars for school must be built.

Fri. Apr. 3

Cl. getting settled. Had roast meat. Such a lot I could have bottled some but seems so much other work to do. Put some into salt & hope twill be nice corned. Dad works hard every day with men getting wood for burning bricks.

Sat. Apr. 4

Cl. asked us to come together & talk things over & they finally agreed to come but don’t know if any good was done. They said they’d come to prayer mtg. & to communion tomorrow. but ‘twasn’t done very happily, & I wonder if I made a mistake in urging for the mtg. God forgive. I thot I acted in the Spirit.

Sun. Apr. 5 Easter

Ladies came to communion but not to dinner; but to evening service. Cl. leaves ab’t 4 in morning for Betongwe. He wants to get things settled so as to report to Council when next they meet. Also looks for tires & car parts at Mambasa. He intends trying the new road Beni to Mambasa - one way road.

Mon. Apr. 6

Guess he got away in good time. I was awake at 4:30 but he had gone. Fixed up a large tin of lunch for he didn’t intend stopping much along the way. Last year I was counting days til time when my arm could come out of the splint. Didn’t accomplish much. I have to keep an eye on the washing & that takes time.

Tues. Apr. 7

The man that went with Cl. came back just after dinner today. Wonder if Cl is at Betongwe tonight. He intended staying in Gov’t rest house. Hope he brings some flour when he returns. Made skirt & dress for Yuda’s girl today from tails of Cl’s old shirts. Reminded Miss F. it is her turn to lead pr mtg. but she says she doesn’t want to.

Wed. Apr. 8 King Albert’s birthday so a holiday

Miss N. led pr mtg & all staid for 8 PM. news but we couldn’t find it because the battery was down. Dad worked all day & no sleep so he’s very tired. Mrs. Udd helpt to fit the brown silk that Moody gave me so long ago. I’ll use it as house dress.

Thur. Apr. 9

Dr. came as usual but brot no one with him. Says W’s are very busy getting settled in Harry’s house & altering it to fit their needs. Brot mail & tho the customs slip came there was no parcel. Had strawberry whip for supper. Looked pretty.

Fri. Apr. 10

No Cl. yet. Have the pole work all done on new school building. and started to tie on the matete [elephant grass stems] which keeps the mud in place. My, it is getting so dry. I keep watering the little seeds but not many of the Calif ones have come up. Lots of poppies were up but many have died.

Sat. Apr. 11

Cl. is making a stay of it. Dad thinks he’s at Lolwa for the week end. Maybe. Did usual baking. Miss N. killed a pig. & let us have half. I put up 2 qts. as it was a bit much for us to use up fresh.

Sun. Apr. 12

Cl. came last night at 10:30. He didn’t want any thing to eat but wanted only to sleep, he said. Made lemon filling for pies while he told me of his trip. They are engaged. They will come for vacation in Aug. Miss Winters is not very well. Busy all P.M. getting letters off. He is sending my ring with opals to exchange for a diamond.

Mon. Apr. 13

The bricks are burning. They are planning a trip to the Lake on Thurs. Cl. will go but not Dad & I. I went to sleep first last night & Dad didn’t know it so the lantern burned til 11:15 when I wakened & put it out. Mrs. Udd cut out my brown striped dress today after Mrs. Buckely’s pattern.

Tues. Apr. 14 Miss Grindley

Bricks are about finished burning. It rained a lot this A.M. & some this P.M. too but not hard enuf to hurt them. Worked at dress a bit. but boys had not ironed well so had to do much over. Miss F. called to ask Cl. to perform ceremony for one of her girls & a young man from here tomorrow.

Wed. Apr. 15

Got lunch ready for all. & break. of course. Mr. Udd made a new wash board for us. I’m very grateful. They will take his car tomorrow. A sprinkle of rain only. 1 of Miss F’s girls was married this eve. Cl. performed the ceremony outside the garage.

Thur. Apr. 16

They got off by 5 & back by 7. Cl. shot a buck. Man came from
Beni but brot no flour. Then this eve the Oicha man came & brot no parcel but quite nice mail. They saw lots of animals Cl. said as good or better than ever before. They are all tired but happy. Letters from Ray.

Fri. Apr. 17

Prayer Day. Much pleasanter than last mo. Dad’s cold seems better. He’s been at work all day. I made 2 new sorts of candy - for Sun. eve. Spoke with Mrs Udd as to what to do for announcements. I’ll try baking cookies & will write their names on ‘em with icing & serve with jello. Rained.

Sat. Apr. 18

Finally by 8 P.M. Mrs. Udd & I got the cookies finished. Baked chocolate hearts & iced them & wrote their names on. [small sketch of valentine-shaped cookie with initials on it] I worked til 3 P.M. Baked a choc. cake & put layers together with left over icing - & will put fudge icing on top later. Both Miss N & Miss F. came in while I was working at the cookies. Miss N. sent a large pan of lovely strawberries.

Sun. Apr. 19

Had mtg in the school house tho the roof is only partly on & sides partly mudded. Miss F. didn’t go to villages. The sun is so hot these days. It’s lightening all round tonight. Ladies came for supper. Miss N. gave me a tin of tuna fish & I made a baked macaroni dish. Then had nice salad. & jello with few strawberries & cookies. The ladies said they knew it (engagement) was coming.

Mon. Apr. 20 Hitler is 53 today. 61 for me.

Very rainy all A.M. so Buckleys didn’t get away til after dinner and then were back for supper as they found the big bridge out at Matwangas. Cl. is ready to go there & camp while putting up a school that was burned. so he’ll likely go tomorrow so as to be there when Lasses come. By then it will be possible for folks to cross.

Tues. Apr. 21

Sort o got beds ready for Lasses but they’ve not come. Cl. went to Matwangas after break & found one of the large beams of the bridge quite a way down stream wedged against rocks. so found some planks & made a foot bridge. Came home ab’t 1 & got his camp things & will get at the building. Then if Lasses come tomorrow he can bring them up. Sent a man to Beni with post.

Wed. Apr. 22

No Lasses yet. where can they be. Do hope Dr. comes tomorrow and brings things. Made muffins with mohogo [cassava] and corn meal mostly. Have pan cakes every morn. of corn & wheat meal & some mohogo. Strawberries are on now. can’t make much jam as there is no sugar. All out to prayer mt’g. Thank God.

Thur. Apr. 23

Dr. brot Jack Litchman and course Cl. brot them from the river. Then we sent a man to meet Lasses & tell them to wait for Cl’s return. so they did. and Miss Brown came too. so we are a pretty good crowd. 15. Mrs Udd is not feeling well so I sent a tray for her & baby. Dick is with David & Miss B. in corner room. No parcel yet.

Fri. Apr. 24

After break. Cl took Mr. L. & got the things from the car that they couldn’t bring yesterday. They brot flour how grateful and lots of tinned things. So glad for all. but had to send men for sugar. Hope ours will hold out til they get back. Baking bread tomorrow but not cake nor cookies. Raining this eve. Mrs U & Babe sit at little table. Mrs. U. finished brown stripes dress today. it’s very nice.

Sat. Apr. 25

Cut up the pig - not too big for us to manage all. Baked 3 pumpkin pies. Mrs L. brot tinned. Cl. came ab’t 11:30. Dad took the crowd up the valley for a walk but river is so hi they couldn’t go a far as they wanted to. Baked bread & it is lovely & light. had fresh biscuits & honey for dinner.

Sun. Apr. 26

Meetings as usual. Took the organ & Dad played & Mr Lasse played his trombone. I came home after first mtg. Had fresh pork & it seemed very good. Dick was quite sick again last night so is lying down most of the time. Has sub normal temp. Miss N. is prescribing for him. Had long sing. Udds staid for it. Mr L. played.

Mon. Apr. 27

Strawberry short cake for supper. Boy washed til late. He’s slow but pretty thoro. Cl., Mr. Lasse, Udd & Buckley & all workmen went to work at bridge. took lunch. Got one large beam across. Mr de Wilde is sending a bunch of men too. So had dinner at supper time. My head aches sort o’ like sinus or nose trouble. Mrs. L. made Miss Brown’s dress. All done but hem.

Tues. Apr. 28

Buckleys think they can cross the bridge by noon tomorrow. All went again today. Such a big ironing & the boys are so slow. I helpt quite a bit. The bread seems very good again. so thankful cause it takes quite a bit for lunch. Mrs Udd finished the brown silk & now I’ll wear it for house dress.

Wed. Apr. 29

Buckleys waited for Cl’s note & then it was too late - almost 4 P.M. So he took the car down & across & left it & came back with them. Now they’ll go tomorrow after break. We made a cake for David’s birthday tomorrow. Mrs. Udd fixed it very pretty. Picked strawberries & boiled up some for Oicha. Miss N. led pr mtg.

Thur Apr. 30

Miss N’s strawberries gave us short cake for supper and 7 glasses of jam. Buckleys went with Cl. and haven’t returned so they must have gotten on. Lasses are all in the guest room here. They think they prefer it to the rooms at the guest house. We’ll see. Mail came but no parcels.

Fri. May 1

Paid all men & tho I had to take it from Cl’s box I’ll have enuf to pay back. Thank God. Men came from de Wildes bringing sugar, potatoes etc from Agnes. she sent it by de W’s who had been at Oicha. All went to Paradise for lunch.

Sat. May 2

Dad & 3 Lasse men went to next valley north. Cl. came ab’t 10. Picnic folks didn’t get back til late supper but said they had a nice time. I baked & we had lamb stew & dumplings. It’s so nice to have flour. Buns didn’t get very nice. I used old yeast! Ans. to Cl’s note for permission to go to baboon head was a refusal - said we should stay to assigned paths!

Sun. May 3 Beka’s 22 birthday.

Communion service. Only ab’t half got in building for first mtg. How glad we’ll be when we get the church. Quiet restful P.M. Sun is hot. no sign of rain.

Mon. May 4

Packed all ready for Lake in morn. then tomorrow night to the rest house. Cl. drives his car to bridge then Lasses from there on. Washed hair. made strawberry jam & had lots for supper. Miss N’s are ab’t finished. Mr. L. working at book shelf.

Tues. May 5

They were off a bit after 5. Guess they had a pleasant day. No rain here but hot sun. Wrote Miss Winters.

Wed. May 6

They came just at dark. Had a wonderful time seeing animals. all sorts & lots. Cl. shot a water buck. part grown so will use as much as possible ourselves. Cl. was to take pr. mtg but had no time to prepare so I took it.

Thur. May 7

Dr. came. Cl. went to bridge to meet him. Brot some butter & mail. Processed 3 jars of meat. Roasted a leg. Put quite a bit into brine. Letter from Kens. They have been granted 3 mo. leave & want to come up here, after next term of school.

Fri. May 8 36th anniversary.

Had cafateria supper. with jello & cherries & choc. cake. Mrs L. & Mrs Udd cut out & partly got green dress together. ‘Twill be very pretty & useful too. O yes had tuna fish macaroni for supper. Yum. L’s brot the fish.

Sat. May 9

Matayo brot his pig last eve so we killed it. Miss N. took 1/3 of it & we are making salt pork of some. May have some to can on Mon. not today. Baking went alright. Ladies sewed & fitted my dress. Very nice & I’m grateful to them. Pop corn.

Sun. May 10

Usual services. Mr. L’s lips are sore so couldn’t play the trombone. He spent all A.M. out some place. Miss F. to villages. I sent dinner over. I read too long so missed 8 oclock news. but staid up to hear Mr. Churchill at 9. His talk not very encouraging.

Mon. May 11

Decided to try for a picnic over in 2nd valley. All went in car then cut their way thro matete. Rained & they came back pretty wet but declaring they had a good time. Kitchen is like Chinese laundry. Things must get dry to pack tomoro.

Tues. May 12

Boys ironed all day. Cl took Ls to Matwangas & didn’t get back til 11:30 so we hustled lunch & he had just gone a little while when it started to rain - from his direction & kept it up. is still at it some. L’s haven’t returned so hope they are at Oicha.

Wed. May 13

Mended. Samuele broke the pretty vase we take flowers to church in. He just seems to have all the bad luck. Busairio didn’t come. sick. so Mate helpt & we got things pretty well cleaned up. Now let guests come.

Thur. May 14

No mail man yet. Cl. will be disappointed. Wonder if Mrs Becker is keeping him to send butter. Rained again this P.M. Workmen do very little these days. Busairio still ill so I helpt a lot with the wash. Soaked all sheets last night. Almost nothing got dry before rain.

Fri. May 15

Man got here ab’t 2. Too late to send on to Cl. today. A wire from Barnetts says arriving 16. 5 Barnetts. So our guest beds aren’t having much rest. Have written Cl. & given all to a man to take early. A lovely home made Mother’s Day card from Gladys & lovely letter. God bless her.

Sat. May 16 Mr. Udd.

While at break. a note came from Mr. de Wilde asking Cl. to come help fix his car as the Kisindi bridge is out & the car wont go. Mr. Udd went & worked all day. Home by 5. Left word with him to bring B’s to our bridge if they come. Birthday supper. Rodney carried in the cake. Both ladies came. Miss F made salad very nice.

Sun. May 17

Miss F to villages and had a heavy rain & wind ab’t 2 P.M. She didn’t come to eve service. Man came from Oicha brot a bit of butter. etc. A note from Cl. too. such lots of rain. streams all hi. Have heard nothing of B’s. Hope Cl. finishes before he comes back.

Mon. May 18

No Barnetts yet. Just as I was getting C’s letter ready this morn. the man returned with a letter from him - saying he was so tickled to know B’s are coming. he thot he should stay & finish his visiting & course now when he knows they haven’t yet come he will feel he’s doing the right thing. He’s having a very wet, muddy time of it. Gladys wrote a lovely letter. Later: Just while writing the above Mr Udd called that they were at the bridge. he went

Tues. May 19

(continued from yesterday.) but they were settled for the night & the river was very high so decided to stay where they were. I had supper all ready. This morn. right after break. Dad & Mr Udd went to bring them & when they got to the bridge here they had brot their car & trailer across. They were surprised. & so were we to see their car come in. They brot lots of nice things. Also brot word that Mr. L.H. Downing died - heard it over the radio at Kaimosi. Don’t know just when but after operation in Nairobi for prostate gland.

Wed. May 20

Went to garden and turbine. Wrote at letters but had a note from Mr. de Wilde that the pontoon [on Semliki] is not repaired so Dr can’t come & he is going to take away the timbers of the bridge for fear they’ll wash away. When water goes down it will be built. Sent man to Cl. telling him Paul is coming.

Thur. May 21

First thing this morning a man came with a note to say the pontoon is repaired & Dr. could come. & he did & Miss Dakin & Mr. Epp came. Mr Udd went to bridge & then Dr. drove his (U’s) car back & U went to help de Wilde. Dr. hustled with his work & was ready to go ab’t 1:30. Miss D. is very jolly. Dad says too much so. but she says she’s restored. Cl sent note saying he’ll meet Paul on path tomorrow.

Fri. May 22 Cora 1888

Cut up and took care of the meat. Canned 3 qts. Paul got away right after breakfast with 3 men. No rain here today so hope he got on alright. Getting mail off this P.M. Man goes in the morning. Miss F brot some very nice cookies for supper and we’re having them with coffee for break.

Sat. May 23

Didn’t do much baking nor any thing else, seems like but I was busy. Cl. sent man with his letter to Mr. Van Dusen. Course our man had gone this morn. I went to the village & called for a man to go quickly & I hope he gets there before Jim leaves.

Sun. May 24

Every thing as usual. Mrs. B. is aching much especially in the muscles of her legs. Apparently from Yellow fever serum. Paul & Mr B. had reactions too but neither of the girls. Wrote the sisters this P.M. Wonder if both runners are at Oicha.

Mon. May 25

Just ab’t 3:15 the boys came in. Wet most of the way up. for they waded streams. We’re all happy to have them back again. Mrs. Udd isn’t feeling a bit well these days so I gave her a bottle of atebrin to take. She worked at my dress a bit this P.M.

Tues. May 26

A day of just little things that don’t count much. but I feel sad tonight because I’m afraid some one is taking things again. I found a donut under the cloth covering bread on pantry table. How did it get there? I’ll talk to Yuda tomorrow ab’t it. Cl. drove to Matwangas & met Mr de Wilde and they agreed to work on the bridge tomorrow.

Wed. May 27

Mr B & the 4 youngsters went to work at the bridge. Mr. Williams came & Paul brot him & the groceries and he took back food for Dr Becker. Mail came just before dinner. Folks didn’t get back til late - so hustled to eat before pr. mtg. Cl. got Gladys’s ring. Its very pretty. I like it better than Dorothy’s. It’s pretty expensive tho. & sending it by post was more still.

Thur. May 28

Cl. & Paul went for elephant & got one by 10 A.M. so sent word to de Wilde to send his men to get what they wanted & we went. took pictures and lunched beside the river. It was near the village just across the river. Got back ab’t 2 just before rain came. Boys washed all day & then didn’t finish all khakis. Spoke with Mrs B. ab’t rings & I feel happier ab’t it. Cl. says he still has enuf for the Kenya trip if we get permission for it.

Fri. May 29 Willie B’s birthday

Bread got much nicer today. The 3 men went to bridge and now it is finished and Mon. they want to go to the Lake & stay the night at the rest house. Sewed Cl. a pyjama jacket to wear with old but not worn out trousers. Hard rain this P.M.

Sat. May 30

The 4 young folks went to the second valley for the day. Did usual work. and put up 13 qts. of pickles dill & sweet. Yakobo came back & Mate wants to stop work but I’d like him to stay on. We’ll see tomorrow. girls made peanut brittle.

Sun. May 31

Break. & lunch for 6 all packed & ready. Cl & 5 B’s go to the Lake tomorrow & return. Mate will stay on and Yakobo will help too. He goes to school A.M. so can’t do much til P.M. & Busairio & Mate will do what they can in A.M. Kinyabila doesn’t want to go for milk but wanted to come back at table work but I like Samuele better.

Mon. June 1

They got off early and back very late. They brot legs of water buck because they had to carry it so far. They saw lots of buffalo and all the other animals & think they got some good pictures of elephant. I pd. men and put glass in door & did all sorts of little things. Hemmed my green dress - belt is very pretty.

Tues. June 2

Every one rather tired and quiet. Baked Dad’s birthday cake & iced it. Talked over future plans. They said they wanted to go next Tues. We are urging another week at least. Ruth thinks she must be back but the rest all want to stay. so we’ll see what we see. De Wildes can’t come tomorrow but sent a parcel for Dad.

Wed. June 3 Dad - 64 today.

And now it’s over. De Wildes parcel was a carved head from ebony - very pretty - he also sent fresh fish. could catch only 5. Barnetts 5 gave Dad Sh. 100- and Udds a 1 dollar bill. All will be very handy if we go to Kenya. Went up river for lunch & home for tea & pie. Then all here to cafeteria supper. Ruth decorated the cake lovely. Cl & Paul got back late.

Thur. June 4

Miss Dakin came with Dr. says she’s going to stay til she goes home! She sleeps at Miss F’s. Seems her trouble is that way - once in dumps & then very hilarious. Council have granted us 2 mo. leave. Mc Intoshes are coming for Oct-Dec. as they want to get away for awhile. We are all going to Oicha tomorrow. we B’s & S’s. Nice letter from R & S. & 2 each from Lo & Co. and Mrs. Uhlinger!

Fri. June 5

8 of us in Udd’s car! - We were off by 8:30 but took time at ivory place & at Greeks so it was after 12 by the time we got to Bells & then after lunch walked around & saw folks & things & started back. Got here ab’t 7:30 all tired & Dad so shook up he couldn’t eat any supper. Got groceries so were pretty well packed & too crowded.

Sat. June 6

Today our yesterday’s trip looks better. We had a very nice time. Several of the crowd were ill in the night - thot it was candy. but don’t know. Baked & stewed as usual. It’s so hot these days & no rain.

Sun. June 7

Quiet day. Mr. Udd, Paul & Cl. are going to Bunia early tomorrow. so we are all writing letters to get off by them. Still hot. & dry. Miss D. staid for part of first service only. She goes for walks as soon as it’s day light.

Mon. June 8

Boys got off by 4 A.M. in Cl’s car. We went for picnic lunch to paradise. Miss D. went in swimming clothes & all & then walked all way home bare footed & changed her clothes and was back again just as we finished ours. a boy guided her.

Tues. June 9

Boys came in ab’t 9. had been at Oicha all night & left there 4:30 & had a hunt but got nothing. Worked at Cl’s car all day as he wanted to leave early for Betongwe - but didn’t finish up so he’ll wait til Fri. when he can go on the one way road beyond Beni. B’s are pretty well packed. Expect to leave by 6. Alarm set for 4.

Wed. June 10

Up at 4:15. I had break. ready by 5:30 but not all were ready to eat. but they got away by 6:30. Wonder where they are tonight. Do hope they’ll hear something more definite ab’t Arthur’s coming. Cleaned rooms. made up beds. Cl. working at his car. D. went to Mutwangas for walk. Got blistered heel.

Thur. June 11

Did big washing again. and baked good bread. Cl. is all set to get off early. Miss Dakin wanted to go to Wamba with him but it’s so far and then the folks are at their Conf. at Ibambe. so she isn’t going. Ripped dark red dress from Wards. will make it smaller.

Fri. June 12

Miss Dakin sorted wool and started knitting up the odds & ends. There are enuf blocks for around outside & inside we’ll put every thing that’s left. Got a couple of letters written. Dress is done but just finishing off. It looks much better.

Sat. June 13

Killed the sheep that Cl. brot from the north. Bread isn’t nice today. Eatable but not nice. Mrs. Udd not well today. My head is bad this eve. a cold keeps my throat clogged. Wonder what Gladys thinks of our plans by now. Miss D. knits continually.

Sun. June 14

Everything much as usual. Yuda preached. He wanted to leave at noon to see a friend so we got supper without him. Had mutton stew & dumplings. & berry pie. Miss F. went to Mutwangas for mtg at an out school I think.

Mon. June 15

Made some cape tom [tree tomato] jell and butter. Went to garden too and took down curtains in sitting room and pictures ready to pembe walls & ceiling tomorrow. Miss D. has gotten interested in old “Inland Afs” and spends lots of time looking thro them.

Tues. June 16

Wonder if Cl. is coming this way even now in the night. It’s the day he can come in this direction & course we are expecting him. We got the whole living room pembed. Mr. Udd came & helpt awhile. It looks pretty wet & blotchy now. I’m tired. It took so long to get the pembe [clay whitewash] right.

Wed. June 17

No Cl. yet. we wonder why not. Busairio pembed the floor and we put organ back but not the mat as it’s not dry. Had pr mtg in dining room. Miss Dakin thinks she better go with Dr. tomorrow. We’ll see. wish Cl. would come. washed curtains but white aren’t very white. led pr mtg.

Thur. June 18

When Dr. came he brot things Paul H’s sent as well as the Stanleyville order!! Miss N. is quite disgusted. No flour at all & my “case” of soap seems only part. Pretty well decides us - no more S-ville orders by truck. Dr. also brot notes from several asking Daki to come to Oicha & help so she went. She mended the rug & dusted books. I got pictures up. All looks lovely.

Fri. June 19

Cl. came at 9:30 last eve. Girls & Griffins are coming for Sept. Imhoffs want to come right after the Aru wedding. Cl. went to Nobe for Sun. P.M. Both girls went along. Then stopt at Andudu. So that’s why he was late coming back. Miss N. killed a pig. we got half. Today I feel so tired. Not much to do tomorrow.

Sat. June 20

Baked as usual. Then mended all P.M. Got the man with mail off before breakfast. Seems all wrong to be sending today but that’s the way it works out with lorries running as they do.

Sun. June 21

Rainy most all day. Mtgs as usual. Miss F. didn’t go to villages so had dinner here. Last year were enjoying our AGM [Assemblies of God Mission] guests & little dreamt that in a yr. we’d be all full of plans for a wedding. The Lord seems to be opening the way. We all do want Him to lead.

Mon. June 22 Elmer. S. [Stockwell]

Cl. said better let men get sand & then they can get at it tomorrow so that’s what they did. I took down curtains and moved some things. Twill go quickly in morning. Mended & fixed things. Hope mail comes tomorrow.

Tues. June 23

Mail man came but not a thing. Udds got a telegram ab’t their permit which was missent. Now they’ll soon get passport visas. Agnes wants Mother to come while they go to Aru. & Pauls are here. That’s fine. Dakin is doing very well over at Oicha.

Wed. June 24

Men carried dirt & sand & water & pounded the floor & Cl. finished it off so it looks most like cement. Has it level with the door sills. Looks very nice and hope it wont crack. Miss N. led pr. mtg. Heavy rain.

Thur. June 25

Ab’t 11:30 Jim & Agnes and Mr & Mrs Brashler came. Twas lovely seeing them & they took a man & are sending him back with post. but we’ll send a man to Beni tomorrow too with letters. Agnes says all current issue stamps must be used before Aug. 1. New issue is out.

Fri. June 26 Kenneth D., O. Brand

Pembed dining walls & ceiling today but it doesn’t look as nice as the living room. The last time pembed it was not nice, very sandy so ours got somewhat sandy too. It’s sort o’ cracking in spots too. But it’s better than it was. Washed my hair too. & wrote 2 letters. My right arm is rather lame.

Sat. June 27

Mail man got in ab’t 8 P.M. Quite a nice lot of letters and magazines. Ivy asks ab’t coming while we are away. Letter from Lo. all well there. Mrs. McKenrick wrote that Ray was ordained in Apr. No letter from them tho. Nothing for Udds. Cl. put a back onto the couch bed.

Sun. June 28

Father Downings birthday. Don’t suppose they celebrate in heaven. All services as usual. Wrote some this PM & went for walk. Battle in Egypt has begun. 130 mi. in Egypt from Libya.

Mon. June 29

Took some things to guest house. Stuffed the large round pillow with cotton. & fixed up several others. Wrote Kens an air mail. on typewriter. Egypt battle is waging at Matruk. Italians claim victory but no official announcement. Fighting at night too because it’s moonlight.

Tues. June 30

Have things in guest house pretty nearly ready. Udds are getting packed. Will leave after lunch tomorrow. They feel quite sure they’ll get off and I hope for their sakes they can. Are moved back into dining room & it is nice - especially the floor.

Wed. July 1

Pauls got here before Udds left. They had lunch ready to eat on way but decided to come in & so ate on the veranda. Chas. & Paul Jr. & Randall Brown came on bicycles. Hugh is not well. He has grown so - really all of them have. We are 13 at table so if Udds come back we’ll have to set a table on veranda.

Thur. July 2

Dr. came & brot a bag of Uganda sugar and with what Paul’s brot we should have enuf for awhile. Mrs. Williams writes Miss Dakin is not behaving very well. wont eat. Bells may bring Mother next Mon. Udds haven’t yet returned so, either they got passports or else mail came very late. Got 20 hymn books & 200 are needed.

Fri. July 3 Agnes. [Bell]

No one has turned up yet, so they must have gone on. & if so they are likely at Kivu tonight. Hope Cl. can get back soon. 5 went way up river today. Hugh was out for supper too. Pd all the day laborers. Sent man to Oicha & Beni - expect him to bring money to pay the rest.

Sat. July 4

The whole crowd - even Hugh, went to the next valley for a picnic. The boys needed a pole & cut a tree. just then a “green cap” guard appeared. I didn’t know that that was in the Park but there has (recently) been a sign put there. I had a busy day here with cleaning & baking.

Sun. July 5 Jessie G.

Paul showed me last evening how pyrethrum powder kills roaches by just sprinkling it onto them. I’ll use it lots in that way. Usual communion Sun. services. Quite a number of out school teachers are here. Matayo has been quite ill - looks bad. Wrote Jessie.

Mon. July 6

Big washing again. but the boys seem to manage alright. Helen says we will have to have yellow fever vaccination at least 15 days before we go - by Govt Dr. Wonder if Udds were. Got several letters written.

Tues. July 7

Agnes writes they bring Mother tomorrow. Baked & stewed and have things pretty well ready for them. They said today they might stay 2 days, if fishing is good. They do have such lots of washing & ironing. Mail came Udds got off Fri. morn. So Cl. might be back any time. Nice letter from Gladys - one to each of us. roll of mgs from Co.

Wed. July 8

Finally they got off by 8:30 or so. Pretty well loaded as all rode in car and took enuf eats along for 2 days if fishing is good. Dad & I had just finished dinner when Bells came bringing Mother. Got them lunch. & later tea. Mother is settled for the night. Prmtg.

Thur. July 9 Chas H. 21 today.

Brot up first bunch of bananas from garden grove. Iced the cake, baked bread & buns and made marshmallow candy. Miss F gave the gelatin. They came back ab’t 4:30 - no success fishing so brot none. but had a little last eve for supper - some they bot from natives. Made muslin cover for Cl’s mattress.

Fri. July 10

Cl. came ab’t 4 P.M. brot bush buck & some water buck. Had cafateria supper. macaroni & tuna again & ham sandwiches. pretty salad & tinned fruit salad too. Udds got to Usambura just in time for the boat. Cl brot mail - lots of nice letters.

Sat. July 11

9 took potatoes & bananas & went for climb. Got on top of the large rock we’ve so often looked at. Yuda & I canned 6 cans of meat & made sausage. baked pie crusts & cake. Am very tired as I couldn’t rest because of processing but tomorrow I’ll rest.

Sun. July 12

Mother didn’t rest well so staid in bed for a while. Miss N. called & sent some med. for her. She got up for dinner. I staid here for first mtg & Helen came for second. Quiet restful PM. tho 2 Greeks called while we were lunching to have teeth fixed. Had only coffee. had lunched on road.

Mon. July 13

Whopper wash - worked at it all day. Made Anna Marie a dress from an old shirt of Dad’s. Boys went for elephants but got none. Not even a sight of ‘em. Cl. is working at the car some. the top must be lowered. Wrote Uhlingers tonight.

Tues. July 14

Boys ironed all day. They are slow but there were lots of clothes too. Made a little strawsberry jelly. Baked bread buns cookies & bran muffins. 3 boys took lunch & went for hike but came back at 1 & ate lunch here. Dad went to look for wood & came late. Mended.

Wed. July 15

Rained hard just at day light and no workmen came. ‘twas cold & rainy til ab’t 11 - then saw snow on the hi hills. Mother rested better & was more peppy today. Just while writing this the mail man came 8:30! Only some for Pauls.

Thur. July 16

And by this time Miss Willis is Mrs. Harris. Dr. came and brot butter & paipai God bless them. Randall went with him, as his folks want him next wk. also sent a man with him to bring mail as last man did nothing. Another man goes in the morn. & will take Dr’s mail and bring Mon. so. mail from Beni.

Fri. July 17

Paul & 4 boys & Dorothy went to 2nd valley. I made 7 large glasses of guava jelly & have guava butter ready to cook tomorrow. Also baked the cake for Raymond’s birthday but haven’t put it together yet. Had prayer mtg this morn. sent man to Oicha.

Sat. July 18 Raymond

How we wonder how Ray is spending today. Mother said She’s thinking much ab’t Jim & Agnes. Their 24 anniversary. Mail came this eve & brot air mail from Ray & Co & one to Mother from Harrys. Ray wrote his on Dad’s birthday. Baked & Helen popped corn and made fudge. made 8 glasses guava butter.

Sun. July 19

Quiet uneventful day. Apple pie for dinner and cheese and fruit & Ray’s chocolate birthday cake for supper. with good fellowship with others and with Him.

Mon. July 20

Whopper wash. but it’s all on the line or dry. Yuda had to go to register at de Wildes so Samuel came early from school & for supper all went to the river but Dad, Mother & I. Made Am. sheet. & mended. Wrote Barnetts.

Tues. July 21

Awakened because of lightening - by after break it was raining pretty hard & kept it up most all A.M. No school & very little work all day. Baked. Pauls think they must go by Mon. or so. No mail has come for them as yet. They hoped to get permission for the baboon head. Man may come tomorrow.

Wed. July 22

No mail man back yet so perhaps tho permission for a trip to the baboon head does come there is hardly time to go unless they stay next wk. Cl. went for elephant - is sleeping at Erisa’s. Paul & Hugh went too. Planted oyster nuts today.

Thur. July 23

The boys were back for breakfast as no elephants came around. Lots of Chinese Checkers games played as no picnics were planned for because it was cloudy & threatening. Cl. brot mail man but no letter came so baboon head is off. Got several letters ready. Man goes in morning takes all present issue stamps as new issue is due.

Fri. July 24

Got up at 1:30 as it was thundering & lightening. I brot in some clothes. it had begun to rain & when we got up it was at it hard. so no picnic. I finally got the man off with lots of letters & all stamps to be exchanged for new issue. Other Beni man got in.

Sat. July 25

All but Mother & I went to a picnic down the road to the forest where men cut trees to bring up for Church. 3 men from Lubero came for dental work so Paul was late getting down. They cut 10 trees. I worked most all day. Made strawsberry jelly. and baked as usual. Made peanut brittle for this eve & tomorrow eve.

Sun. July 26

Chas took a load of things to Mutwangas where the Greek promised to get them today. Had cafateria supper with jelly, fruit and birthday cake for Sara. Didn’t rest well last night so didn’t feel very peppy today. Started letter to Mrs. McK.

Mon. July 27 Sara and Harry H.

They got away quite promptly and as they haven’t returned they must have gotten on alright. Were expecting Bells & Imhoffs but no one has come. Mother doesn’t look nor feel very well tonight. Did a bit of cleaning up at guest house - brot up & aired bedding - washed ours today & will do guest things tomorrow. Wonder what Sara is doing to celebrate.

Tues. July 28

No Bells yet. Mother rested very well last night & walked to guest house with me this P.M. but doesn’t feel so well again tonight. Mended & put away things. boys busy with washing & ironing all day. No post man yet. I was afraid he’d be awful slow. Dad & men cutting poles for roof of church.

Wed. July 29

Mother hasn’t been very peppy but she walked around a bit. Some of the sheets look pretty “gray”. Hope we can get them white again. I led prayer mtg. Miss N. scolded Mother for not taking quinine. Hope she will feel better tomorrow.

Thur. July 30

Dr. came & brot Mr & Mrs Mill BMS workers from Yakusu. A letter from Agnes to say they’ll return Aug. 1. but she (Mother) was determined to go with Dr. She feels so miserable these days she wants to be near Dr. Letter & pictures from Ray. & magazine telling of Dr. Newberry’s death. so surprised.

Fri. July 31

Did many things but nothing worth writing down. Got a man off with the post tho Cl. has ab’t decided he better go on Mon. & see ab’t wiring for passport numbers etc. Borrowed money from Cl. to pay men. Glad he had it.

Sat. Aug. 1

Put down new mat in dining room. Made a layer cake & iced it because Mrs. Mill said it was their daughter’s birthday yesterday - and then as we sat down to supper they said it was their anniversary - 24th. Had a picnic up river. roasted potatoes & corn. I baked before I went. Sara wrote Betty prayed “Dear Lord help Mommie & Daddy not to treat their little children so badly” after being punished for something.

Sun. Aug. 2

Quite a number of outschool teachers are in. They’ve promised to have their people bring grass for church roof when ready. Miss F wouldn’t come to dinner. Mukonjo says he will bring a pig on Thur. to kill. Cl. is ab’t ready to leave. but wont go early.

Mon. Aug. 3

Cl. got away ab’t 9. Mills rode with him to Mutwangas hoping to get a sight of the snow on the top. but too cloudy. I mended & made an Americana apron. Played checkers tonight. made over 8 glasses of strawsberry jelly.

Tues. Aug. 4 Helen Hurlburt

Stormed in the night & was too rainy all day to work outside. Made another apron. & did more mending Also made orange sponge cake. iced & all done for Miss F’s birthday tomorrow. Wrote Margrerite Gribble this eve. Am reading “Anne of Green Gables”.

Wed. Aug. 5 Miss Frost

No mail man and no Cl. Mr. Mill, with Lifungula as guide went up to the point & back before dinner. He had quite a tumble when trying to cross the river on stones. Miss N. led pr. mtg. All here to supper. scalloped pots. spaghetti & minced (apricots (tinned) & cake - orange sponge) pork & tom.

Thur. Aug. 6 Mrs Williams

Cl. came in at 7:20 just when the Concert in Albert Hall was starting. Orchestra played Beethoven 4th Sym. He got the telegram but Gail’s passport hasn’t gone in so couldn’t send her No. We’ll have to go to Irumu for inoculation. Nice mail. Remit of $102. I asked for 100. Thank God. Sara wrote May 12. all were well. Spees want to come & Frost offers her house. she’s going on safari & vacation. I’ll write them & send by Mills - who go on Mon.

Fri. Aug. 7

Cut up & took care of small pig bot yesterday. Mills went to paradise this P.M. I tried to get letters in order. Mended some. Boys pushed 2 stove lids off & broke them yesterday. Think we ought to fine them for I’ve said many times they should not remove lids.

Sat. Aug. 8

Baked & stewed. as usual. Cl. was called by Kasali to come & shoot elephants so he went after dinner & when he came back ab’t dark he had 2 tails which told the tale. As Mills left for their room this eve they gave me an envelope. Frcs 800 in it. It’s too much.

Sun. Aug. 9

Started reading Daniel by Talbot. Meetings as usual then we had planned to drive out to get pictures of the elephant. It rained pretty hard. so we couldn’t go til 2 or so & then found the path awful muck & one deep stream - but we got pictures & got back & cleaned up & packed chop box for Cl. No boys. told them they could stay & get meat.

Mon. Aug. 10

The folks got off by 5:45. and we’ve had a busy day. I cleaned part of pantry shelves. will finish tomorrow. Rained a bit today. Wrote some letters. soaked stamps. etc etc. many little things.

Tues. Aug. 11

The day has been so showery. I didn’t even get seeds planted. but finished cleaning the pantry. Got straws. berry juice ready to jell. and planted some trees & moved a rose. Will move another tomoro. They are too large & by the path.

Wed. Aug. 12 Gladys. 1912

Did most all I wanted to except sow some seeds. The man planted sw. potatoes & it kept raining so didn’t get hoed where I will sow the seeds. Cl. came just after lunch but couldn’t get up so came & got a chain to wrap around wheels. Pembed guest room & veranda. not dry yet. Made 5 glasses of strawsberry jelly.

Thur. Aug. 13

Only Dr. came. Van D’s may not be able to come down now. Mr. Grimshaw is very ill at Aba Hospital. His heart is giving trouble. May God spare him. Agnes & Jim came home just a bit after Cl. left Oicha last Thur. Mother is much better. Mrs. Williams sent a qt. jar of Eng. walnuts.

Fri. Aug. 14

Made the pads for the couch. Thot I’d use most of the cotton but didn’t finish what Lasses brot. It looks real nice now but want to get creton or something to cover it. Wrote Miss Russ. boiled Roselle buds to make jell will make it tomorrow. No Cl. yet. Canned more tomatoes. Wish I had more jars.

Sat. Aug. 15

Pretty easy Sat. only baked 3 pies. ‘Twas nice & sunny most all day so washed all mats etc. Cl. came home ab’t 3. Got very dark & rained hard while we were at supper. Afterward when sitting on veranda they said they could hear the south river rushing.

Sun. Aug. 16

Raining when we got up - but not at meeting time. but rained hard over where we were last Sun. Then we had a nice walk ab’t 3 but before supper it was at it again. Miss F. came but not Miss N. Read Chap II in Prophesy of Daniel by Talbot.

Mon. Aug. 17

Rain, rain & more rain and now some one says 2 bridges are out ‘tween here & Mutwangas. Cl. thinks he’ll get the car into shape soon a possible & get it to Mutwangas so if we get word to go to Irumu in a hurry we can get there. Worked at afghan - sewed sqs around & am now crocheting edge.

Tues. Aug. 18

No rain all A.M. but pretty hard all P.M. Clothes weren’t dry so couldn’t iron so had boys pembe hall & bath room. Post came. no U.S. mail. Spees aren’t coming & Mrs. Lehrer writes she thinks Kens have given up coming now. Gladys says they’re hoping to get their Yellow fever inoc. soon.

Wed. Aug. 19

Just kept sprinkling all P.M. so no men worked. but this eve it’s cold & quite clear. The moon is brilliant. Miss F. is hoping twill clear & so do we. Cleaned at wood work some. Am going to do our room tomorrow as there is some white pembe left. Prayer m’t’g.

Thur. Aug. 20

Sleeping in guest room. Quite sunny & nice all A.M. Have our room walls & ceiling done. ‘Twas very hard as it is very rough & sandy. had to mix gray pembe in so it’s not so nice. Sent man with post. Miss N. gave me typhoid injection. Dad & Cl both say they can’t be sick now. I don’t expect to be.

Fri. Aug. 21

Had the floor of our room pembed. Men both at the church getting rafters up. Took a picture when they were getting the ridge pole into place. Pr. mtg here this eve. Cleaned bureau drawers. Saw a light down the road - thot might be Kenneths.

Sat. Aug. 22

Last of Albert Hall Concerts tonight. Didn’t bake much but spent most time getting things back into our room. have rearranged things & think we’ll like it better. Had hall & bath pembed. and all look so nice & clean now. Brit. & Can. troops & tanks have gone into France. R.A.F. helpt them land. Ab’t 100 Ger. planes destroyed. & 92 Brit but 30 pilots safe.

Sun. Aug. 23

A grand A.M. Got very dark this P.M. but no rain. Do hope it will wait til Miss F. gets off. as this first 5 hrs. is bad going when there is rain. Reading Daniel’s prophecies by Talbot at eve service. Nice walk this eve.

Mon. Aug. 24

Miss F. finally got off. it had rained some but sort ‘o cleared up then after she left it showered. and was at it all day. Fear she had a nasty trip. After noon brot the mail… A letter from Van D. said cable had come from home office saying they did not approve of accepting Gladys. but how can they when they have not even had her filled in application. It is a sad mistake & course Cl. feels it is very unfair. I know God will undertake.

Tues. Aug. 25

We were all feeling rather depressed & hadn’t slept well. Miss N. too is asked to get ready to sail with Dakin & Reiners from C.T. so she is disappointed too. Then ab’t 4 P.M. here come Housdens from Kitale. They had not rec’d my letter. saying we were leaving Oct. so came on.

Wed. Aug. 26 Beth B.

They have told us many things ab’t travel and it seems we probably may go all way down by car. Mr. H. had a very bad spell in the night with coughing etc. & then can’t breathe. A bit more rain this P.M. but A.M. fine. Dad cleared the path up to the falls, for the picnickers tomorrow.

Thur. Aug. 27

Cl. fixed kitchen floor yesterday. Today Yuda closed up all holes around doors & windows. Cl. working at rack for back of car. Dr. came. also Miss Wambold, Alice, Carl & Randall. All went up river for swim & fun til dinner which we ate before crossing river. Had berries & cake when we got back. Dr says Bells are coming Sat.

Fri. Aug. 28

Pembed kitchen. and after it is cleaned off where it isn’t needed, we’ll be all nice & clean. cleaned all cupbords & killed lots of roaches. Housdens are sleeping better. Made Yuda’s Anna Marie a dress from pieces. lots of work. Played Chinese checkers.

Sat. Aug. 29

Bells came & brot post. A card from Mrs Harter asking to come Sept. 1. replied how full & busy we’ll be next wk. Housdens went along. Wrote W’s to try to come on Thur. Cl. was working on the car outside garage when large black snake came crawling along. He killed it. So glad Bells came as there was much to talk ab’t.

Sun. Aug. 30

Very quiet day. Services as usual except ours. Miss N. didn’t come & we waited too long for her to read the usual chap. and Cl. wanted to go to bed because of leaving early. It rained at dark and was raining at 7:15 but has stopt now.

Mon. Aug. 31

Sunny day. only sprinkle of rain. Cl. got off at 3. he should be at Wamba by now. Suppose Gladys is getting pretty excited. Mended & fixed up things. Tomorrow will fix up at guest house. Williams are sure to come Thur as Miss N. gave them Frcs. 100.

Tues. Sept. 1 Warren

Cloudy & rainy. Got guest rooms all fixed up. Just flowers & water to put in. Pd. men. thank God I had enuf. Wrote Mrs. Westervelt. Men tying matete on the roof. Looks like ‘twill be ready for grass next week.

Wed. Sept. 2 Lo

Wonder what Lora is doing today to celebrate. I baked Verna’s birthday cake. It’s huge. Yuda went to a Cath. school place & got mangoes. I want to make sauce. Miss N. led pr mt’g. Raining again.

Thur. Sept. 3

Thank God they are all here. Williams came bringing Housdens & 2 Mc’s girls. no picnic as it rained. Cafateria dinner then berries & cake at table. Tea at 4 & they left ab’t 5. We ate 5:30 and ab’t 6:30 we saw 2 lights come down the hill. girls & Housdens in guest house & G’s in guest room. All are tired but pretty well. Gs & we talked til ab’t 9. So nice to see all. Girls have not had inoculations.

Fri. Sept. 4

Williams brot mail yesterday - $83 more has come. Thank God for it. Rained over noon and as they went for a walk ab’t 2:30 it was pleasant but soon began to rain so they hustled back. We tea A.M. & P.M. Gail drinks lots of hot water. She’s not so well.

Sat. Sept. 5

All but I went to the next valley for a picnic. Rained a bit ab’t 2. otherwise ‘twas nice & all enjoyed it. I baked & made mango sauce etc etc. All of us are plenty tired. Had music. Stalingrade battle is still raging. A million Germans were mustered there to capture the city. Rained hard just when folks wanted to go home so they waited. not so hard now.

Sun. Sept. 6

Rainy but had all services as usual & some of us got a good walk before supper. Had a long sing. Gladys & Gail played in native service this A.M. Had planned to go to Irumu tomorrow leaving early but will wait now til Miss F comes in & see if she wants to go.

Mon. Sept. 7

Miss F. came in ab’t 4 P.M. We got all peel etc ready for the cake & will bake it tomorrow. Mrs. G. worked at pattern for my dress. Gladys helped some with canvas for car top. We are now hoping to leave early Wed. morn. if it doesn’t rain too much.

Tues. Sept. 8

Baked the cake. Miss F. has decided to go with us tomorrow. We are all pretty well packed up. Only a sprinkle of rain today. Gladys, Gail & I mixed the cakes. 5 in all. 3 for the tier & one for us & one for Gail etc for Xmas. All going to bed early.

Wed. Sept. 9 Miss Dakin

Oicha. Got away by 5. tho I was awake at 1. Were here for breakfast & got Miss Dakin. ate lunch at long bridge. Then went to Indian shop at Irumu then to see Dr. who said we must go to a mines place 125 km. beyond Bunia!!! Must go next Tues. at 3 P.M. so we hustled back here for the night. Gail’s p.p. No. came so we sent the wire to K. for permit.

Thur. Sept. 10

Went to ivory place in Beni & got quite a bit. buttons, butter knives, bracelets. Cl. & Gl. each got a ring with heart on it. Did other shopping & on way Cl. shot a buck. so got here ab’t 4. Folks were surprised & yet rather expected us.

Fri. Sept. 11

Canned 3 qts. had sausage for dinner. and soup for supper. Found two cakes not very well done so did them again in oven. Mrs G. at my dress. it’s very pretty. Made date cookies. Had strawberry short cake for supper. Gladys sponged & pressed her coat. Miss N. likes all I brot. Dr. came today. brot p.p.s for girls.

Sat. Sept. 12 Becca

All but Housdens went to small valley - second from here. I baked & cleaned. Made mango pie - it ran over badly but I hope what’s left is good. Roasted the leg of buck. Such a lot of nice meat on hand. Housdens have sttled - very generously.

Sun. Sept. 13

A perfect sunny day with no sign of rain. Every one went walking - before supper. services all as usual. Housdens leave for Katwa then Kivu and we’ll get off for Oicha & Nyangkundi. Do hope all will go as planned & we get our inoculations.

Mon. Sept. 14

Just at dawn it began to rain & gave us quite a shower over break. Then let up & Housdens left. & an hr. later we. Saw them at Beni. Got to Oicha for lunch & came on to Nyang. We 3 are at Bills. The other 4 at Bobs. as he is away. What does tomorrow hold for us.

Tues. Sept. 15

Got away by 8. Did a bit of shopping & business at Bunia & were doing more at Nizi when they told us we had 130 Km. to go to Lojo - so we hustled. but got there an hr. early. Were 2nd lot to go in so by 3:15 were on way back with certificates! Thank God that’s done. Shopt a bit more & just as we turned in to Deans road it began to pour & rained awful. Sat in car til it stopt. To Bob’s for supper. lovely roast - etc. Men both away. 10 P.M. when we finished.

Wed. Sept. 16

Left after break. stopt at Irumu for mail etc. Got to Oicha by 1 had lunch at Bells & found Griffins had come bringing a woman over. so I rode with them hoping to make better time. but at Semliki could put lights on dim only. & so just crawled til on Mutwanga road when lights suddenly came on & petrol got clogged. Could go only couple miles. Cl. & girls came to meet us. but then we came in without help. 10 P.M. again when we ate.

Thur. Sept. 17

Glad to be here. puttering around all day putting things away & getting straight. Cl. has awful cold. but are planning on going hunting tomorrow for buck for grass carriers. Butchered huge pig - 77 kilos. Have break. & lunch packed for the 6 hunters. And bread mixed too.

Fri. Sept. 18

They got off early and got back late & got only 1 waterbuck. Shot several but they got away. We waited long & watched for lights. They got here ab’t 9:20. Yuda & I cut up the pig & canned 5 qts. and 3 of sausage & 3 tins of fat. & 15 lbs of salt smoke. & 1 ham for Sun. & chops for tomorrow. Also baked bread.

Sat. Sept. 19 Our John’s birthday - 6 today.

Everybody busy. Cl & Gl. covered car cushions. I baked pie - buns, cookies & cake. so we have a little to eat again. All are tired so have come to bed early. Popped corn and cut up cocoanut. All very good. Stalingrade hasn’t fallen yet.

Sun. Sept. 20

Every body seems sniffling and not caring much whether school keeps or not. Meetings all as usual. News broadcast has been moved up an hour so it’s at 5 & 7 & 9. We got it at 7 but it is really only a review of world news - not given in full til 9. Wrote at the home letter. I’m late this mo.

Mon. Sept. 21

W’at a day! Went to garden & was then going to get some duplicate letters off when a car came. Mr. Amstutz & Mr. Van Dusen. Then right after them came Jim and Kliewer. Mr. Van & Cl. talked before dinner. Then I talked with him. Men called Cl to get elephant & as we want meat badly for grass carriers, he went. Then Mr V. wanted to talk to Gl & Cl too so as he was gone they spoke with Gl. and seemed to say ab’t the same to each. They also called on Miss N. All left ab’t 4:30. Cl. got no elephant.

Tues. Sept. 22

Dad & I not feeling very well. maybe inoculation. Cl & Mr. G. left at 4 to try for buck again and tho it is 10 P.M. they haven’t come yet & we think they may be staying the night at the rest house. Miss N. came & we had a talk. It seems they feel she must go home & she has consented, by air. Rather expected Mcs. but they haven’t come. We wrote letters this eve.

Wed. Sept. 23

The men came in with a load of meat ab’t 3:30. Didn’t kill much til ab’t dark & then a long way from road & so it took them long to get it to car. Mr. G. didn’t shoot much but Cl got 4 water buck a bush buck & a wild pig. We have used some bush buck. carriers get the rest. Baked Miss N’s cake. Mrs. G. coming down with cold - like we all have.

Thur. Sept. 24 Miss Noweck.

Mrs. G. & the 3 young folks went for a hike. I’m sort o’ getting things together into the box. We do not understand where Macs are. Hope nothing has gone wrong. Miss N. came for supper but it was a quiet affair. She called it a “farewell” party. She is so pale these days I fear she’s not resting as she should.

Fri. Sept. 25

Dr. came as usual but left the mail for McIntoshes to bring. also Miss Souther. They came very late. There was almost nothing in the mail. Now we hear we must have visas to return if we leave the Colony. What next. There’s talk of a picnic way up the valley tomorrow. Macs are in dining room in guest house while G’s are still here.

Sat. Sept. 26

A very trying day in my heart. Fixed picnic lunch & all started up river but got to a barrier even before they got as far up as Mrs. Lehrer & I went. Ate lunch at regular picnic place & had to hurry to get thro before the rain. then got very wet coming home so all had hot baths & rest. Popcorn & music.

Sun. Sept. 27

Meetings as usual. It’s so nice to have the girls play. Gail’s violin strings break some so both Sundays Gl. plays last song alone. Cold wind & rain this P.M. so we got no picture taken. Will try tomorrow if we go for picnic to the forest. The chapter was long tonight & then had news reel at 8.

Mon. Sept. 28

All went to the forest. Men cut trees & we took lunch. Just finished eating and took pictures & as we came it began to rain. Mrs Mac & I were in first but we got wet thro. G’s are packing up. Hate to have them leave. tho we’re glad the girls are staying. Mrs. Mac may leave tomorrow too for Kampala - by bus. Have the alarm set for 4:15.

Tues. Sept. 29

Griffins got away by 6. after breakfast. Then we ate at 7 & intended going to paradise for lunch but it got dark & threatening so we didn’t go but it didn’t rain. Had lunch a bit early & Macs left by 1. They spend tonight at Kisindi & she will try to get on to Katwe in morning for noon bus. but she hasn’t customs letter at Beni so may not get thro. Talked with Gladys. She is filling application blanks.

Wed. Sept. 30

No post man back yet. No men worked today. all went for meat. kitchen help was back by dinner time. Guess the teachers got most of it tho. Mr. Mac came back ab’t 4. Said they let him drive right thro to Katwe. & they had no letter from Customs official either. He is in this guest room.

Thur. Oct. 1

No man has come yet. Someone said perhaps G’s took him to Bunia!!! Paid all help. do thank God we have the money each mo. to pay up. Dad suggests if we get the Kampala permit & still no car permit that we go to Costermansville & get it & go out that way. but it would be 4 days more. Wonder if Mrs Mac is at Mrs Drakelys tonight. hope so.

Fri. Oct. 2 Chas. 1973 [brother,1873?]

2 yrs. ago tonight Rays walked in on us and this PM. Kenneths walked in. We were surprised. They thot we had left. but asked at Kasindi & found we were still here so came up tho they wired Oicha they were coming there. They intend going to Asa. Children have very bad colds. They crossed the Lake car & all. because couldn’t get petrol. We have ab’t decided to go via Costermans’ if no permit comes. Man hasn’t come.

Sat. Oct. 3

Ab’t 4:30 Williams brot Miss F. back. and both mail men. The silly fellow that we sent to Beni with Griffins went on to Oicha. No permits of any kind came. Now Ken says he thinks the necessity of permit from Kampala was changed a mo. ago. W’s are down in little guest room. Mr. Mac loaned blankets. Had a bad head all P.M. took aspirin at supper.

Sun. Oct. 4 Bible Sunday Collection Frcs 460.

A large crowd gathered for services and we were sorry we hadn’t arranged to have service in the church but grass hadn’t been trimmed & so it was too dark. Roof is all on - seats are being cut. 2 more rows of brick must be put up too. Mr. Mac will see to it after we go. Col. not so large as last yr. (510)

Mon. Oct. 5

Ken. Cl & Gl. had early breakfast & went to Beni to catch the post and see if permit came and Ken to report they were here. No permit came but the official said he would wire & when he got the reply he would send right over. Williams got away by 9. Mr. Mac trimmed salvias & cut all lower parasite from flowering tree. The 3 got back at 4 - no dinner. only bananas. Cl. shot a buck.

Tues. Oct. 6

This eve just at supper time an eskari came with the car permit. so we decided to get off tomorrow if possible. and every one is packing. Mac, Ken & Cl are still working at the car. EXCITED! every one of us. I have things pretty well together. but must hand money etc to Miss Noweck.

Wed. Oct. 7 60 mi before Mbarara.

This morn another car permit came from Oicha! Dad suggested to get off by 10. We were by 10:30. Ivy helpt pack & all went fine til crossing bridge at Mutwangas. the right girder broke & threw us to one side among stones & end of girder caught under the car. Natives came & we were soon back in the track. See back. Then when we got to main road found my coat missing. Later lost my dark glasses. but are only full of praise for deliverance.

[from back of book] Oct. 7, 1942 to 23rd. How we praise God for His mercy in saving us from what could have been a very bad accident. It just seemed like He let the devil try us but at the bridge He said “so far & no further”. The permit being so slow in coming kept us in uncertainty. tho Gladys was always sure ‘twould soon come. When we did get off then, I was ashamed of my fretting. I surely praise God for helping all along the way.

We got a good lesson of His care the first thing and haven’t had any thing but His blessing all along. If we hadn’t been just where we were on the bridge, we’d have been tumbled upside down into the river. and that would have meant much suffering & even deaths. I think that experience in itself must have drawn Cl & Gl. closer together. I know Dad seemed more precious. as well as all the others. Dad feels sure my coat was taken home. I do hope so. I shall miss it. but I had loaned one to Barnetts & now they’ve given it back. not so nice as mine.

As each day shows - we had a delightful trip all way down. Everyone is so good to us. and it’s such a joy to see all again. Course the climax came on Thur. the 22nd. Mrs. P. the faithful did the cakes lovely. They looked just like bakery iced. and the ornaments were so pretty. and then she arranged ferns & cacti that Dad had brot. and there were banks of asparagus ferns with red carnations. so pretty. Roses & carnations all round. The Americani in the aisle was edged with carnations. Ruth B. had tables brot onto the veranda and got dishes etc etc. All very nice. Every one did what they could to help.

Because Linnell was ill Gladys insisted Dad play the wedding marches. They took Mrs. P’s organ over and then Mrs. Shaffer also played on violin “I love you truly” and Martha D. and Dorothy sang. Every one was busy doing last things & tho the ceremony had been timed for 11 it was a bit after when they finally got at it. Earl brot them down in his car.

Thur. Oct. 8 Kampala

Up & off before day light. Reached Kampala by 3 P.M. Stopt at Masaka tea room ab’t noon & sent Barnett telegram. Found Housdens at Stuart Watts. We all had tea then Mr H. Cl. & I went to Mrs Drakelys & arranged for all for the night. Met Mrs. Mac there. Cl. sleeps where Brand did - under veranda beside car. A lovely day. car goes fine & country is lovely. Dad’s feet troubling some. Will get slippers.

Fri. Oct. 9 Iganga - 5 mi. off road.

Shopped with Mrs Mac & Housdens til stores closed at 12:30. Had tea & buns at tea room & then started for Jinja. Mrs. Mac. will take repaired shoes, clock etc home with her next wk. We stopt at Ripon Falls. took pictures. drank ice soda & did a bit of shopping & came on to this place only a dif camp from where we stopt before. Staid in garage of DC’s camp. We 3 girls under large net & men each under small ones, on car cushions.

Sat. Oct. 10 Hoyts, at last!

Got away by 8:30 & got to Kakamega by 11:30. Wanted to get bread & meat to bring to Hoyts because we didn’t let them know we were coming. Couldn’t get a thing but soda so came on a few miles & stopt & ate. Got here as they were sitting down to eat. Shaffers here too. All look very well but Mrs. S. has aged. Gail is at Kellums. Mr K. is quite ill. Paul Ford too. Mr. Keller died a wk ago after appen. operation.

Sun. Oct. 11

A beautiful day as to weather. and quiet & rest. Dad staid sitting mostly to save his feet which are troubling. Wears slippers only. Earl & Mr. H. went to Kakamega for meetings & Mr. S. & I went to general mtg. lovely part singing. Mrs S. & young folk went to Jr. meeting. Every thing lovely. All came for supper on lawn. Esther is very well and baby John Howard is a dear. Mr Ford led mt’g & all were blest as we considered Prayer. greatest factor in Revival.

Mon. Oct. 12

Had break. & left for Ravine via Kapsabet where we stopt for tea & to greet every body. Mr Reynolds sick. Barnetts all ready for us tho they didn’t get our first wire. Now we have talked things over & decided to get special license for Sh 100 as it seems more economical in the end. Wedding day has been set for 22. We go to Kijabe on Thur. & get license at Nakuru enroute.

Tues. Oct. 13 Slater ab’t 67

Cl & Paul went for meat but got none. I finished the afghan. Got much needed washing done. Sent out numbers of cards. Writing Ray air mail. Young folks singing this eve. It’s lovely to just do things as I want & not have to be seeing ab’t eats. Cl. eats at Pauls break & noon & girls at noon & all here at night.

Wed. Oct. 14

How quickly the days pass. Had picnic near Kilombe - most walked over & saw falls & old mission sight. Had tea & cake when they came back & then stopt at Swiss settlers place & had more tea. & saw animals. Gail saw a lovely horse she’d liked a gallop on him. Starting sweater for Sara’s baby.

Thur. Oct. 15 Kijabe

Left Ravine ab’t 8:30. Stopt in Nakuru & went at once to D.C’s office to get license but found him away and no one able to issue it. Got ice cream & left shoes & films & did a bit of shopping. Got here ab’t 4. Mrs P. has an awful cold. Girls with Ruth & Cl with Linnells. In order to get on with wedding we’ll have to go in to N. tomorrow & get license, etc.

Fri. Oct. 16

Took Ruths car & Ruth & all went to town. Drove to Davises & told them we’d come to dinner. Mr Nixon was there. Saw Stephenson down town and we got the license finally. We’ve changed the time to 11 on Thur. Did shopping for wedding. Almost nothing else. ‘Twas nice to see Davises. The old town is much as usual but stores are very empty.

Sat. Oct. 17

Mrs. P. & I worked at Marzipan for the cakes. No almonds so used oyster nuts & almond flavor. Have them done. Cl. made posts. Dad has bad filaria on right side of his face. Mrs P. & we were asked to Bissets for supper. ‘twas lovely. and we had a very pleasant evening. She is very like Harriet T. Harriet called this noon & brot lovely sweet peas.

Sun. Oct. 18

Mrs. P. & I went for a lovely walk up the road. The children went to church with Ruth. Dad rested & walked. Mr. Jester spoke at P.M. m’t’g. Linnell is quite ill. flu or malaria. Dad’s filaria has gone to his fore head too. Cl. prays the opening prayer & Dad the closing of P.M. m’t’g. Young folks to Devitts for a sing.

Mon. Oct. 19

Getting some washing done. & more work on cakes. to Devitts for tea with the sailor boys visiting there. had a very pleasant time and prayermtg after. Dad cleaned the organ and it sounds much nicer. Mrs. P. & I always have nice chat before going to bed. It’s so lovely being here.

Tues. Oct. 20 Our Betty; Mother Taylor 1892

Mrs. Teasdale had a lovely shower for Gladys & Cl. and tea. We all went a bit early & when they came they were surprised. They got quite a number of lovely things. then we had pr mtg afterward. Linnell is better but can’t be up so Dad will play the wedding march etc. Barnetts came.

Wed. Oct. 21 Miriam Paul 8

I went to town with B’s for more things for tomorrow etc. Saw Blaikie, Nixon and Beecher and so have changed lang. Com. mtg to Fri 2:15 instead of on Nov. 13th. Got back in good time. Cl. went too. Dad got decorations & then this eve they practiced til late & Dad went to sleep with Mr. Hoyt at Downing’s house.

Thur. Oct. 22, 1942

Detail at back. It was just about all that any one could wish. Weather was fine, many guests came. just for the day. Bride was lovely in her simple organdy dress and lovely lilies. Groom looked a prince in Paul’s black suit, tie and shoes. They seemed quite composed and natural. Gladys has captured the hearts of many.

Wedding doings. [from back of book] Every one in their place & as Mrs S played “I love you truly” on the violin. Esther at organ. Paul & Claudon took their places. Paul in dark gray. Cl. in black, both so manly and tall. Then Dad started the wedding march and Gail led. dress light blue moire & carried a boquet of pink roses. Then little 5 yr. old Lois T. scattering petals & very concerned that they should fall right. then fatherly Mr. Hoyt and our beautiful Gladys in her plain white organdy so neat with veil held in place with tube roses & Watsonia and carrying Bermuda lilies & baby breath & shower of maiden hair ferns & baby breath. Her very dark eyes & hair showing off the whiteness of her skin & dress.

While they stood the girls sang “Reign Thou supreme”. Martha has such a sweet voice. & Dorothy’s alto blended nicely with it. Then scripture etc exchange of rings & kneeling for prayer. & the girls sang “Seal us O holy spirit”. Very impressive. & while register was being signed the congregation sang in Kikuyu He leadeth me. & then Dad & Mrs. S. played Mendelsohns wedding march. & we all left & began getting pictures.

Went to white ward (Ruths house) & received congrats and looked at pretty gifts piled on the table. Then had lunch. one large table for 8. & 10 small ones of 4 each. Lunch was: scalloped potatoes, peas, buns, chicken salad (15 chickens) lettuce & tom. salad. jello & pears, coffee & cake. Brides cake was lovely too. Middle layer of fruit cake not very done. but lower layer was alright & it was ab’t finished.

There were all kinds of toasts. Mr. Devitt was toast master. & a good one. Pictures were being taken especially when they cut the cake & before, holding it. which was a job as ‘twas very heavy. Then they went to dress for the trip to Syabei. Devitt brot the car around just to show it would run alright. Some one had written JUST MARRIED on the back curtain & tied baby Jewell’s shoes on & put tin cans & flowers where ever they could. Before they came folks had Dad & me stand by the JUST MARRIED sign as well as had us get in pretending we were going as newly weds.

Gladys looked very nice in dark blue dress with light tan lace cuffs & collar & blue hat. Claudon all in khaki looked much more comfortable & “at home” than he did in the black suit. He played his part very well and Gladys captured the hearts of all. I felt for her as she was surely sized up by every one but she acted all oblivious to every one but Claudon. They both are greatly esteemed and respected by all.

They got to Syabei by 8 P.M. The road out across the Kidong was terrible. holes & dust & wind. The boy with guest house key didn’t come so they had the big house key & let themselves in & made a bit of supper on the Primus & went to bed - in the only one available. Mrs. S’s.

Next day they went on to the Ngiro River & set up camp in a lovely spot. They made a platform in an acacia tree where they slept & watched animals in the moon light. Twas a good 20 ft. up so felt safe enuf. The last night a rhino came splashing into the water. but they were high above him. We spent 2 days with them. That week of honeymoon passed all too quickly & they declare they are going back next year & have a longer camp.

Fri. Oct. 23

We all - Mr & Mrs Shaffer, Esther A & babe & Dad & I went with Mr. Teasdale. Got in in good time & accomplished quite a lot. but would like one more time. Were at Davises for dinner & tea. Norman Johnsons came to see us ab’t coming up first of yr. Shaffers, Dad etc met Mr. Beecher and decided to revise St. John & print & also Genesis. Got home before 8. Had nice soup & are more than ready for bed. Thank God I had enuf money to get what seemed most necessary.

Sat. Oct. 24 Syabei

My my it is good to see the old place again tho we had an awful trip out - the lorry couldn’t come very fast for the road is awful rough & dusty. Found a note from Gladys saying they got here by 8 P.M. & no boy turned up til next morning so they slept in Mrs S’s room as they had no other key. They must have been terribly tired.

Sun. Oct. 25

I went over to S.S. not so many children but they are all very interested. Then Dad spoke at mtg and got on very well. It’s so lovely to see all the women again. children have grown. Soibe looks old & dresses in rags tho he has more cattle than any one. Kuyoni, the faithful, is on the job. Sitoya looks as always & has Gov’t job - also George. Mulungit came this eve to greet us.

Mon. Oct. 26

A whole mob came to help and so washing & ironing are done. Kuyoni brot eggs & rooster as gift. Mu. brot 4 doz. eggs. Tabisa 9. and several others - so we have plenty and Ruth W. brot corn. Went fishing and had supper at lake. Got plenty of fish for us & cats. only 3 fair sized ones. Mrs. S. played violin & Dad piano. Very nice. Baked bread to take out.

Tues. Oct. 27

We got away right after breakfast. Stopt at Narok & saw Mr. Whitehouse & got a few things at Hajee Aboos. Got to the Ngiro by 12 then followed up & found them at the old camping place. Where we were with Davises only they are among the trees. a lovely spot. They had made a sleeping place up a large Acacia from where they can watch animals come to drink. It’s lovely moonlight. I’m in the lorry - Gail & Ruth up the tree & the rest in tents. Every body fishing. got a heap for break.

Wed. Oct. 28

Took a long walk up on the plain & to an old kraal. Mr. S. shot at a wildebeest. This P.M. wild dogs chased an mpala almost into our camp. Mr. S. shot at the dogs & they ran back. Tried to get a zebra for bait to watch for lions but got only guineas. It’s been lots of fun. but we’ll go back tomorrow. Cl & Gl. will stay out til Sat. Girls up the tree again. Took pictures. Caught lots of shenzi fish.

Thur. Oct. 29

Left camp right after break. and stopt at Narok. Saw Eunice at hospital. Says she will be home tomorrow or next day. Got home for lunch. Brot a nice lot of guineas along and have hump too. so have lots of good eats. Girls are sleeping in the trailer & guest house is ready for Cl & Gl.

Fri. Oct. 30

Dad trimmed fruit trees. Washed - or Ida & Lydia did and Ruth & Gail ironed most every thing. Rained pretty hard yesterday P.M. and was too threatening to eat at pond. but all went fishing & caught more than we can eat so will send some to Mrs. Lobo. Music this eve. Mrs S. violin Dad piano.

Sat. Oct. 31

I baked pie for tomorrow. Gail a cake. packed up lunch & went to falls. not Mrs. S. Later she joined us & we took Mr. S. to Narok. & we went up to Rotian to see church. Stopt at Lobos for very nice tea. Came home & fished for break. Cl & Gl. came in time for picnic lunch & Cl drove his car to Rotian. Mr. S. drained the pond mostly so ‘twas easy to catch enuf fish for break. tomorrow.

Sun. Nov. 1

Last day at Syabei. I’m loathe to leave. it’s been so nice seeing all the people again. Gl. & Gail sang Bangala in S.S. & church. I spoke to children. I made more mistakes than Dad. Cl. spoke in Eng. & Mulungit interpreted. Restful P.M. & a sprinkle hindered our walk. Had Kuyoni’s chicken for dinner. Very good. Eunice got worse so Kuyoni spent the day there & says she is better. Had our little sing & service this eve.

Mon. Nov. 2 Kijabe

Got away ab’t 10. forgot the guineas & boy came running with them - then just after the bend realized we’d left Gl’s hat & Cl went back & found Ruth’s shoes too. Ate lunch under big tree on top of Mau. Saw 2 lots of giraffe but got no picture. lost a cushion. have written Mrs S. to ask at Narok. Left pictures & quinine behind. Cl. & Gl. at Linnells. Are planning to go to Nairobi tomorrow for last shopping & to see if girls’ money has come to Cl’s acct. No mail has come. Can’t do Nowecks shopping if she doesn’t write.

Tues. Nov. 3

Mrs. P. went to town with us instead of Dad. We went in Ruth’s car as it needed repair. Shopped & went to Davises for nice fish dinner. Linnell & Van there. Had tea before coming home. Charley Richmond came as we were leaving. Says he is coming to Kjb on Thurs. Dad had quiet time all alone. Walked along new RR & says it’s grand so we must go to see too.

Wed. Nov. 4

Bissetts asked us all to tea. Mrs. P. couldn’t go. We packed several boxes expecting to send freight but found we could take them. are sending tents & our tin box by goods to Maji Muzuri. Prayermt’g at Mrs. Ps. A good crowd out. Are asked to Harriets for lunch tomorrow & Lehrers for tea & Devitts for supper. No one thot we were going to leave so soon. Mrs. P & I talked til late.

Thur. Nov. 5

Ironed what the boy washed yesterday. Richmond & Mr. Lyon came from Nairobi. had lunch at Harriets with us. A lovely lunch and lovely visit & saw around the school etc. Then only time to change & go to RVA for tea. That was so nice too. Showed the girls around the building. Then to Devitts - a cafeteria supper as we were 12. Miss Webster came this P.M. ‘Twas all so nice. Little Helen is such a dear.

Fri. Nov. 6 Subukia

We took the upper road. it’s very pretty. Then near Lake Elementita had a flat. Met lots of big lorries with soldiers & what lookt like machine guns on back. Mr. Clarke was at Nakuru. wanted to give us lunch but we had eaten. Dad rode with him. Got to his farm ab’t 4:30. Had tea & baths & looked around. Gail & I in guest house Cl & Gl in work shop & Dad in sitting room. He has a very nice place here. Nice herd of cows & calves.

Sat. Nov. 7 [Eldama] Ravine

Had picnic lunch along a very pretty stream much like ours at Syabei. Showed us over the farm this A.M. Some were retting flax. others doing other things. Antoni takes care of milk & cream. Left Dad there for a few days. Got here ab’t 5 after stopping in Nakuru & seeing ab’t shoes. B’s Sr. have to go to Kericho tomorrow for church mtg & want me to go too.

Sun. Nov. 8 Lumbwa - Kericho.

Left ab’t 9:30 for Lumbwa where Mr. B. met with leaders. Mrs. B. & I sat in Andersens house and visited. When all was finished we had lunch & then later went to Kericho. Nice mtg at Innises. I’m sleeping here & B’s at Miss Harris’s. A Mrs. Kits came to eve service. So nice to see them all again. Supper after service & 9 o-clock news. so got to bed late. Pretty tired.

Mon. Nov. 9

Janzens drove in just as we finished breakfast - so Mrs. B. & I rode down town with them. We bot some things. Mrs. B. got kerocene etc so they drove us home again. Earl came & they had their church mtg. had dinner after 2. & tea before 4 & got here ab’t 6:30. Wonder if I can stay put awhile now. ‘Twas very nice to see all the folks again. Met Mr. Kits who used to be of Pygmy Mission now Sam Andersen’s.

Tues. Nov. 10

Spent all A.M. over at market & post office. The police officer gave us a lift up the hill & took us to his house where his wife made us some tea. & told us of thieves taking a lot of wool etc. has no idea who it could be. The 4 young folks are getting packed to go camping at Thompson Falls tomorrow. take tents as Mr Smith, who invited them, can’t have them just now. Wrote a few local letters.

Wed. Nov. 11

Before they got away the mail came & brot a lovely letter & pictures from Ray. & other letters & news. 2 parcels are at Oicha for me. Two ladies came collecting for Poppy Day. They finally got off. and how I wish we could see how they are now. Will Dad be here by tomorrow night this time 10 to 10. Wrote Ray air mail.

Thur. Nov. 12

And now Dad is here. Mr B met the 9 o’clock train. Dad just missed the “goods” train or he’d been in earlier. Wrote Udds & crocheted quite a bit & started reading “Lavendar & old lace”. Wrote up wedding doings in back of diary. Rained a bit. A Mr & Mrs Smith called - had tea. Allies advancing steadily in north Africa.

Fri. Nov. 13

Did some washing & ironing. Gail too. Dad & I bathed. Tried to rain ab’t dark but didn’t am’t to much. Crocheted quite a bit. am working at hood now but haven’t put scallops on jacket yet. Wrote Mrs. Probst. Got Udds letter & magazine off.

Sat. Nov. 14

Wrote most all A.M. Slept & read P.M. Started to take a walk but it began to rain. Rained pretty hard after dark. Such a lazy time as we’re having. Mrs. B. wouldn’t let me help with any thing. Had gramaphone til 9:30. Allies’ armies are advancing right along in no. Africa.

Sun. Nov. 15

Today the church bells all over Eng. rang again because of victories in no. Af. First time bells rang since June 1942. A very quiet restful day here. Service 11 to 12:30 and that’s all. Wrote a bit & read a lot. So nice not to have any responsibility - even for the meals. & we do get good ones too.

Mon. Nov. 16

I helpt the boy with the washing. Gail helpt too. There were so many sheets. Now all is folded & ready to iron. Dad’s eye has been awful looking all day but is able to see a bit this eve & it doesn’t look so red. He, Gail & I took a walk this eve. Had early supper & no tea - but too big supper even so.

Tues. Nov. 17

A cloudy cold day. Gail & I both helpt with ironing. I rec’d letter from Mrs Lyon with directions to make pretty baby sweater. I’ll see what I can do with the pink wool I have. Am crocheting bonnet like sweater. Pictures came from Peters - enlargements are quite good. Haven’t rec’d the proofs of what he took. Hope they come before we leave. Rained this eve.

Wed. Nov. 18

The campers got back ab’t 5. All fine and declaring they had a fine time. Mr. Smith called again but would have no tea. Dad’s eye has been pretty painful much of the time & seems most as swelled as ever. Do hope it soon gets better. Finished crocheting the little outfit - sweater, cap & booties. Washed hair and all our clothes ready to pack ‘em.

Thur. Nov. 19

Just did lots of little last things. Have sweater, hood & booties ready to post. Police Officer Horley & wife and another man called this A.M. Photo proofs came from Peters. Not too good but passable. Packing a large box to send by freight.

Fri. Nov. 20 Kericho

Didn’t get away til most 11. for we had to have tea first. Left one large box for Paul to send by freight. & still we seem to have a lot. Got here too late to go to tea factory today. Mr. & Mrs. Kitts came for tea. then we had a big dinner this eve - and prayers together. This is Nov. pr. day.

Sat. Nov. 21 Litein

Went to the tea factory. It was so interesting. Dad’s eye bothers so he didn’t go. Then to Kitts for tea & down town for bit of shopping. & back for lunch. Mr. K. & Mr. Innis came to Litein this A.M. for some native weddings. We got here ab’t 3:30. Didn’t go to O’Neills as it is too far off the road.

Sun. Nov. 22

All except Mother, Esther, children & I went with Earl to outschool. Esther & children had S.S. & Mother & I went to A.M. service. It began to rain & rained off & on all P.M. I have upset myself inside & have cramps by spells so am taking hot water bottle to bed with me. They got back ab’t 4:30. Dad’s eye very uncomfortable - swelled badly below now. Gail has one on face between eyes. It has been a restful day for me.

Mon. Nov. 23

’Twas supposed to be Kilgoris today, but I have felt pretty bum & Gail has malaria and Dad’s eye is more swelled & painful so no one pulled to go. We’re all feeling better this eve. Mrs. Kitts brot Miss Nikodemus in just before lunch. She had been to Nairobi having treatments for her eyes. Dr. says Trachoma is the trouble. We all enjoyed the quiet day here.

Tues. Nov. 24 Ogada

Got to Nyakach around 11 & found they had almost given up seeing us because I wrote we’d be there last wk!!! I am getting old. They got us a lovely lunch, tho. Little Grace is a darling child. tho not very well. Did a bit of shopping & saw Mr. Lichty & little Bob. At Kellers met Skinners & Miss Seimen & had ice cream & tea. Came on to Skodas where we rec’d another hearty welcome. Little Ruth is dear. We’ve not seen
Baby John.

Wed. Nov. 25 Kaimosi.

Mr. Skoda took us to Kellers where we & Cls had a lovely lunch with Mrs. K. She misses him terribly but is really very brave. She & Miss Seimens have ab’t decided to go with us but in their own car. But they are giving themselves too short a time. Gail staid there & will come tomorrow. We’re settled in the small corner room & veranda.

Thur. Nov. 26 Thanksgiving.

Mrs. K. Miss S & Gail got here ab’t 11. The men went way out some place where Polish Refugees are to be put; so we had dinner late but O it was so good. The turkey was done to a T & every thing else was fine. Kapsabet ladies came before we lay down so got no rest. They wanted to see ab’t things to buy from Fords. Hoyts gave Cl & Gl. a lovely large chair. & they bot a second one. also a small table. all very nice.

Fri. Nov. 27 Mr Clarke

Peeled oyster nuts after seeing Mrs. Keller & Miss Seimens off. Did nothing worth recording. after rest went to Paul F’s & looked at books for sale. then took walk to cemetery & had supper on lawn. Mr Lichty & another man came. They got ice from Kisumu & while we went to forest to see the large trees they are cutting, Mrs H made ice cream. Kellums came too. ‘Twas very good. I talked with Mrs. J. Ford ab’t Congo. They may take P. Fords to Irumu for ‘plane.

Sat. Nov. 28

Went to Cabare Rocks. Ellen F. went too. Scrambled around & took pictures & ate the “snack”, called on Mr. Lichty and got home for 1:30 lunch. This eve went to school program and LAUGHED. ‘Twas very good, even tho pretty lengthy. Ice cream for lunch & more before bed & no bad results. I’m getting younger! No word yet concerning porters. Mr. H. fears they’ll have trouble to get them.

Sun. Nov. 29 Ray & Sara - married 1934

We 5 had breakfast at Dr. Bonds. Had such a nice time. Then were in church when grads - ab’t 64, marched in while Mrs H. played the march. Program was very good. Cl. preached. Native service this P.M. but we didn’t go. Every one here to supper on lawn & Mrs H. led mtg. like C.E. mtg. all took part.

Mon. Nov. 30

Mr. H. couldn’t get thro before noon. But all was packed & they got away before 3. 2 chairs crated and 2 boxes for shipment they left at Broderick Falls. They expected to stay at Kitosh tonight. Mr. H. seems sure they wont get back before Sat. so wired Housdens we’d come Sun. noon for lunch. Mrs. H. & I seem awfully small in this huge house.

Tues. Dec. 1

Last mo. of ‘42. Where has the yr. gone? Wonder where the Mt. climbers are. At least they haven’t returned. We had dinner with Mrs P.F. and Mrs. J.F. was there too & said she’d had a letter to say he got porters so they’re no doubt part way up. Kellums went to Kisumu & brot our tire. So that’s ready. We wired Housdens we’d come Sun. for dinner.

Wed. Dec. 2 Lois B.

Mr. J. Ford came late last eve & said he had taken porters in his car & gone with the folks in theirs as far as possible & they were getting off by 9. Wrote Mrs. Guilding & Esther Choat. Read in “Mother Carey”. Lichtys called just as we were ready to go to Class supper. Mrs looks much better. All whites were at supper. Huge plate of stiff corn mush & small plate of gravy & meat. Then a song. Then rice & curry. Then we left, but bread & tea followed. All done by boys & girls. Ab’t 70 were present. Hands washed before & after. All very nice.

Thur. Dec. 3 Barnett twins Erik & Arthur

They might be back by tomorrow night. I took a brisk walk to the mill & back this morning as it was cloudy & cold. It rained quite a good shower just ab’t dinner time. Wrote Gladys’ mother, but have forgotten her initials so can’t send it til they come.

Fri. Dec. 4 Cora Beth Ott

We thot they might come late & had a big tomato soup ready - but no sign of them. Wrote Ray. finished Gl’s sock & pressed all. Started baby sweater but haven’t right needles nor enuf wool. Finished reading “Mother Carey” and began “Barriers burned away”. Attended “Monthly Mtg” [Quakers] for the sermons & worship.

Sat. Dec. 5

We were ready for them by 10 A.M. but they didn’t get here til after dark. We expected Lichtys too but they didn’t come. Mrs. H. set a long table on veranda for 12 & only we 5 (3 Fords & we 2) ate there. Climbers are badly sunburned and stiff but all declared they’d had a lovely time. Must they go on tomorrow? Since we wrote we’d come it seems best we go.

Sun. Dec. 6 Mrs. Barnett

And we came. Got here ab’t 1:30 but had a chase around before we got onto right road from Kitale. They have a very lovely place - lovely view of Elgon. The climbers are pretty stiff and sore so Mr & Mrs H & I went for a walk. Very lovely view of Charangania Hills. Meals on veranda. Lots of nice books. Could spend days here.

Mon. Dec. 7

After break. left for Nasakol. Mrs. H. didn’t go as she seems to be coming down with cold. Found Jessie & boys - all are well. J. is getting quite gray. Godfrey has grown tall & really handles himself quite well. John is a darling. Had a nice chat. She’s just had a cable her Mother has gone. She gave me a framed enlargement of Chas. Got back at dark.

Tues. Dec. 8 Kampala

Got all packed before break. Mr. H. had gotten gas permits for us so we got some at Tororo & looked for lunch room but was none. Came spinning along. Got here ab’t 4:30. found Hostel full up but 2 ladies heard us talking with Mrs. Drakely & offered us four beds. & Dad slept by car. Gail & I at Dr. Leeches & Cl. & Gl. at Dr. Billingdons. Very fine folks. My cold is bad & I feel quite miserable. Glad we are this far on way home.

Wed. Dec. 9 Gail. Nyanza Rest house, Mubende

Shopped til ab’t 4 and then started for Mubende, but started too late to reach there but came to the same Rest Camp as we did in 1934 with Devit. The care taker stickles for Sh. 5 each. so we are using things here & will pay it. Dad slept in car. Mosquitos are terrible. W’d like to start early & get home tomorrow.

Thur. Dec. 10 Mother Sloop.

HOME. We did not get off early as it was storming too hard. Dad had a frightful night with mosquitos. We were quite comfy under our nets. It rained all the way to Fort Portal. roads were wet & very curvey so couldn’t make any time. Got to Katwe ab’t 6:30 & had tea & decided to come on. Got here 11:30. Found rooms all decorated and ready for us. Macs in guest house & all beds ready for us here. & “Welcome Home” boquets. A hippo was on the road but made no trouble. Found good stew on stove & had tea in Thermos.

Fri. Dec. 11

Each room had mail and a boquet on table. Every body surprised to see us as no one heard us come. Tried to get unpacking done, but Cook family came ab’t 11 A.M. and brot 2 wks. mail. a huge bag. Letter & remit. from office. $100 from Ray it says. Thank God for that. We surely need it. So nice to see Cooks. Mrs Mac. fixed beds in guest dining room.

Sat. Dec. 12

Yesterday P.M. the girls were unpacking and got out a tea set for me & made tea & told me to come have a cup. It’s a lovely set. prettier than Gladys’s or Gails. Cooks left right after breakfast. Cl. & Gl. will take Gail home on Mon. & Macs leave for Rethi too. Don’t know when Kens will be here. Baked some. Still not all unpacked. Rested a bit this P.M. & called on Miss N. Miss F. came after tea to see G’s gifts. Music this eve.

Sun. Dec. 13

My, I wish we could see Rays for a bit as baby was due yesterday. The church is lovely - all plastered - floor pembed - seats in and rostrum and pulpit with place for 2 huge native pots of ferns. I’m sure it’s nicer than we’d have done it. Grounds all in grass & flowers & paths. Very nice. Miss F. came to dinner & we talked then got things ready for Oicha etc. Wrote them all too. Still so tired. Am taking quinine. Makes my head awful.

Mon. Dec. 14

Boys came early as M’cs wanted to get to Oicha in time for mail lorry. All got away in good time. Gail left her sweater. Took a kitten along. Boys did a big wash. not all dry. I finally got suit case unpacked. also washed & boiled a lot of kerchiefs. They are so grimy ‘twill take a while to get them white. Have no battery so can’t get news. Had a hard storm south of here. may come here.

Tues. Dec. 15 Mary Anne

Wonder if Gail is home. While writing ab’t 7:45 P.M. Kenneth, Bob Deans and Paul Smet walked in. Ken brot Bob to get Cl’s car. First they said they must return at once but at supper decided to stay the night. Am getting things put away. My head troubles a lot. I’m taking 6 gr. quinine a day. My cold hangs on too. Am glad for this bit of rest before all come on Sat.

Wed. Dec. 16 Claudon

Bob & Paul left in the old car right after break. Ken worked at tire til after 3 P.M. then he left. All A.M. I felt awful punk. then took aspirin and feel better tonight. Pr. mtg but Miss N. didn’t come. She’s very tired these days. Her babies are quite a trial sometimes. but she wont let them go. Wonder how Cl. is celebrating.

Thur. Dec. 17

Just after supper Kens came. It’s very nice to have them here for a bit by ourselves. Bageni the new chicken boy helps with the table as he wants that work & they say Kinyabila will do chickens. Guess school work is abt finished. My cold is so nasty.

Fri. Dec. 18

When Kens came they said Dr. wasn’t coming as they had gone to Rethi. He will come next Thur. instead. Baked berry pie & short cake and ginger bread and white plain cake. Ivy was busy in their rooms. This P.M. we chatted and last night & tonight it’s 10 when they leave. Wonder if Cl. & Gl are at Mambasa.

Sat. Dec. 19

Baked Kabugabu pie and crusts for lemon pie tomorrow. Canned 3 qts toms. Miss N’s little Elizabeti died last night. She’s better off. Cl & Gl came ab’t 5:30. Macs haven’t come at all. so we haven’t our mail. Miss N. gave me med. for cold as it seems to be in the sinus region & hurts.

Sun. Dec. 20

Quiet day. Usual services. It is so nice to have the nice church building. Men’s side of the house was ab’t filled. Got some letters written after rest. Cl had letter from Van saying cable came “Council refuses acceptance Taylor. Sanctions temporary association”. But we shall still pray she may be accepted.

Mon. Dec. 21

Rained hard just after dinner. Macs were caught in it. Got here ab’t 3:30. Made candies. Ivy made a lot of marsh mallows. Asked de Wildes & hotel folks for tomorrow. only latter accepted.

Tues. Dec. 22 Alice

Baked buns & bread. G. baked cake & iced wedding cake. Mr. & Mrs. Ingels & 2 children came a bit after 4. Chatted a bit & looked at gifts and then tead & coffee’d. Mrs Mac. made “pigs in blankets” & they were very tasty. Then buns & jelly and candy - & cake. All very nice. Every one enjoyed it. They’ve asked us to come at 2 on Sat.

Wed. Dec. 23

Made more fondant as other wasn’t good. sugared badly. This too is dry - not creamy. Ivy made lots of marsh mallows yesterday and today more. for gifts to others. G. made sugar cookies & I baked gingers. Mrs. Mac made taffy. Expect Dr. tomorrow. Wrapped & marked gifts.

Thur. Dec. 24

Dr. came brot some parcels and paipai. Baked 4 mince pies. G. baked choc. cake and she & others made up fondant candies. Sent lots of lettuce & toms & parcels of all sorts to Oicha. Picked nice lot of berries. had for dinner & supper.

Fri. Dec. 25

“The end of a perfect day” almost. At least ‘twas very enjoyable. 16 at dinner, the turkey and 2 chickens were done fine. Ivy helped me while others went to church. The tree in corner of veranda was very pretty & plenty of gifts piled around the foot of it. At 4 P.M. heard King George speak. Music on radio this eve.

Sat. Dec. 26

This is the day after. Plenty of work but all help. Sports this P.M. Man brot butter from de Wildes & said they were coming. We met them as we went to Mutwangas - all of us but Miss N. She got tea for de Wildes. We had lovely tea & waited for Mt. To clear but it wouldn’t. Music again.

Sun. Dec. 27

All went to mtgs. Had communion and dedication service. Cl. had mtg with elders at 2 & at 4 was a testimony mtg. 3 Mac girls sang Kingwana. Gl. played. This eve they sang at our service. also Gl. Ivy & Ken. sang song composed by So Af. Soldier. Very pretty, all of them.

Mon. Dec. 28 Mrs. Shaffer

Macs left after break. for Matayus Mates school & village. There’s such a huge washing. Gl. got out her wash board so both could rub. took til eve to finish. We’re all getting letters ready for Oicha tomorrow. It seems so hot these days. Can’t be there’s snow a few mi. away.

Tues. Dec. 29 Devitt

Got away right after breakfast. Tho 2 bridges were reported out we got there by 11. Made a detour. It’s very hot & has been for 2 wks. Folks look done out. but all well except Alice W. has flu. I saw none of Beckers. Kens did. Got some ivory - pd radio and got flour for N & F. & mine is to come to Mutwangas tomorrow. One Greek’s store was not open.

Wed. Dec. 30

Cl & Gl pembed living room in their house but need more. so went to Mutwangas to see where any might be gotten - & also looked for our things from the Greeks but nothing has come. Macs came for lunch & are ab’t packed for the Lake tomorrow. Drs may go with them.

Thur. Dec. 31

And the last day of the year. Baked etc. Ready to pay the men but they didn’t come. Macs had early break but got away late for car didn’t work. What a wonderful year it has been. Some heart aches but many more blessings – especially [arrow drawn to Oct. 7, 1942 when bridge collapsed under the car but no one hurt].


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