Florence Minch Stauffacher Diary – 1945.                                                                                Index

F.M.S. Diary 1945

Mon. Jan. 1

The first New Yr. alone - or without Dad - in many a year. if ever. How many more will there be before we are reunited. There’s plenty of excitement for Cl. Ray & Jno came back in time for dinner & Ken went to see 2 friends & brot them for dinner. Had chicken etc. Sometimes it’s pretty noisey with all youngsters playing ab’t - but it’s nice having all here.

Tues. Jan. 2

The 3 boys have gone for a short hunt especially planned for the 2 military men. Staying only 1 night. I can’t seem to get the neck of R’s sweater right - it’s because of hairbone pattern. Even Ivy can’t see what’s wrong. it wont decrease. Mary A. fever & heavy cold.

Wed. Jan. 3

Thot I’d get lots knitted today but just didn’t. Nice big mail & butter. and man from Katwa. Paul says come on Fri. So Cl, Gl, Miss N. and Ray, Sara & Betty will go. Boys got back ab’t 5. Got one elephant & had a good time.

Thur. Jan. 4

Betty fell from car platform & hurt wrist pretty badly. Getting some mail etc ready. Sorted out the Masai translations & have ready for Kens to take. Had strawberries. Sent butter & peanut butter to de Wildes. They get none now. Made almost a gal. of jam for Conf. All going to Katwa ate at Cs early.

Fri. Jan. 5

They got away ab’t 6:30. Killed sheep. Frcs 80. Yesterday the garden men pretty well soaked [arrow drawn to previous yr. “Dad is getting water thro garden.] whole garden and this P.M. we had hard hail storm, wind & rain. Mr de W. wrote that Yves is sick. sent slides & asked what to give. I wrote how Mary Ann & Dorothy have the same & what we are doing for them. John & Mary A are very good. All have played very nicely.

Sat. Jan. 6

8 wks. ago - how fast they have gone. 39 years ago today Miss Rosenstock & I landed at Mombasa. The Katwa crowd got here ab’t 6:45. Everyone glad to see everyone. Butembo Dr. said Betty’s wrist is sprained. They brot mail from Beni. Baked 170 ginger cookies for Conf. Squash pie etc. Canned 3 pts peaches. 2 glasses of jell for Noweck.

Sun. Jan. 7

Meetings as usual. Quiet rest this P.M. Raymond plays organ so much and just like Dad. ‘Twould be lovely for me if he’d stay here. but I really don’t want him to. We all hope Uhlingers will be sent here. They are some where in Congo. Got bunch of calendars from W.C.T.U.

Mon. Jan. 8

Had picnic dinner at falls. David slipt into water. Guess Paul & family have been at Oicha. Mail man came with lovely big mail. Letter from Jessie telling of Godfreys going. She blames herself for ever leaving him at the hospital. After putting him in a cast some thing went wrong - acidosis - & Dr. owned he had done wrong. Course he is happy in heaven. but Jessie is so sad & lonely.

Tues. Jan. 9

Raymond at car all day. Cl. is miserable with cold. Dorothy Ann seems better. both Ivy & Sara feel bad. Ken came up after supper & Raymond ran gram. Such pretty music - the book they brot for Dad. Sara & I knitted. Almost finished Ray’s sweater. Lovely letters of sympathy from sisters and others.

Wed. Jan. 10

Cl. still pretty miserable but went to see ab’t elephant near Mutwangas. Also Ken went. Ray led mt’g. Gl. at green dress. Ivy blue striped crepe. Sarah red jumper for Betty. Talked late. Miss F’s heel is better but still pretty sore.

Thur. Jan. 11

They brot such lots of strawberries. Kens ate dinner at Miss F’s. Every one had berries & also shortcake for supper. Ken still working at play pen. wants to take it to Blukwa. Cl. better but Billy has bad chest cough. Trying to get things done. baked bread & will do more tomorrow.

Fri. Jan. 12

Getting last things done. have lunch ready for tomorrow. Finished Rays sweater - Sara & I - looks nice. Packing pretty well done too. Some talk of Kens waiting til Mon. to go - but finally decided to all go tomorrow. Ken still at car. Baby pen finished & packed ready to go.

Sat. Jan. 13 Blukwa

9 wks. ago! Got off before 7!!! tho we were up at 4. Takes some packing for 14 folks. Stopt at Beni for gas. Rays with Kens. Got here abt 6:45. Met H.H.Hs in forest on mail truck. Uhlingers & most every one here. So nice to see all. Imhoffs baby came last wk so they aren’t here. Mother H. is. She is in guest house & I & Rays in ½ Love’s house & Weiss family in other half. Cl & Gl at Brashlers.

Sun. Jan. 14

A good crowd here. Meetings as per program. only Mr. Miller took Dad’s place. Tables in native church. Meetings in another building. So nice to be with Rays. Cls at Brashlers. Have only had a hello with U’s. they are so busy in dining room; it is rather crowded. but better than cafateria. So many speak of missing Dad, & assure us of prayers. Had just a few min. with Mother H.

Mon. Jan. 15

Jack L’s [Litchman] birthday. Serviettes are in rings with our names on & in initialed baskets. Ray took Mr. Williams pr. mtg. I didn’t go to any, til tonight. Bill Deans spoke on his experiences as chaplain with the forces in Egypt & Palestine. 2 hrs. but very interesting & I heard him.

Tues. Jan. 16

All went to first mtg. then children & I came home. Sara & Ray both sing in specials. The Stough-Quackenbush engagement has been announced. Poor Jo. Read. Children’s mtg at 2. I look after Mary Ann & Billy. Musical tonight Very good. Gl. played on accordion. Alice W., Brand & Longman have them. Frieda & Jimmy have flutes (home made) Miss L. violin, Evelyn cello, Ken trombone, Paul & Linquist cornetts, Lutz marimba.

Wed. Jan. 17

Mr. Williams & Mrs. McIntosh went to Djugu to meet H.Hs. but aren’t back yet. Meetings as per program. I’m staying with children tonight. Reading “Christ of the Indian Road”. Took pictures of Mary A. & Billy. Testimony meeting for others.

Thur. Jan. 18

This is the social eve of the wk. Nonsense & fun. but Rays & I went to Council mtg. & it was decided they take Miller’s place at Rethi Acad. & I go along & when Camps leave I do her work. Uhlingers in Rays’ dorm. Mrs Paul in girls’ as formely. I feel sad at leaving Rw. & all the places so full of memories of Dad. but it must come some time & glad to be near Rays.

Fri. Jan. 19

Early this morn Ray came & said he thot I’d be happier at Rw. I had said that’s what I wanted, but felt no one thot it best. he said all thot I’d rather not. So we talked it all over again & he told Mr. Buyse & now I go back & keep on with Rest Home. Cl & Gl go home soon as possible. Don’t know who came to Rw. in their place. Dixes came this eve.

Sat. Jan. 20

10 wks. ago! Mostly business all day. Finishing up Council mtgs too. H.H’s come to Rw. So many need to go home. it’s hard to know where to put the few left. Kens may go to Rethi to look over buildings for new R.V.A. plans. Killed 6 huge turkeys for tomorrow. Mr. Camp was to show pictures but everything went wrong - so we ate pop corn & sang choruses til 8:30 & went home.

Sun. Jan. 21

A beautiful day. Lovely service & communion in A.M. Roast turkey for din. Praise mtg 2-4. ending with dedicating 8 babies 2 of ‘em mine: Mary Ann & Billy. Lots of pictures were taken. This eve new workers told their stories. Sara & I sat back & staid only a while. Later - found we missed the most interesting - our Gladys’ testimony. Wish much we had staid.

Mon. Jan. 22

Cls stay one day to wait for Miss Love so I came with Agnes & Mother & Alice & Shirley in Brands car. He had to drive so slowly & had such lots of business so it got late & we are spending the night at Searles. The car is lovely - like a rocking chair but too low to make time.

Tues. Jan. 23 Oicha

Tho we left Nyangkundi before 9, we didn’t get here til 1:30 had to drive less than 10 mi per in some places. Mother is pretty tired. Called on Miss Edna after supper. She wanted to know all ab’t our trip to Kenya. She got Conf. news while we ate our dinner. In guest house with Alice, Shirley & memories.

Wed. Jan. 24

What memories this guest room holds! but we all slept well. Even Mother looks rested and says she thinks the trip did her good. Cl. Gl. Love & Weber arrived ab’t 3. and ab’t 5 Mr. C. & Evelyn, Uhlingers & Harry came. 14 at tables. Agnes had roast duck & dressing. Very good. Love with Ag. Weber in 4th bed. Cls & Uhlingers in wards. H.H. in dining room.

Thur. Jan. 25 Home. [Ruwenzori]

Left Oicha 9:40. Stopt at Beni a bit - ate little lunch at Semliki. Got here 2:20. Everyone so glad to see Uhlingers. but so disappointed they aren’t staying. Nice to get back. & to know I’m here to stay for a while at least. Now for some real hard work. Camp brings H.H. early on Sat. Also expect Kens that day.

Fri. Jan. 26

Unpacking & talking & looking around the place. Pretty well emptied the store room & they are sorting things out to be taken first. They got lots of thrills as they’d unpack & reminders of the lovely days when the family were together. Crowds of natives have come to greet them. We killed a pig. Fr. 200. Picnic supper at Falls.

Sat. Jan. 27

We expected Mr Camp for break. but they got here just before dinner. Had a nice rain before they came. Alice is not well. some sort of fever. has a rash - like measles. Had radio on all evening with Mr. Camps battery. All loaded up. Mr. Camp sleeps in U’s old bed in store room. A good number of teachers are in.

Sun. Jan. 28

Mr. U. spoke at native service. It rained hard again. Kens came ab’t supper time brot post & butter & word that Mary Deans (Bob’s widow) has a son Jan. 14. Also Lincolns a son at Arua. Mr. Camp had radio on a lot. Ab’t 5 he drove the truck to Mutwangas & Cl. brot em back & will take them in the morning.

Mon. Jan. 29

Had coffee in thermoses and sandwiches & they ate & were off just ab’t 5. Kens ate dinner here & are trying to get packed up. Had sour kraut & ribs but the Kraut wasn’t much in evidence. Had mince pie. Made do-nuts for D’s chop box & our cupboard.

Tues. Jan. 30

D’s left right after early lunch. Cl. went after elephant. We seem a small family. Alice is feeling better - she had fever. “Dengi” or something like that. They will get at unpacking when Cl & Gl get packed & moved. Found Dad’s original A.I.M. History. If I’d only have had it for Ken to look over. Now we’ll see.

Wed. Jan. 31

They’ve moved their bed into our large guest room. & Billy’s across the hall. Slowly things are coming up here. & getting packed & stored. Their animal pictures on wall above couch. Buffalo horns above mantle. Cl. led mtg. all pretty tired. I try to look after Billy & get meals.

Thur. Feb. 1

In pretty much of a mess. What would it be if I were packing too. I’m so thankful I can stay here. Cl went for elephant again but got none. Harrys unpacked what was packed last Apr. All came thro very well. Getting letters off this eve.

Fri. Feb. 2

Another call to shoot elephants - got a shot but didn’t kill any. Trying to get the book case in our room cleared to use for writing desk contents. Cl’s still packing & sending things up. Wanted to pembe Dad’s hut but no men came. Billy takes quite a bit of time but I like it.

Sat. Feb. 3

Billy does get so hungry & screams & fusses til he gets something. It would amuse Dad to see him. He likes the play pen but gets tired standing. Baked pies & made Kabugabu jam & sauce. Cl. busy paying teachers. Will take pictures tomorrow of S.S. etc.

Sun. Feb. 4

I left in time for communion. Alice also went when I did. Miss F. did not come to dinner. Billy is so cross. and bites on every thing but still no sign of more teeth & the 6 are so large. Wrote Jessie Scudder. Read again from Ironside’s book. Seems queer not to read loud so Dad can hear.

Mon. Feb. 5

Took a jigger out of Billy’s toe. His first!!! Mate helped here & they did a big wash. Still packing away boxes in store room. Getting safari things ready for Cl & Harry. Baked bread, cinnamon rolls, rusks, & cookies. Men pembed Dad’s hut but not finished. Harry’s took the desk. We put Cl’s in it’s place. Gl. cut out her pretty pink.

Tues. Feb. 6

Men left after breakfast. 5 workmen were left & they are at the road. I took on another. Weeds do grow & rabbit pen must be made higher - lots of little ones. Nice mail. Mother H. still very weak. Williams hope to come 1 wk from tomorrow. A Whitlock family were aboard the Clipper that crashed recently. We wonder if they are our T.T. workers. [arrow from same date 1946: “And they were.”]

Wed. Feb. 7

Still trying to clear out more in store room. Marking Cl’s boxes & linens. covered some pillows. Billy is not well. bad diarrhoea. his teeth are still not thro. Getting a few letters off. Gl. led. then all sat & talked & I knitted at ball for Billy.

Thur. Feb. 8

Straightened up more in store room so now it’s pretty good. Billy much better today. but Gl. not so well. Tried to get a few letters off. but only a few. Picked berries canned 2 ½ qts. Shortcake for supper. Alice is not very well these days. Ray writes he had 2 bad goes of fever after Conf.

Fri. Feb. 9

Billy is really crawling mostly on hands & feet. He tries to jump around like Shirley & he’s so cute. Tried to clear up my table a bit. Wrote Ruth Cable. 13 wks. ago today we got to Kijabe. Am not doing much cooking these days. Alice is ab’t settled & wants tea there soon.

Sat. Feb. 10

Had hi tea at Alices. Ladies too. She has fixed things up very nice, & with what furniture Gl. is leaving there they will be very comfy. A man came from Oicha & brot a note from Ag. saying Mother seems to be sinking. stays so weak. sits up only a bit. If Harry were here they’d go over - but she may last til he does come. then they can go.

Sun. Feb. 11

Quiet restful day. Had chicken & raisin pie. Read from Keswick addresses tonight. Wonder how Mother H. is tonight. How Dad enjoyed such [arrow drawn to previous year; “Had music. Mr Willson singing - Mrs. S. violin & Dad organ.”] evenings. and how prepared he is to enjoy heaven’s music.

Mon. Feb. 12

This eve just before supper a note came from Agnes saying Mother passed away at 9:15 this morning. Just slept herself into glory. Sorry Harrys couldn’t have gotten over. but God knew, could have kept her here til they c’d get there. Dad had just 3 mo. and a few hrs. start of her. It’s nice to think she’s at rest at last. 86 last mo.

Tues. Feb. 13

Keep thinking so much ab’t Agnes. I know how she misses her Mother. God will comfort. Miss N. killed a pig & gave us ½ so caned 5 qts. Thot Williams would be here but they write they can’t come now. hope to later. My head is nasty these days.

Wed. Feb. 14

Trying to get letters off. have such a lot from the girls. One from Lo by air but it had been in the sea. C’d easily read it. Canned more tomatoes today & made lots of juice to drink. Talked long after pr. mtg. I led.

Thur. Feb. 15

Thot sure the boys would be back so Alice & Shirley moved to their house. but no daddys came. Are trying to feed Billy less - his stomach has been so upset. He crawls around now. Just after noon a note came via de Wildes from Agnes telling more detail of Mother’s going. See back.

[from back] Thurs. eve. Feb. 15, 1945. How very fitting that I should here record Mother H’s home going on last Mon. 9:15 A.M. Feb. 12 - just 3 mos. after John’s. Agnes sent man on bicycle & we had the note before supper time but Cl & Harry being at outschools we couldn’t accomplish any thing by letting them know.

About noon today the following letter came from Agnes. She & Jim were at Pauls for dental work & to get away for a couple of days.

From Katwa: Yes, Mother has gone to be with the Lord and all her loved ones in the Gloryland. had no idea it would be so soon, that she would be seeing Mr. Stauffacher, did you?

You know, when we have our loved ones with us we almost think we will have them always, and that they cannot leave us, but, of course, we know better. I realized that Mother was getting weaker and less able to get about, never the less I did not want to believe it, and she was gone before I could fully realize it. Now I feel lost without her and cannot bear the thot that she is not in her room in the mornings when I always go in to look after her. Now she is not there but is safe & happy & resting form all her weaknesses & pains. Her breathing was so difficult & she could only say a few words & then breathe.

Sunday she was not up in her chair in her room but she let me comb her hair before she went to sleep, & I was up with her twice in the night and she knew me & was made more comfortable. In the morning I came in & washed her hands and face and gave her some of her salts water, & at breakfast time I was going to give her her breakfast, but Jim came in & gave her some coffee - just a few teaspoonsful first. I then sat by her til 7:15 & I knew I must dress so went & dressed after she was made comfy on her pillows.

When I came back twenty min. later she had gone into sort of a sleep or coma, from which she never awakened, & so she just slept away, now & then drawing a deep sigh and breathing less & less deeply until she just stopt breathing and had gone. I knew she was happy & at rest but it seemed pretty hard to give her up.

Miss Edna came & did every thing she needed, I helpt her put on her dress & comb her hair, & she looked very sweet - had such a sweet smile, & her eyes were closed & she looked as tho she were just napping, as she did so much towards the last.

We had the burial service at night. The casket was beautifully made and Alice & Miss Edna lined it with some soft material I had - she looked so nice and peaceful. The service was lovely, we had the big light & the organ. Jim read about Moses just before God took him - and Paul read part of Psa. 37 and all of Psa. 46 because they were favorite passages of Mother’s. And Daily Light for Feb. 12 were God’s message to my heart so he read that too. We sang “Our Great Saviour” and “The Home of the Soul” and there were prayers by 2 of the natives and by Jim and during the interment the people sang. It was all lovely, but I am glad to be here for these 2 days because I miss her so! Will tell you more when I see you. Meanwhile we praise God for sparing her any pain or long illness.”

When Mother gave me goodby as we returned from Conf I’m sure she felt it was the last time. She kept my hand & kissed it & said “The Lord be with you”. She felt it so keenly when John went. now those old workers are all over there, makes me homesick to go too.

Fri. Feb. 16

Prayer Day. Boys got here in time for dinner. Had strawberries. Made 4 glasses jam. Getting mail ready. Regular runner is sick. Salumu will go. We hope Agnes & Jim will come out soon. Cl. brot 11 chickens and 2 loads of rice.

Sat. Feb. 17

Had word from de Wildes they couldn’t come - sickness. We had hi tea here. & Alice’s birthday cake. Did usual work. Cl. has bad cold. typing sisters’ letter. Ab’t 10 or more to ans. Harrys are keeping house now.

Sun. Feb. 18

Gladys felt so ill this morn that she staid home & lay down mostly. Harrys had dinner here.

Mon. Feb. 19

Harry had a couple of men clear up the foundation & lawn. Dad did do a lot of hard work. Now when bricks are burned we get at it. Cl. Gl & I walked up to see it.

Tues. Feb. 20

Began covering an old quilt. Pressed pieces & got started but had many interruptions - so didn’t finish. Wrote Lily Roberts.

Wed. Feb. 21

Got on with the old quilt - one I pieced ab’t 50 yrs. ago and some of the pieces are falling to pieces. Am covering one side with Gl’s dress leavings. The lining is still alright. Miss N led mt’g. Finished girls letter.

Thur. Feb. 22

Picked berries. Made 3 qts jam. Finished pinning pieces on the quilt - ready to stitch. Getting letters off this eve. Gl. didn’t rest well. has much pain by spells. They are writing the B.M.S. Dr. at Yakusu to see if they can go there for help.

Fri. Feb. 23

Rays say they need me so badly. I’ve written Ill come next term if Sara can hold out til then. Pictures taken at Conf. came. Most of them are very nice. Cl. went for elephant & didn’t get back til 7:30 & we were quite worried. Gl. especially.

Sat. Feb. 24

Every one got off to get meat. Andrea came back ab’t 1 with a bad cut on his leg. also the wood man has hand cut. 4 elephants for them & still fight over meat!!! Cl brot up the pretty white cupboard for the kitchen. Now others look bad, but we will get all done some time. Baked & washed dishes & got dinner etc etc.

Sun. Feb 25

And today too. [arrow drawn to previous yr. “Rainy all A.M.”] Just enuf to make mtg impossible. Had hard wind yesterday P.M. & rain today. Looks like dry season is past. Had fried rabbit & I sent some to the ladies. They thot it very good. There are still some running wild up toward guest house. Read & wrote letters. to C.J. etc.

Mon. Feb. 26

Mr Paul came ab’t noon. brot flour & butter & mail. $90. remit. How I thank God for it. Cl. gets 50. of it. Then perhaps I can send them another 50 when they get home. Had mtgs at 4 & 7. Rained quite a bit & is cold. Miss Edna could not come now.

Tues. Feb. 27

Alice W. put King-words to the tune “walking in the kings highway” that Rays quartet sang so much at Conf. and Gl. has a quartet sing it. It goes very good. Shirley has bad cold. Mr. Paul had mtgs all day & this eve. He has to be careful ab’t his eating - said it’s his Betty’s birthday. Mother would be 91.

Wed. Feb. 28

Mtgs again - pictures this eve. Gl. & I were going - then Cl. came after helping Mr. P. get set up & said it’s very crowded - so we didn’t go. Quite a bit of headway is being made by the Am. army into Germany. Russians too are advancing. Wonder so where Faylon is. He was going to Europe this mo.

Thur. Mar. 1

Rainy this morn. so no berries were picked. Mtgs all day but none tonight. Gl. went all A.M. I bathed Billy - etc. he slept fine today again. Weighed him yesterday & he has lost 1 lb. since last mo. He is getting less solid food. Has seemed better from sour stomach.

Fri. Mar. 2

Picked strawberries & made 5 qts caned and ab’t that much jam. & I picked them all over by myself. Yuda staid for both services. Miss N. killed a sheep so we have lovely mutton over the wk-end. Billy has been so good these last few days. Mr. Paul not feeling so well, staid in all P.M. & let the boys carry on. They did.

Bells were leaving this morn. for Blukwa - for ordination service on Sun. Hope Wamala got there with the letters for them. Wrote Dr Maynard & Capens using Gl’s general written Dec. 26. but still very good.

Sat. Mar. 3

Ab’t 2 P.M. Brand brot Mrs MacIntosh and Miss Edna - and some mail & some things from Beni. Gl & I got baking done & bathed before dinner. Others bathed later. No P.M. mtg but pictures this eve. had sheet in doorway so pictures could be seen from both sides. Miss E. sleeps in Dad’s bed & I’m in my own. just til Mr Paul leaves on Mon. They brot things from Rays - dresses Al sent.

Sun. Mar. 4

The folks brot word that Amy Pierson has cancer. O dear - I feel so sad. I couldn’t get to sleep last night. How glad I am we didn’t know Dad had it. A lovely communion service. Mrs Uhlinger sent us 8 doz. glasses & with our 45 - still didn’t reach. Meetings closed this P.M. with 49 professions. Must pray much for them all. Every one here for dinner - also last eve for supper.

Mon. Mar. 5

Mr. Paul left after break. Mr. Brand had tea before he left. Mr. P. went to Paul H’s for a week. then he goes to Lolwa for 2 days & then Rethi. and so what we send by mail man will go direct to Raymonds. Miss E. in corner room. Williams write they are coming on Wed. They will go to Dad’s hut. Mrs Mac cutting out a grad. dress for Janet.

Tues. Mar. 6

Baked bread & cookies. Set more men to work. Getting Dad’s hut into order for Williams. Have chop box pretty well packed for Cl & Harry go to south out schools. Washed hair. tried on Al’s pretty black she sent me. Am altering the green too. Sleeves didn’t fit.

Wed. Mar. 7

Boys got away by 9 or so. Rain on all sides but none right here. Have hut all ready for Williams but they have not come. How well I remember a yr. ago and what a happy time we had. [excursion to Ishango] Miss F. led mtg.

Thur. Mar. 8

Williams came just after 7. brot 2 ducks. also some post. letters only. Gladys finished her yellow dress. & I finished fixing up the sleeves of my green. We 3 had lunch at Alice’s. Very nice - ate too much.

Fri. Mar. 9

Don’t seem to have accomplished much but berries were picked & we ate all we could & jammed ab’t 4 qts. Wrote at letters - Mr W. at car - made tea this P.M. Miss F asked Yuda to kill a pig for her. Wonder if Paul Stough & Betty Quackenbush are married.

Sat. Mar. 10

And again another wk. of glory has passed for Dad - 17 now. Miss F. killed pig & gave all some. Mr. W. working at car all day. Started letter to Deans but helpt Gl. find tunes to songs so didn’t finish letter. She finished her yellow rayon dress. Looks pretty.

Sun. Mar. 11

Meetings as usual. Wrote some letters. Posting Mission history to Mr. Teasdale. Also posting via Mr. Mac. filled in Bank forms. hope they get there quickly. all ready to leave at 6:30

Mon. Mar. 12

Got away in good time. Stuck a bit on pontoon as river is so low. Shopped. Mr Paul went early & tho Mr Williams hustled to Oicha - he had gone from there too - so Mrs. McIntosh will have to go by mail truck tomorrow. Waited over an hr. at pontoon because a truck was stuck in mid river. Miss Blanchard writes she can’t come inMay.

Tues. Mar. 13

A yr. ago today Rachel Stough entered into glory. The effects of yesterday’s trip are showing. It was so hot & I drank lemonade, coffee & soda - and today I feel like it. [arrow drawn to previous yr. “My head & tummy are awful.”] Bowels are upset. Have guava juice ready to jell tomorrow. Wrote some letters tho.

Wed. Mar. 14

Feel better tonight tho I lay down quite a bit & ate ‘most nothing. Made 10 glasses of jelly. Cl & Harry got back just before dinner. Miss Edna sewing uniforms for herself. Gl. is making my slips. wants to go at my dress. W’s moved down to Harry’s corner room.

Thur. Mar. 15

Feeling pretty good again. Made 13 bottles of strawberry jam. Have very few bottles left. Cl. hasn’t been up to much today. Pretty tired. Gl. cut out a pretty dress for me - a piece she got for me - pink collar & trim. We need more pembe right now. [arrow drawn to previous yr. “...this morn the pembe came ...”] May send men for some if Cl. doesn’t drive down there.

Fri. Mar. 16

Felt very miserable til noon. Rested & then made lemon pie for supper. Had pr. mtg at 8 but Miss F. went out early so she didn’t come. Cl. went for an elephant but got into ants that were thick in the bushes so came back.

Sat. Mar. 17

18 wks. ago; wonder how long it seems to him. Did usual baking. Guests all ate lunch at Miss F’s. Killed 4 rabbits. They are increasing so fast. Mail came. Yakusu Dr. says Gl. can come any time after Easter. O my I don’t like to think of it.

Sun. Mar. 18

HOT. Just felt dumpy & sleepy all day. Sort of rheumatism in right knee & up - like tooth ache. Wrote Mrs. McKenrick. Read some. Big fire - long line of it. Lightening a bit & smells like rain.

Mon. Mar. 19

Had a picnic up at the falls. Alice took potato salad & I had cold rabbit etc. It was so hot that we didn’t stay long. and as I wasn’t feeling up to much I had a good nap. Ab’t 4 we had quite a nice shower. Hope rains are beginning.

Tues. Mar. 20

Alice had an Oicha reunion at lunch. We all had strawberries all day but mostly from Miss N’s patch. Ours are drying up. Getting things & letters ready to send tomorrow by Williams. Don’t like to have them go - nor Miss Edna.

Wed. Mar. 21

They got away after breakfast but Miss Edna left an envelope with $20!! in it. and I found the check I made out to Williams - but I think they left it by mistake. Boys cleaned & pembed floor of corner room. Cl. got an elephant just in the valley near by.

Thur. Mar. 22

So very hot but now is lightening & raining a bit. Do hope rains will soon begin in earnest. Mended & fixed black dress from Al. it is very nice now. Billy is not well. guess it’s heat causing “summer complaint”. Hope he sleeps so Gl. can too. She got a fright because he picked up a dark feather & she thot it a spider! He wouldn’t let go.

Fri. Mar. 23

Again another hot day. Billy was much better today. Again it is lightening and cooler but very little rain. Got out all diaries & old letters. Gl. has had lots of fun reading those Cl. wrote at R.V.A. She wants to collect data & write up some of Dad’s experiences - as a Trail marker. So we are reading old letters.

Sat. Mar. 24

Alice asked us down for supper. de W’s came & we had tea. then supper there. I read aloud some of Dad’s history of the Masai work. Gave Billy some choc. & it seemed to upset him. He liked it. Baked but got done early. We do spend a lot of time at these old letters & how it takes me back most 40 yrs.

Sun. Mar. 25

Rained before & during church service but a good crowd was out. Wore a sweater most all day. ‘twas quite chilly. Yuda has quite a sore on his leg - from a cut that became infected. Let him off after break. Hope he gets fixed up before the crowd comes. Finished letter to Lo & Co. - talked long after church.

Mon. Mar. 26

Sprinkles but no real rain. Trimmed more rose bushes. Wonder if this [arrow drawn to previous yr. when John spoke in church] was ab’t the last time. Have been reading his account of Mulungit coming to the mission. Worked a bit at silk stocking rug. Gl. & I both washed hair. Yuda’s leg troubles much - doesn’t heal.

Tues Mar. 27

Did various & sundry odd jobs. Cut oranges for marmalade. Mail man came ab’t 3 P.M. A lot of letters went to Rethi and Ray opened & sent all in his envelope. an air mail from Co. says Elmer has cancer of stomach. O dear, how I pray God will undertake for him. Were going to see a stomach specialist. Rays say they better not come in Apr. I’ll tell ‘em they must.

Wed. Mar. 28

Planted petunia slips in small water jar. Wrote Rays. Went to Harrys to see bath tub. he took the one Cl. had made & finished it up. He is making clay tiles for pipe for water. I want him to make tile for store house.

Thur. Mar. 29

Both Gl & I have been at letters most all day. Still no more rain. & quite hot. Not many berries left in our garden but Miss N. has some. Had plenty for all both meals. & canned 1 qt. Have big letter ready for girls and also for Rays.

Fri. Mar. 30

Got mail man off. Gl. cut out & I sewed a play suit for Mary Anne. Billy has been very cross all day & isn’t resting well tonight either. has cold & can’t breathe well. Still reading John’s letters. What good times we had.

Sat. Mar. 31

¼ of ‘45 is past. 20 wks ago tonight Dad entered into glory. tomorrow is Easter. I wonder if they are praising God in a special way because Christ arose. We are. Am reading Dad’s letters to me before I came out & how he longed to have me come. I wonder if he is looking for me now too.

Sun. Apr. 1

Communion service. Billy 9 mo. Dad 20 wks old in heaven. Wonder if they are celebrating over there. Spose they celebrate all the time. Read good art. tonight in our service on resurrection of the body - the same one that dies is resurrected.

Mon. Apr. 2

Today Cl. brot up my beautiful desk, & I’ve pretty well settled in it. Gl. is working at the story of Dad & I help what I can. She does it so well. Wrote Mattie S. this eve. They are sending money. Had to send Macungani away as he has taken another wife.

Tues. Apr. 3

Went over old pictures & found some of Lucile so wrote her tonight. Still at old letters & writing up on Dad’s many experiences. Gladys is so good at it & seems to be enjoying it much.

Wed. Apr. 4

Mail man finally came & said the Sat. lorry broke down & came thro Beni in the night & went to Butembo & came back yesterday but there was no Irumu mail. Still reading old letters & Gl. writes what she wants. She led mtg. Sent men for pembe to Semliki.

Thur. Apr. 5

Wrote Mulungit copying from Dad’s old letters. I hope it sets him thinking & trying to live right. Gl. is so interested in reading the letters she can hardly stop for meals. Cl. may take Harrys & me to Beni & Oicha on Sat.

Fri. Apr. 6

Worked in kitchen all A.M. sifting flour etc etc. Am watering the orange tree. There are still many oranges on & I’d like ‘em to last 2 wks longer. Guess we’ll be pretty happy 2 wks. from now. Already to go in the morning.

Sat. Apr. 7

Got away before 8. Pontoon crossings took long as water is so low the pontoon has to be pushed across the middle. Did shopping at Beni then went to Oicha for lunch. and out to the cemetery. Miss Edna called & Alice. Had a very pleasant time. Picked up mail man & brot him & mail in. Very hot. Heard Lohrman, Eugenia Brown & Clapper leave Irumu by plane the 11th.

Sun. Apr. 8

HOT. Yesterday & today have been so hot. Do hope twill soon rain. We need it so badly. Irrigating orange tree & will run it onto roses tomorrow. Wrote some. No ambition for much.

Mon. Apr. 9

Cloudy & a shower so is cooler. Pembed the kitchen with white. Not very well finished. Must go over it again tomorrow. Irrigating the roses. hope they’ll be blooming when Sara comes. Wrote some letters.

Tues. Apr. 10

Kitchen looks pretty nice now. Took most all trunks & boxes up to the magazine so the room will be much nicer. & we can put a cot in besides the big bed. Tomorrow we pembe it. Wrote Mrs. P’s birthday letter. 5 mo. ago today we got to Kijabe with our sick Dad.

Wed. Apr. 11

In a few hrs. Dad will have been in glory 5 mo. The kitchen is pretty well finished. Gl. put the ruffle over the window & the pretty paper on shelf - but the 2nd cupboard is not yet painted. The store room has one coat but needs another badly. All mail ready to go in the morning - to Oicha.

Thur. Apr. 12

Store room looks very nice & floor pembed too. now will fix bed spring & then move things in. One wk. from today are the grad. ex. at Rethi and then we hope they’ll all come sailing in on Fri & Sat. How interesting these Congo journals are. I forget where I am.

Fri. Apr. 13

Cl. suffered so much last night that they decided to go to Rethi at once & if Dr. Williams is not coming - to go on to Aru. Gl went too. They thot I should too but I said No I’m not afraid to stay alone. but Gl arranged with Miss F. to come over to sleep. I’m so tired I’ve come to bed & it isn’t 7 oclock yet.

Sat. Apr. 14

Worked hard today too. Boys pembed the pantry Took every thing out & pembed all walls. It looks so much better. Then I put all things back again and it was almost 4 P.M. when I finally finished & had my bath. But it is a satisfaction to know kitchen & pantry are so nice & clean. The store room is very nice too with pretty curtains up.

Sun. Apr. 15

Dad is in Kenya now. [Arrow drawn to previous year when Claudon was asking John if he would like to go to Kenya with him for medical attention.] Just as we were eating our sandwich supper Miss N. came over with some folks: Capt. on a river boat ‘tween Stan & Leo. & others. wanted to see the station. They brot the news that Pres. Roosevelt died last Thur. Buried today. No particulars. Quiet day otherwise. Do enjoy looking into store room, kitchen & pantry all so white & clean.

Mon. Apr. 16

Baked big batch of Mother H’s [Hurlburt’s] cookies. Wrote a big Hooppole letter & this eve to Steeles. Made beds in back guest room. After supper walked up to Dad’s hut & guest house. Wonder when it will be finished. Large pile of brick up there now.

Tues. Apr. 17

Cleaned up Sara’s sewing machine & put it into their room. & put Gl’s into dining room. cleaned her window & put clean curtains up. will put table before window & get place ready for Billy’s bed. Wrote Mrs Chilson. No mail man yet.

Wed. Apr. 18

Whew! 10 oclock. We 3 were alone for pr. mtg!!! Mail man brot. 2 big bags of mail. just as I was eating breakfast. This has been a very busy day - no rest - but can’t say just what I’ve done. A letter from Ray says he & Sara wont come but Betty & John. & Harry heard the ex. are today & so they may be here tomorrow night but don’t really expect them.

Thur. Apr. 19

Will they be here tomorrow this time? Hope so. Fixed up Dad’s hut. it’s very nice. Did lots of little things - washed hair. boys pembed hall & bath room. Killed 76 kilo pig - 380 Frcs. Plenty to do tomorrow to take care of it all. It’s very fat. Finished up several letters. Mail wont go til Tues. with Miss F.

Fri. Apr. 20

And they did come. Raymond & John but not Betty. She thot she should stay with her Mother. Bless her! Mrs. King & Alice will come tomorrow. Cl saw Dr. Williams & he says it was his spleen. He’s taken a course of quinine & feels better. We had lots of work with the pork & have lots of nice lard & meat. Will pressure some tomorrow. Billy has grown. he didn’t know me.

Sat. Apr. 21

This is Virginia May’s birthday - 14. So Gl. baked cake & we iced it & put nut meats on. Mrs King & V. are up in Dad’s hut. Buyses wont come til May. Birthday greetings from Propst & Davis. Mrs P. was ill in Nairobi. Cl & Gl are planning to leave by Juba on May 13! I don’t like to think ab’t it.

Sun. Apr. 22

Quiet restful day. Ray took a few movies, Floyd Pierson gave him his camera. Today Griffins, Gail, Mrs Lindholm leave Juba for Cairo. Cl has cabled for their money & will go that way too. Billy loves to pull magazines out of cupboard & shelves - so he is being taught to leave them alone.

Mon. Apr. 23

Cl. Ray & John take Miss Frost to Beni to take the mail lorry for Irumu for Bogoro Lang. Com. mtg. Then they go hunting, til Sat. or so. Worked at getting post ready. Pressured 5 qts. meat. Packed chop box & bedding etc. Cls are wiring for place on Juba boat for May 13. leave here May 8!!!

Tues. Apr. 24

I set alarm but didn’t hear it. Miss F. did same but they got off a bit after 5. Deans came bout 6 P.M. So glad to see them. All natives had to go to Mutwangas to see Dr. so we did our own work at noon & they had a time as the Infirmiers were drunk & wouldn’t do any thing. & then hit some of our people for telling the Dr. on them.

Wed. Apr. 25

Mr. Deans & Peggy got away right after break. but I forgot to give him Ken’s letter. I stitched at Billy’s clothes as Gl. seems to feel it if she treads the machine. Miss F. wrote out her message for mtg tonight & I read it.

Thur. Apr. 26

Baked bread again and did various things. Sewed at Billy’s clothes & not quite done yet. Finished Becca’s letter. Girls played Ch. checkers. Patsy, Sally & Virginia. I played 1 game then knitted.

Fri. Apr. 27

Boys got back ab’t 4. Had a nice time. Got only 1 shot at an elephant but got some buck. brot nice piece home. Finished Billy’s suits. Mrs King has fever tonight so didn’t come to supper. Wrote Warren. Sent mail.

Sat. Apr. 28

Baked & stewed & cleaned as usual. Cl & Ray went to get elephant pictures but got none. We had picnic supper at falls - 14 of us. Had breaded steaks for dinner. Very good. Made meat loaf - & have big roast for tomorrow. Music & candy this eve.

Sun. Apr. 29

A quiet restful day. Mail came just before supper. lots of magazines & roll from Cora & Xmas cards etc. A parcel from Miss Hiles. She sent each of us something & is now on her way home. Lo’s letter says they hope I’m coming. Cl had word can’t leave Juba til June 3.

Mon. Apr. 30

Gl cut out & I sewed at 3 pajamas for Billy of material Miss Hiles sent Billy. She sent dress pieces for Gl & me. blue & pink. A table cloth for each Miss N. & Miss F. She is on her way home now. Billy fell from his box on wheel barrow - into the water ditch. Badly frightened but not hurt.

Tues. May 1

Sewed up 3 suits of Billys. Paid men. Guests enjoy the river. We would like rain. No Stoughs nor Buyses. Knitted this eve & visited. Radio announced a few nights ago that Musolini & 17 others were shot.

Wed. May 2

Tonight radio said Hitler died of hemmorrage on the brain but Germans say he died at his post bravely fighting. But really he is still alive in Berlin. 1,000,000 Germans in Italy surrendered. No Stoughs yet nor Buyses. Man returned from Beni - brot some post. Another remit. Thank God.

Thur. May 3

Billy very feverish all day. Ray too, tho packing things ready to leave on Mon. or Tues. Got a few letters ready. Am sending shoes to be repaired. Hitler & Goebbels can’t be found. Presumed dead. Hamburg surrendered. Had strawberry shortcake [arrow drawn to previous yr. making strawberry jam] but only a few berries. Miss N. killed a sheep.

Fri. May 4

Got mail off also 2 pr. shoes for repairs. He will go to Oicha but Buyses may bring butter. They’ve not yet come. Ray is planning on leaving on Tues. so I hope B’s soon get here. Billy still very miserable. Kept them up lots last night & has been restless all day. Wants Cl. all the time.

Sat. May 5

Buyses got here ab’t 7:30. Ray, John & Cl’s will leave on Mon. I’ve given Gl. my pen to take for repair. They are pretty well packed. Billy seems pretty well today. Baked as usual. Bot 6 mats from Matayo today. Rained hard ab’t 1 P.M. Most we’ve had yet.

Sun. May 6

Cl. says I should use his pen - so here goes - green ink & all! Quilt day. Just can’t think they are leaving tomorrow. It’s so nice to think I’ll soon be seeing them again. Longmans & Stoughs are at Oicha & may come here tomorrow. Then I’ll have no time to be lonely. Enjoyed Billy so much - he was so darling at bath time.

Mon. May 7

I thot we had a busy hectic day for Cls & Ray left after early lunch - took organ & radio. Stoughs met them at Mutwangas. Then this eve folks went to Harrys for news & said Germany has fallen. Tomorrow is [illegible] & speeches & big doings in Eng. & Am. Havent found Hitler’s body yet. Goebbels family found - committed suicide.

Tues. May 8

Were at H’s this P.M. to hear greetings to King - also speech by Churchill. and again at 8 P.M. King spoke at 9. Thanksgiving services in churches - & music. halleluya chorus - & other - all very nice. Wonder if Ray etc are home. Wonder too if there is joy in heaven that the war in Europe is finished. We were reminded several times that Japan is not yet conquered.

Wed. May 9

Mr Buyse led pr. mt’g. Virginia May played Gl’s accordion. Sara got a telegram that Peggy is staying at R.V.A. We think because of her teeth. She will need to go to dentist regularly. Rained again this PM so guess they are really here. No Longmans yet.

Thur. May 10

Had enuf berries for shortcake for supper. Several of the men went for meat as an elephant was caught. Rained again ab’t noon. Set out 3 rooted roses. Killed a 34 kilo pig. Goering has given himself up. Hitler hasn’t yet been found nor Himmler. Got a few letters off.

Fri. May 11

Took care of pig. Made & iced choc. cake for supper tomorrow - all eat here, cafateria. Sent man to de Wildes to ask them to come for dental work on Tues. No rain today but threatens. Searching in Germany still for Himmler & Hitler. U boats have not surrendered - so ships still go in convoy.

Sat. May 12

Baked clover buns & bread & 6 pies. 3 are already eaten. Nice time at supper - all seemed to enjoy themselves. Andrea put mat out & then ran home. Didn’t wash it “because there was no water in the ditch - a land slide stopt it”. It rained hard in the night. Each boy got 2 buckets from Lucilubi & workmen carried. Harry fixed ditch. 6 mo. of heaven for Dad.

Sun. May 13

Went to service. Talked with Dora after dinner til mail man came for mail. Hope he finds Ohrnemans alright. Buyses & I walked up to guest house & then up the water ditch. There was quite a large land slide yesterday morning, so Harry worked all A.M.

Mon. May 14

Rainy & clouds blowing in all day - except just after break. it cleared a bit & all the others went to paradise valley but came back in the rain. Ali wanted to go get his wife at Beni, so, as Mr Buyse didn’t get his letters into the post, he took them & also is going to Oicha.

Tues. May 15

A yr. ago! [Mrs. Metzler fell, badly injuring her right elbow.] & now M’s are home. As de Wildes came to have teeth taken care of I told the children to lunch at the river - because I thot de W’s would stay to lunch but they didn’t stay. This eve we wanted supper at Dad’s hut but it rained. Jim drove in at 6:30. on business. Left ab’t 8. Two mails but not much in either.

Wed. May 16

By noon Mr. Buyse had finished all teeth work & at 2 we had station mtg. and decided Harrys would move up here next week & Miss N. into their house & Harry get at putting hers up at once - perhaps by the end of the term she will be in hers & I can settle in the other house. Seems very good plan.

Thur. May 17

Stoughs left after breakfast. Alice came & we planned ab’t what to do. They’ll use the 2 middle rooms for theirs and pack my stuff into my corner room. Some things will be left as is. Have baked Patsy’s cake. will have hi tea tomorrow.

Fri. May 18

Pretty well packed up. Iced cake and made peach dumplings for dinner. Patsy had a small cake for their table & we had a large one for us. Quite pleasant but some showers. Had pr. mtg. at 8. I remember 2 yrs ago [Deans visit] - so well. Dora & girls moved up here.

Sat. May 19

I baked pies, buns and roasted meat. had bath & early dinner & were off by a little after 12. Got ivory at Beni but there seemed no post. So got some things for Miss N. & came on. Got here a bit after 5. I’m in Mother’s room - so full of memories - so is guest house.

Sun. May 20

A lovely quiet restful day. Went to 1st mtg. then napped & again this P.M. as my head was bad. Got letter & Miss N’s money ready to send by man of Jim’s who takes butter. All had supper here. after mtg. Bells will come to Rethi this wk.

Mon. May 21

Got away after break. Stopt at an out school where an Alur boy is teaching. Got to Irumu & got gas just at noon. Had dinner at hotel but could do no shopping - holiday. So we went to Nyangkundi & are settling for the night.

Tues. May 22

We had just gone to sleep in Dora’s beds when a car came. it was they. So they slept on cots. Bill left Peggy at Kenneths for the term as her teeth & eyes needed treatment. We came on to Bunia & shopt. & then got here to Rethi ab’t 5. all well & so happy to be together again. Miss Utting is here too.

Wed. May 23

Mrs. K. left ab’t 10. Miss Utting went to Blukwa. School all A.M. Mary A. not very well. but Sara will go with Ray to take Cl. & Gl. to Aba. Do hope Bells come tomorrow. Helpt some in kitchen so am ab’t settled. I have a lovely room. John made a pretty WELCOME GRANDMA picture on my desk.

Thur. May 24

School all day today. I baked rhubarb pie & ginger snaps & cocoanut cookies. Gl & I had tea. I took a tumble out of bathroom into Sara’s room. My leg aches like tooth ache but ‘twill be better tomorrow. I’m so chilly tonight. Had some nice letters this eve - but no permits for Cl & Gl. but they go on any way tomorrow. Our turkey from Mass was killed today - so there’ll be none for Xmas.

Fri. May 25

And now we are alone. They had no permit but hope to get one at Aba perhaps. They left a bit after 4. Miss Smith went to Aru with them. After dinner here with us. Did so hope Bells would come before they left. but haven’t arrived yet. - Harry just called. Brand brot him & Gordon. They go to Kasengu tomorrow to see ab’t car.

Sat. May 26

First thing this morning a note came from Miss Utting saying Cl’s permit was at Nioka & she told the man to hustle it to him. I sent all to Lasse as he had some understanding with them ab’t it. Kept busy all day. Mary A’s cold is so nasty. I don’t know what to give her. We got supper ourselves - boys come so late. Hope they’ll be back before this time tomorrow.

Sun. May 27

The folks got back ab’t 1:30. Miss Stewart came with them. She’s on her way home. All had dinner here. Brills are on the way out. All went to PM mtg. Then after supper & children in bed we had phono music. Some of Rays nice records. So pretty Dad would have enjoyed all. Can’t see how heaven can be much more beautiful.

Mon. May 28

A yr. ago was the last time Dad preached. Rained last night & again this eve. Weeds grow fast. but vegs. do too. A lovely piece of material came this eve for me from Angeline. Sort o’ purple. Looks beautiful by lamplight. She writes too Miss Meloon is coming here. Shall be very glad to see her again. Mary A not well. Mr Paul went to Djugu & official wired Cl permit. Also went by post.

Tues. May 29

Made big lot of cookies. took most all A.M. Mended some this P.M. Read to the children & got home letter partly written. No rain today but cloudy most all day. Harry called right after breakfast on way home so I hustled things together. sent a few eggs & letter. No Miss Meloon yet.

Wed. May 30

Pressured 3 qts. of beans for Bafuka we hope. Ab’t 10 last night Bells came in. Then I was sorry I hadn’t cleaned the guest house. He has been busy all day with books & Agnes has had a nice visit. Mended this P.M.

Thur. May 31

Mended. John came home sick ab’t 11. Seems malaria. Jack Litchman came back. Gave him 7 of Dad’s shirts. and Ray told him to come for supper & he wore one of the blue ones. Uhlingers here for chicken dinner. Nice Kenya mail.

Fri. June 1

Mended & cooked. Miss Meloon came. She looks well. Brot letter from Gl. They went to Juba today with a Greek. Bells left ab’t 10:30.

Sat. June 2

Got some nice beef today. We were told Bells drove thro but wouldn’t stop to see any one. Mrs. U. called & brot music books of Kingwana for me to paste reinforcements in. Baked pies. Wrote Gl. air.

Sun. June 3

Wonder if Cl & Gl are on way down river. Wonder if Dad remembers his birthday. Rained some. Mr Paul starting a wk of mtgs so we had no P.M. mtg. I went to first one at 9 A.M. It stopt raining over noon & Miss Meloon came. also Nina Smith. Sara, girls & I walked back with Miss M. & saw her house. its very nice. How well I remember each yr. Played part of Messiah. So beautiful!

Mon. June 4

Planted most of the seeds Cora sent. Mtgs all day. Some boys are not coming to work. but cook & table boy & wash boys are on. Rained a bit ths eve. Writing letters. finished most mending. Ray at car.

Tues. June 5

Cloudy & cold this P.M. Frida came to interview me - some school work - on the beginning of the work here in Congo. Letter from Gl. at Aba. Tried to help the boys iron the clothes better. Mended & am fixing at red crepe of Lo for Sara to wear to school. Zola Smith here to supper.

Wed. June 6

Never dreamed Dad would never again be wholly free from pain & well. He is now, thank God. Got at stocking rug for a bit. Finished knitting the brown socks that Mrs. Teasdale started for Dad. Ray will wear them. Baked buns & bread.

Thur. June 7

Nice mail. Dress material from Miss Frost. Very pretty. intended for my birthday. and sheets etc I asked Alice to send. A wooly horse for Billy from Mr Maber who visited us just after Xmas. Two letters asking for vacations at Ruwenzori. Hardly know what to say - because Miss N. wont be out of that house by Sept. How well I remember a yr. ago. [John having a sick spell at Oicha]

Fri. June 8

How glad I am he is free from it all now. [arrow drawn to previous yr., John sick & in much pain at Oicha] Boy picked lots of berries. sent Miss Meloon some and she came to tea. Miss Z. Smith asked us all there to supper. Very very nice. We took strawberries. Children went to see Mr Pauls pictures. Have written guests to come here if they like - not Rw.

Sat. June 9

30 wks. ago I couldn’t see this. All I could think of was how could we keep Dad. How wonderful it has been for him and God has been very good to us too. Did usual baking etc. Typed a letter on Gl’s machine. but something loosened so Ray will have to look it over.

Sun. June 10

Lasses here to dinner. Miss Wambolds birthday & we asked her too but she went to Longmans. Lasses & Miss Smith came for music. It’s so nice having the gram. Sun. evenings.

Mon. June 11

7 mo. for Dad in heaven. Miss Meloon called & asked Mary A & me to come for dinner tomorrow and Sara & children to tea after school. Twill be very nice. Mr. Lasse went with Mr. Paul to Kasengu for mtgs. Mrs L. called & brot tiny coffee percolater. Mr. Van Vivirer & wife here to supper. Very nice folks. He collected taxes today.

Tues. June 12

We went to Miss M’s & had a lovely time. Got a letter from Mr. Morris. Bishop in N. Af. such a surprise. I shall ans. at once. Finished Della’s letter. Started M. A’s sweater but ripped it out & decided on prettier stitch.

Wed. June 13

Getting letters off so did little else. Made noodles. Expect Uhlingers to dinner tomorrow. It was announced at pr. mtg that Dr. Beckers are leaving U.S. this mo. Gl. will be sorry to miss them. Perhaps she’ll go to Edward then.

Thur. June 14

Only Mrs. Uhlinger came & we chatted all P.M. I didn’t even think ab’t tea. & there were fresh buns! Mail brot several letters. $102 from friends. Thak God for it. If Cls are kept in Cairo for some time I’ll send some to them. Hope we hear something from them by next post. Beth U. finishes nurses training today.

Fri. June 15

Day of Prayer. School til 10:15. then Ray had prayers with school children and Sara went to pr. mtg. I kept M.A. Mended & canned 1 qt. berries and 1 qt. sour kraut. Wrote some letters this eve. Washed hair this P.M. Thot some one stole things from garden but don’t miss much.

Sat. June 16

Usual work - and put up 7 qts saur kraut. Recovered car cushions and back. I helped Cl. put other covers on before going to Kenya for wedding. Ray also painted it - all looks nice now. Same gray paint. It’s nice & clean.

Sun. June 17

Sara went to first mtg & Ray & I to second. Jack L. came to lunch & it rained much of the P.M. but let up so they & Jno went to service. I kept Betty & M.A. Miss Meloon came to supper & the mulatto girls came for music also Lasses. Read magazines - all P.M.

Mon. June 18

Rained hard before I knew it and clothes were out. Course got drenched so had to be taken down wet. Had good grate fire going when they came from school. Mended khaki pants.

Tues. June 19

Some clothes are still wet. It rained again from 11 to 1 or after - hard. and it was cold so Ray started fire. Boy picked st. berries, so I was busy all A.M. cleaning them. Fixing sleeves in a dress Beth gave Sara - then she can wear it. Letter from Lo.

Wed. June 20

Lots of rain & COLD. Mr. Longman said that beans & tomatoes in the valley garden have been frosted, & I can easily believe it. Darned John’s sweater.

Thur. June 21

Sara went to dorm and U’s came here for dinner. Sara got home ab’t 8:30. Lasses called for news. he & Mr P. just returned from Kasengu mtgs. L’s have booking on July 15 Nile boat. Got big mail. Miss Meloon came & we 3 had tea together. Fire all P.M. so cold & cloudy.

Fri. June 22

Thinking a lot ab’t Elmer today. Lora’s Mar. 30 letter says they are not operating. They are trying medicine & he feels better & has gained in weight so expect he will get on alright. Hope so too. He is 67 today. Made more kraut & cleaned the house. Hard rain at supper time.

Sat. June 23

Did usual A.M. work. and ab’t 3 P.M. we & the 4 Paul children packed supper & went to Victor’s pond - ab’t 3 mi out. children had a good time splashing & sort of swimming. it’s too shallow to do much real swimming. It was sunny and lovely after these many rainy cold days. Ray showed his pictures this eve. Very good.

Sun. June 24

A beautiful day. Sara & I went to first native service. Ray preached at 4 P.M. and very good; on Nehemiahs prayer. Had no guests to meals - but quite a crowd in for music. Lovely moonlight night. Wonder so where Cl’s are.

Mon. June 25

Helped quite a bit with wash as one boy is sick. Had word today there’s no more flour to be had from U.S.A. so we are writing to Engelbrecht for some. Perhaps we can get Kenya later. Miss Meloon had just borrowed a 5 lb. bag when the word came. Ray developed a roll of films. They look good.

Tues. June 26

Baked the choc-layer for Mrs U’s birthday tomorrow. Helpt a bit with ironing as Yoani is still sick. Cleopa does very well.

Wed. June 27

Mrs. Uhlingers birthday & they came to supper but went to Nioka this P.M. & got back very late so pr. mtg didn’t start til 20 to 8. Miss Meloon was to come but it started to rain ab’t 5:30 so she sent a note to be excused. Iced the cake this morn. but got sugary.

Thur. June 28

Now the green ink is finished. How well I remember a yr. ago. [bringing John back to Ruwenzori after medical trip to Oicha] Uhlingers were here to dinner & Mrs staid all PM. & Miss Meloon came & we had tea & finished the cake. I helped Mrs U. with mending. Nice mail - no foreign.

Fri. June 29

Fixed up Mother H’s wool shalley & will wear it as it is warm for here. A Miss Williams from Yakusu wants to come for vacation. If she does I may not go down for the vacation mo.

Sat. June 30

Baked some. Mr. Buyse called & was to stay to dinner but the Misses Smith wanted him there. Ray printing pictures. Fixed up Gl. blue dress & little jacket for Sara. Mr B. says Guilding is in Eng. well & ready to come out. Also “Gripsholm” S. Ship was to call at Cairo for passengers & we hope Cls got on.

Sun. July 1

And how we do wonder where Billy is today. Surely we will hear this week. A nice quiet day. Pauls went to Aungba except Frieda & Miriam and they stay with Nina S. so all 3 came to dinner & as N. doesn’t eat Sun. supper the girls came here. A crowd came for music. Mrs. Jill, the Mother of Andre’ & Jack sang at mtg & came for music & several older dorm boys.

Mon. July 2

Washed hair. Miss Meloon came to tea. I finished reading her book “The Emperors Physician” by Perkin. It was very good. but not like “The Robe”. Mary A. went way down the road toward school this A.M. while I washed my hair.

Tues. July 3

No word yet from Cls. Thot today’s mail might bring it. Picked 2 large pails of peas. Will pressure them tomorrow. Baked cookies & mended. Wonder if Agnes had a nice day. Our days are much the same. all very pleasant. I sometimes feel rather idle but I do keep busy. only its nothing that counts.

Wed. July 4

Canned 5 qts peas and 1 qt. pork. Jack killed a pig so every one has fresh pork. Kept a nice little roast for tomorrow but now U’s are not coming for dinner. Miss Meloon takes Lasses to Nizi tomorrow. She wants car parts & L’s want shopping & are getting some things for us.

Thurs. July 5

Some home mail. Ray Minch was in hospital for op. for cancer on spine & intestines. Can’t be cured. Elmer is still working & feels quite well. Ida Dorney is in mental hosp. and so on. Seems so many of our acquaintances are sick. Lasses brot most all I asked for only 50 lbs. of flour but maybe we can get more at Mahagi. Sunny some so wash got dry.

Fri. July 6

Cleaned and baked bread. Miss Meloon came for tea and to settle accts. They’ve given Mary A. a bed that is low so she can get out of it by herself. Now we will see if that helps. Ruth Longman’s birthday.

Sat. July 7

The day was perfect and the picnic grand. A lovely pine forest and we women sat & chatted & knitted and Sara & Mira and Ray & some of the men organized games & such fun. The lunch was scrumptious and plentiful. Ray showed his pictures at the dorm this eve.

Sun. July 8

Miss Meloon came to dinner. Then we went to Pauls for supper. and to Longmans for music - gramaphone thro radio. It was very nice. Then had another ½ hr. of a quartet - which was very good. How Dad would enjoy this all were he here. & how he is enjoying where he is.

Mon. July 9

Very lovely til ab’t 2 when it began to rain. Wash mostly dry. Yoane is back at work. Baked Gordons cake & put it together. Working at Ward order. Sara picked berries but not all. Wrote Lynns.

Tues. July 10

Neither snakes nor sleeplessness trouble Dad now. [Reference to this date previous year.] Ray & Sara were at Nina’s for supper and Gordon & Lasse boys were here to celebrate G’s birthday. I had a cake and puffed rice done like popcorn balls - very nice. Mashed potatoes & peas & tomatoes.

Wed. July 11

We heard from Gl. a letter from Juba and one with Khartoum post mark on tho it was written before they reached there. Sent an air card today. The last I’ll send to Cairo. Do hope they’ve left long ere this. Miss Meloon didn’t get away either - no battery came. Every body getting needles. We all at Miss Wambolds for dinner.

Thur. July 12

U’s didn’t come for dinner so asked her for tea. & she came bringing the mail. a whole arm full. 2 letters from Gl. Last at Cairo on June 27 but no sign of getting away. “Gripsholm” may be in ab’t Aug. 15 & they hope for that. Griffin party still at Alexandria. Ray & I got needles others got them yesterday. 8 mo. today we laid our Dad away.

Fri. July 13

Miss Meloon came to tea. and was so glad to read Gl’s letters. I’m writing all figures etc she gives, to Rw. for Miss Frost. Ray ab’t sick. my arm hurts. Lasses are going with us to Kacengu next Fri. Mrs Kings letter today says they are eagerly looking for us. Hope it will be warmer.

Sat. July 14

Baked & stewed. Sara canned 7 qts toms. & I made 3 glasses strawberry jam. Sara picked the berries. Then have berrie juice ready to make jelly on Mon. Mended this P.M. after other things were done. Wrote Alice. Quoted lots from Gl. for Miss Frost.

Sun. July 15

Had such a nice dinner so asked Zola B. Smith & Miss Wambold and while we were eating it got very dark & stormed hard. How it rained. at mtg time it wasn’t pleasant so I staid with children. But after supper we all went to Longman’s again & had records on the radio. Very nice - sounds much better. Ray says the attachment that is coming will be even better.

Mon. July 16

How cold this country is. Started fire before they came from school & then how it rained when they came so they got all sloppy wet. Boys took wash down. then put up again. Don’t know if it’s dry or not. Rained so hard. Ray says we’ll not go to Kacengu if it rains. It’s so cold all the time.

Tues. July 17

A lovely day - such a contrast from yesterday. Miss Meloon got the battery so expects to leave tomorrow. I told her to come here for lunch. Made cake today ready to ice tomorrow. Will make apple pie too - of tinned apples. And how we wish we could hear their [Claudon & Gladys] car “pull in” now. No, we are glad they are on their way home and only hope to hear soon they have reached U.S.A.

Wed. July 18

Spent all A.M. in kitchen. Had apple pie. Miss Meloon had dinner with us & then left. After Ray tightened up a few screws. Sara cut out pr. of pyjamas. I’ll try to get them made tomorrow. Uhlingers come for chicken soup supper. I want to make marshmallows to take along. Had cake & tea after pr. mtg.

Thur. July 19

Apple pie for supper. Canned 5 qts tomatoes & 1 of strawberries. Made marshmallows. Uhlingers came to supper of chicken noodle soup. They are having station meeting at Longmans. I put children to bed. Wrote Bertha Goodman. Will we be at Kacengu tomorrow night? Hope so. Card from Chas Propst. Baby Ann was born July 7.

Fri. July 20 Kacengu.

We 6 at Kings. Lasses at Miss Blanchards. School & prayer mtg. til noon. Then all packed into the car & were off by 2. or before. Stopt at dukas - got a few things - then at office for stamps. then at the turn off for butter & finally reached here by 5. Had tea on terrace & watched what we c’d see of Lake Albert. It is lovely here - mild & comfortable. My feet are not even cold.

Sat. July 21

Tried to get an early start but the wind shield had to be put in Mrs. K’s car. Stopt under a tree on the Ara road, & then walked. twas farther than some of us thot - and the sun was hot. but we - some of us - reached Api hill. See back. Got home ab’t 7:30 or so. A wonderful never-to-be-forgotten day.

Sun. July 22

I said a few words. Ray a few more and Mr. Lasse preached & we had communion. ‘Twas lovely & most impressive. Such a large S.S. Virginia May helps with teaching & playing. Had Miss B’s new organ too. Right after dinner came home by 5:30. Ray & S. went to Longman’s for music.

[from back of book] July 22, 1945. How I thank God for this wk. end at Kacengu and Api. We left the cars under the tree and started our walk to Api. Ray & Mr. Lasse carrying Mary Anne part time. It was terribly hot in the long grass but usually on the hilltops there was a cool breeze. We had quite a following of natives as we past a school or 2 and a number of outschool teachers came along too. I got very tired & had to take it slowly. We finally stopt under a big tree and ate lunch. It was a grand lunch even to coffee.

But we were still a ridge or two away from Api. The out school teachers had done a lot of cutting grass along paths and even on the hill. The teacher who is head of all teachers carried my bag & gave me his walking stick and after lunch had teachers rig up a carrying chair for me. It wasn’t very comfy but I rode some. A large village & school is very near the hill & we expected to have service there, when we returned. but all the people followed us. so we had service while sitting on the stones of the house. Mrs Lasse, Virginia May, Mary Anne & Betty staid under the tree where we lunched. and after a good rest they loaded up the carriers and went back to the cars. Mrs. L’s feet were very sore. The paths are so stoney. I was so surprised that my feet stood it so well. I had asked the Lord to give strength and He did.

I some how felt Dad was very near by as we climbed onto what remains of the 2 room house & took pictures & then walked to the front & sat on the huge stones he had placed for steps into the house. and all the folks sat on the stones of the walls. As I remembered how hard he had worked to get the house up - often in weakness - and then we had to leave it, & find a higher healthier place. I wonder now how much of his last illness may have been because of the months at Api. for it is very malarial. At any rate it was worth starting here as there are many, many even some who remember when we came, who have believed and some are witnessing to others.

Mr. Lasse passed on my greetings and spoke of the love of Christ which is still extended to them. They sang “We’ll understand some day” and there were testimonies from several - just informal talks and Mr. Lasse prayed and then we started back. Ray spoke of the stones of the house covered over with living stones. May there be many more gathered from this locality. The others went fast & Ray came with me first in the chair - carried by volunteer teachers. but it got very difficult so I said I’d walk and Timotteo Makombo took the end of the stick & I got on fine but was glad to see the cars again. Every one was very thirsty & the drink water was soon finished. We stopt at a Cotton place to collect a battery and Rays car collected other things so they got home just a bit ahead of us & none got there before 7:30.

Then all had supper at Mrs Kings - soup, baked potatoes & salad and choc. cake for R & S’s birthdays. I had a big pot of hot water & a bit of tea & toast after soup. All tasted so good. Then hot baths & to bed. I have 3 blistered toes. and Mrs L. has a bad rubbed foot. All rested well.

Went to S.S. and then I gave a word of greeting and Ray spoke too and Mr. L. preached & we had communion. It was all so impressive. The place is wiggling with little folks. and the huge church was well filled too. Sub chief Foya was there. He declares he is a believer but Lasse doubts it. But the work has grown and is still growing - and I believe Dad had joy just where he is, to see how many really fine folks there are at Kacengu. We had a lovely dinner with Miss Blanchard. & then hustled home loaded with bananas & pines [pineapples] - but didn’t bring all the natives that wanted to come. The weather was ideal & we enjoyed the heat. God bless the workers there.

Mon. July 23

My blistered toes are not troubling. Am a bit stiff this P.M. but really feel I could do it again. Women came to plan for farewell party for Lasses. Longmans, Misses Smith & Wambold. Thur eve supper. at Mrs. Pauls. Sara & I are supposed to be station hostesses.

Tues. July 24

How well we all remember last year. [bridge collapsed] and how little we thot then that Dad’s days on earth were numbered. Canned more tomatoes. Heard of more guests for term end. Don’t know where we can put all.

Wed. July 25

Went to Mrs. Longmans to see some materials she had - & took all. Ab’t 5 P.M. Stoughs and Mr. Miller came in. All here to supper but Ss sleep at dorm. Mr Miller is in guest house. The end room floors were done with manure today. It will all be fixed fine & ready for guests by term end when there will be a gang here.

Thur. July 26

I did Miss Smiths 12 lb. turkey in the pressure & then in the oven just before supper and it was nice. Mrs Longman did ducks - all was very good and we had a lovely time. Sara relieved Mrs U. so I came home with the children. 2 parcels from Co & Lo. 3 pr. shoes. etc all very nice.

Fri. July 27

Gave Sara salad ivory set. and dress material. Freda brot a coffee cake. I baked cup cakes in colored paper cups that came in parcel last eve. Others sent pretty flowers. & Longmans a tin of cocoa. Wrote letters mostly. Mary A. got away twice this A.M. Kacengu man came. Mr Miller packing all sorts of things. hopes to get a truck to take him up.

Sat. July 28

Mr Buyse here to dinner. Sara & Mrs Longman spent the AM trying to find guest room things. Mr U. & Mr Longman who had left Wed. morn. taking Edwin to have his arm Xrayed. had a car break down & Mr Brashler brot them home. It took long for Dr to Xray the arm but found the elbow out of joint & the bone broken. so all had to be forced into place. it took 5 natives to do it. Poor kid. Now the cast must stay on for 40 days.

Sun. July 29

Attended all mtgs as usual. This eve all went to Longmans for phono-radio music. Mr Uhlinger came with the larger of the children. Radio last night told of a plane crashing into Empire State building in fog. at ab’t 80th story. Several killed & others injured. elevators crashed to lower floors etc etc. Must have been awful.

Mon. July 30

Card this eve from Miss Meloon to say she got home alright. tho in some places it was hard to find gas. Finished sewing Ray’s pyjamas that Sara cut out last wk. Very windstill & cloudy all day then at supper a hard downpour & lightening & thunder. Wrote Griffins.

Tues. July 31

Made 4 glasses of berry jelly. Had strawberries for dinner. Jack was here. Stormed very hard just before school closed. I left M.A. with Mr. Miller & I took coats up to school. I got very wet. Mr. Longman returned this eve. Mr U. got his car fixed up & it is here. Mr Miller still packing.

Wed. Aug. 1

Rained hard just after they got to school at 2 P.M. After school Ray took Lasse & Miller to Nioka to get the mail. It’s 10 & they’re not yet back. If Lasse’s passport comes they’ll have to leave Fri. If it doesn’t, they’ll have to cancel their booking at Juba again. Then when will they get away?

Thur. Aug. 2

They got here at 12:30 and had the passport. The mail brot Rays some home mail. I had Kenya mail only. At 8 A.M. they left for Aba. Ray taking them. Mr. Miller went too. They’ll take him to Aungba. They should be at Aba before this. Cora’s letter says Elmer is worse & they were asking for op. if the specialist thot it could be done. Do so wonder ab’t outcome.

Fri. Aug. 3

Ray hasn’t returned. Twas rainy here all morning but got cupboard for clothes from Lasses also pretty little table. Got provisions yesterday. We can’t imagine what has held him up as he expected to get in. Kacengu man came.

Sat. Aug. 4

And still Ray hasn’t come. How we do wonder where the trouble is. We know he is in God’s keeping & can trust Him. Baked lots of cookies 177. also pies. Mr L. sent some mutton. so we do need Ray to help eat things. Sara made pink outing nighty this P.M. & cleaned guest house.

Sun. Aug. 5

Mtgs a usual. Zola B [Smith] here for dinner. The mutton Longmans sent was grand. shared with Pauls. at 4 PM mtg there was a request for the whole “Messiah” to be played at Longmans with radio connection. It was very fine - all the larger school children there. all enjoyed it.

Mon. Aug. 6

Wash almost dried. All went to open house at the Dorm. The rooms were very nice - tea & 2 cup cakes were served. The children had hot milk & cup cakes. I baked some cakes with some of the sour cream on hand. Mr. Buyse came this eve. Stays with Jack. He brot Watsa mail - no word from Cls. Do so wonder where they are. Comfort to know they are in His hands.

Tues. Aug. 7

Baked bread but ‘twas slow as I used some of Mrs. Lasse’s old yeast. just to see if it will work. Made some raspberry jelly. Longmans asked us to supper. but it was dinner style. Ladies at Nina’s. Finished left front of Mary’s sweater but it’s too long. will do top over. thats the 3rd time I’m taking it out.

Wed. Aug. 8

Unyai did not come for work so the rest of us had extra to do. I roasted coffee so that’s ready. Ladies were out both meals. Mended all P.M. Sara picked strawberries - such nice large ones. Heated up fat that didn’t taste fresh. Got only 1 kilo of butter, but have quite a lot left still so hope we’ll have enuf.

Thur. Aug. 9.

Letters from Lora but none from Cl. Yes, how excited we were last yr. expecting Rays. Now I’m living with them & Dad in glory & Cl. & Gl. - well, the Lord knows where they are. Lo’s letter said Elmer had op. for cancer in stomach but it’s too far gone. They just sewed him up & he soon went home where Alice was nursing him til the end. How much better we had it - didn’t know & so hoped.

Fri. Aug. 10

Attended Boys’ school program at 3 P.M. Good. Ab’t 8 while sitting around fire writing, Bells came. then we turned on the news and heard that Japan has surrendered. Every one is happy abt that. I wonder now if Devitt will need to go back or if he has gone. How glad Co will be if Fay & Byrd can return to their college work. Perhaps Darwin too can come home.

Sat. Aug. 11

9 mo. ago now we were waiting so anxiously for the Dr. I was wiping Dad’s face & hands of perspiration. Wish I could see where Cl & Gl are tonight. But God knows. Busy day. Jr. school children came for P.M. games. Miss Settles helpt. I baked berry tarts for tea for them.

Sun. Aug. 12

Wonder what Gl. is doing. [birthday, 1912] Went to native services & then it rained. Had just lain down to rest when Mr. Weiss & David came. So rainy the girls & I staid home from P.M. service. Just after they got here a native came running saying the Belgian’s house was a fire. Mr. W. & Ray went - only part of roof burned tho they took furnishings all out. The folks have moved into the other house. In native service they sang “Shall we gather at the river” & we sang it 9 mo. ago today.

Mon. Aug. 13

Quite hectic this morn when R. couldn’t finish up mail because I passed out Miss W’s slip for parcel. It blew over. Dr. Williams & nurse Hayward, Littlejohns, Senff, Miss Barr all arrived. U’s are going down so I’ll go with them instead of Bells - who have a big load.

Tues. Aug. 14

Japan has accepted Allies terms. War is ended! Boo Hoo! Watsa mail came but nothing from Cls. The Blukwa folks came. Mrs Stough too. They are here, Brashlers at Pauls and Mrs Epp at Nina’s. The A.M. was sunny but by 11:30 it was raining & they came home in hard rain. I made cocoa & served potato chips Miss Wambold made but got it over too late as Council went to program by Miss W’s training class.

Wed. Aug. 15

Very busy tho school is over. Rays are all packed & hope to get off early for Aba & Bafuka. Praise mtg at Pauls because of V.J. day. Council hope to finish tonight - then everyone will be off tomorrow. Wonder if Cls got off today on the “Gripsholm”. Guess there are plenty of happy folks in U.S.A. these days.

Thur. Aug. 16

Sara called at 5 and by 6 they were off. Then after break. others went one after the other until only Dr Williams & Miss Hayward & Longmans are left. Ls ate dinner here & will have break early here. They & I ate supper at Ninas. Wash all done but not all dry as it rained hard over noon. No word from Cls. I can’t understand. How happy we were a yr ago - all the friends from Kenya arrived.

Fri. Aug. 17

L’s hardly ate any break at all - in such a hurry to be off. as he had to return Mr. Van Thielen’s car by a certain time. U’s took Miss Wambold to Van T’s as he leaves for Stan early tomorrow. They will return past here & I’ll go along with them for the night & I’ll have meals there. Ray’s arrangements. (Came a bit after 9)

Sat. Aug. 18

I sorted & named ivory for Kenya folks to take if they will. Then mended and swept up. Had pr. mtg here yesterday & will have P.M. service here tomorrow. Frieda comes over to play sometimes. Dismissed all boys yesterday. Nice & sunny all A.M. & no rain all day. Baked fresh apple pie. Zola sent apples from her trees. Talked & knitted after supper.

Sun. Aug. 19

Rained during the night. Hope it’s nice like this at Bafuka. Meetings begin today. May the Spirit have His way there. Nina S. gave U’s a chicken so she & Miss Hayward & Jack came to help eat it - only Nina did not come as she is not well. Dr. Williams is in bed too today. Pretty & sunny. Had 1 service - Jack spoke.

Mon. Aug. 20

Hemmed some dresser scarfs for Mrs U. and got suit case & all sent up to Dorm. & gave Frieda the key. Had hi tea at 4. Dr. W. was here so is feeling better. About 8:30 the Watsa mail came. but nothing from Cls. Tanners wrote Gail had gone on a freighter.

Tues. Aug. 21 Oicha

Got away by 6:15. Did shopping in Bunia & had a blow out before we reached Irumu. Post Of. door was closed so we hustled on & got to Oicha ab’t 5. Paul H whole family here. Saw Mrs Becker. She is so pleased with her new home. I’m sleeping in Jim’s bed & U’s in one of the wards.

Wed. Aug. 22 HOME

Saw Dr. this morning. He looks well. Got away ab’t 9. Stopt at Beni for ivory and groceries. Nail in tire at Semliki. Got here just before 5. Kellums are here & it’s so nice to see them. They say Ruth & Tom C. have gone to So. Af. & will go home to U.S. from there. Agnes told us of little Jean Spees death in Brazil.

Thur. Aug. 23

Kellums left after break. took the ivory I had bot for Mrs. Guilding, as they are taking some too. Took shoes to Miss N. but she can’t wear them. Miss Frost is going with U’s on Mon. & hopes to get on home soon. Saw rabbits, play house, etc etc. Miss N’s house is getting on & should be done by Xmas.

Fri. Aug. 24

Made lemon pie for dinner and short cake for supper. and talked plenty while doing it. Finished Rays letter & typed at Mrs Propsts. Went to see Miss N. abt things for Ray to bring. Started Bettys 2nd sock.

Sat. Aug. 25

Baked loquat pies and tarts and ginger cake. Harry went to Beni with the man who is settling near here. I’ve had hard time today to feel happy. I do miss Dad so much at times - and I didn’t sleep again. Al has taken Gl’s good mattress off her bed & put old ones on and let Kellums sleep on ‘em. I’m so disappointed.

Sun. Aug. 26

What a state Miss F is in. but tomorrow she is off, & will cool down then. Nice quiet day- services as per usual. Teachers are asking where Cl. is and when he is coming back. I’d like to tell them. I wish I knew. Wrote C’s air. Also finished writing Rays. Sunny & no rain.

Mon. Aug. 27

Folks got away by 8 tho Us were ready by 7. Miss F. just could not get thro talking. Just after they left we were getting Gl’s machine into my room. I took a spill over a mat edge & bent my glasses badly & seem to have hurt my left knee. I’m putting hot packs on and will see how it is tomorrow. Wrote some & knitted.

Tues. Aug. 28

My knee is better - not so painful and not so swelled but still pretty stiff. Made jelly of bl. raspberries. Wrote Mary Zimmerman. Called on Miss N. Had tea in the tree house. rather shakey to get up with my game knee but it’s nice. Just another thing that took time that should have been put onto the new house.

Wed. Aug. 29

Ab’t 4 P.M. Hesses and Mr. Dilworth drove in & are spending the night here. Are on way to Blukwa for Inter Field Com. so am sending another letter to Ray by them. My knee is much better & I weighed today (weighed 133) & am less than before I went to Rethi. altho I ate lots there. Mr D. is in Miss F’s house.

Thur. Aug. 30

Rained P.M. & eve. They left right after breakfast. We got fresh strawberries for their break. Then Al & I went to garden & looked it all over. Lots of room to plant things & I’ve lots of seed to plant. Harry put electric lights in today & tonight it’s quite windy so is charging up nicely. Wrote Al’s birthday letter. Kinda hard ‘cause may be Elmer has gone.

Fri. Aug. 31

Some how the hrs slip by but I don’t get much done. Wonder if Kenya folks past thro Rethi today. Miss N. got a scare this P.M. when the chimney burned out. I sorted & dusted part of the books today. Baked squash pie.

Sat. Sept. 1

Baked a plain cake & made scrapple. Miss N. killed a pig yesterday. Knitted quite a lot & wrote at Gl’s letter. Slept some as I was awake quite a while last night. The signing of Japan with Allies agreement takes place at 2:30 A.M. & is broadcast. but we wont hear it.

Sun. Sept. 2

Nice crowd out to S.S. and church. Harry used the parasite in a fruit tree to illustrate his talk. I made lemon pie. Miss N. had dinner here. We had pick up supper. but twas good. Walked to Dad’s hut.

Mon. Sept. 3

Sending a man to Oicha tomorrow so I’ve written Ray. also to Alice W. ab’t some books. Looked thro all those in large case so all are marked. Williams’ separated out & Drs. are all wrapped ready to send over. Trimmed some roses. Raining again this eve.

Tues. Sept. 4

O dear - a yr. ago seems like only yesterday. [John refusing to go see Dr.] I had that rumble in my ears this morning & then got very dizzy. also sick stomach. Perhaps ‘twas too much rich food. After taking soda vomitted & have felt better - but fear it might be malaria so took atabrin & soda.

Wed. Sept. 5

Am taking a course of atabrin and feel better tonight. Harry asked me to lead pr. mtg. Not much rain today. I went to have blood test taken & sat & talked long. then trimmed a few roses. Am getting letters ready.

Thur. Sept. 6

Finished Mary Anne’s sweater. Will press it tomorrow. Made a bit of loquat jelly. They said there are no more. Harry made a trellis or arbor for the honey suckle across the drive. A lovely day. Al, the children & I went to the river. I took pictures.

Fri. Sept. 7

Dr. came late - because of petrol trouble. Evelyn & Miss Barr were with him. ‘Twas nice to see them all but there were many memories - Dad always watched for the car & then our first greeting was always “How’s every body, How’s Mother”? Now they’re both over there. This is 10 mos. since Mr. Sywulka went. Dr. had a letter from Mrs. Harris saying they were coming the 11th.

Sat. Sept. 8

Ab’t 2:30 Ray. Harrises and Miss Shaner breezed in. So glad to see all. We scrambled around got them some dinner & fixed beds. Ray is in F’s house. Shaner & I in back corner room. I baked a little but not for a crowd.

Sun. Sept. 9

A restful day tho we are a big family. Had a rabbit & a chicken for dinner. P.M. read & rested. Eve service. I read.

Mon. Sept. 10

Baked some hoping to go on an all day picnic but it was so rainy all day ‘most that we decided we’d better not. Perhaps the men will go Ray wants to try out his new gun. Finished Betty’s socks. Helpt Miss Shaner start a pr. for her father. 10 mos. ago (9:30) how we were wishing for Dr. to come. [John sick]

Tues. Sept. 11

Are planning to go to Semliki tomorrow for picnic - all of us. Just at 5 Mrs. de Wilde & children came. Mr. de’s bro. brot them. just to greet me. It started to rain shortly after & they left while it was pouring - fearing the mud. Had pr. mtg tonight.

Wed. Sept. 12

Ray called us just after 4 & we were off at 5. The day was very pleasant & tho Ray went for buck early he got none - all ran across the road into Park. but just as he was ready going for a last look ab’t 3:30 he got one. So now he knows his gun is alright. Got back at 7. tired but happy. Saw elephants also the snow on the mt.

Thur. Sept. 13

Salted lots of the meat. Made sausage too. & have 2 pieces ready roasted for Oicha. Am partly packed. Wrote Becca. Had strawberries and canned what we didn’t eat raw.

Fri. Sept. 14 Oicha.

Had dinner a bit early & did some shopping in Beni. Got curtain material for Miss N. at 60 a yd!!! All at Bells for supper. Made sandwiches for break. & lunch on road. Heard Brills are at Matadi. Miss F. looks much better. is resting better now.

Sat. Sept. 15 Rethi

Got away at 6. Harrises & Schauer came along. Got here before 5. It’s good to be here again tho the next few days will be hectic enuf. We shopped at Bunia til stores closed and then had ice cream & came on lunching beside the road. Williams & Brand were in too W’s going to Oicha with Verna who hurt her knee.

Sun. Sept. 16

How glad we are that Sun. comes once a week. Gordon sleeps on couch & is little trouble. Had PM service at the Dorm and all had supper there. 3 Dix children came last eve. Had music for an hr. hope to have the attachment by next Sun.

Mon. Sept. 17

Crocheted pr. of booties for Betty’s doll. While eating supper Mr. Williams came bringing the Brill family. We finished & then they ate. Now we’ve fixed up more beds and suppose Mr Bell, Dr. Becker & Mrs W. & children will be in sometime tonight.

Tues. Sept. 18

No Oicha folks have come. but Epp family and Mr. Stough and Billy. Also Dr Williams. I baked loquat pie for dinner & had strawberry short cake for supper & lots stewed. Made jello for tomorrow night & a choc. cake & will ice it tomorrow. He (John) isn’t feeling well today – fever.

Wed. Sept. 19

Jim, Agnes, Laura Belle, Brand with Dr B. Mrs Williams & Verna came in late last night. Mr. Epp took Harrises to Aru & Brills to Aba. They got away after dinner. Ag. helpt ice John’s cake. also Mrs. W. but John had to go to bed this P.M. - seems to be malaria. I’m so glad to be able to help [celebrate his birthday] this year.

Thur. Sept. 20

My tummy has been real miserable & I get so dizzy. I’ll see Dr. if he has time. Williams got away after tea. They went to Blukwa. Council have almost finished. Air mail from Lo saying Elmer went to glory Aug. 17.

Fri. Sept. 21

Council met all A.M. and right after dinner most every one left. Dr. took different tests. My heart is OK. and he left medicine for my stomach. John didn’t go to school today. has fever. Pr. day & we met before dinner - only a few. Station mtg in other room now.

Sat. Sept. 22

We all feel rather let down today. My head & stomach continue to trouble. See by Council min. Miss Frost must go home at once. Guess she knew something of it so gave away & disposed of all her things. Got guest beds & rooms taken care of but what a wash for Mon. hope twill be a nice day like these are.

Sun. Sept. 23

We had an awful hail & wind storm just after dinner the lawn was quite white with hail. A piece of the living room ceiling came down. Jack said it came into his house very much. The flowers look pretty sick. The callas were so pretty. & the dark blue corn flowers along walk. All went to service - and all children came here for music.

Mon. Sept. 24

Wonder what sort of a day Miss N. had. [birthday] Clothes weren’t dry when it started to rain so had to take all down. Staid too threatening to put up again. Ray still working at the amplifier - can’t get it to work right. Makes me think of the time our big organ came to Congo & how Dad worked at it - but it never went right either.

Tues. Sept. 25

Stomach seems better but my head aches so much. Mended. A letter Aug. 4 from Gl. was in mail. but we’ve had her Aug. 12 air long ago so should soon be getting those written later. They should be getting on the U.S. side of the Atlantic by now. Don’t know how speedy the Gripsholm is.

Wed. Sept. 26

Made rhubarb sauce & brown betty for supper. Feeling a bit better - head doesn’t ache so much & stomach is better too. Wrote Lo’s Xmas letter. Pr. mtg. This morn while I was getting breakfast Ray got the amplifier to work. It’s lovely and makes the records very much better - like one was in the music hall.

Thur. Sept. 27

It’s such a joy to have the amplifier work alright. Sara went to Dorm for supper & eve. Letter from Rw. Miss N. wants the curtain material so I’ll have to look for more at Bunia. Lots of parcels & magazines. No home letters. Wrote Ivy.

Fri. Sept. 28

John is saying only 11 more weeks of school then Ruwenzori! Got a couple of letters off because it rained as we started to pick strawberries. Rained hard before dinner and also this eve. Picked loquats too. Kacengu man came in. Got their things ready.

Sat. Sept. 29

Either Unyai is really sick or he’s making a good pretence at it. Hasn’t come yet & tho we did lots of baking and got on fine - Sara & the children picked lots of berries & I canned 3 qts. & have raw & cooked. Made “Strawberry long cake” & all liked it much.

Sun. Sept. 30

Very cold & rainy this morning so we had a fire first thing. but cleared & was pleasant all P.M. Nina S. ate here. Just after dinner a stranger came bringing the milk & said Yakobo was ill. Ray went & got him. Complains of pain in abdomen. Such lovely music tonight - the attachment makes such a difference. All school came down.

Mon. Oct. 1

No rain so wash dried. Canned 3 qts. of loquats. Nina’s milk man gets milk for us. Cut out a dress for Betty of some pretty material Cora sent me. has border pattern. I basted it together.

Tues. Oct. 2

Wonder what Chas. is doing today. [birthday] Letter from Gl. Aug. 26 said they were sailing Sept. 18. Lasses were there living with them. Wrote letters. Both last night & tonight have bad indigestion. Don’t know why.

Wed. Oct. 3

Wrote 3 letters & started a fourth. This is my main work these days. Made rhubarb pie for dinner & a honey choc. cake. Want it tomorrow night with strawberries. Nina goes to school just for supper & U’s come here.

Thur. Oct. 4

Such a nice mail came. Took quite a while to read it. U’s came to supper. Had corn soup & cheese souffle. Strawberries. Boys picked lots of berries - also strasberries. I canned 3 qts. of strawberries & made 3 glasses of strasberry jelly. So didn’t get much done at letters. May A. got up from nap & put on shoes & stockings before I knew she was awake.

Fri. Oct. 5

When almost ready for bed Mrs. Woodhams & daughter Marion & husband came in. Got supper & beds ready. Kacengu man came in - brot ripe bananas. Got a couple more letters written.

Sat. Oct. 6

Woodhams left ab’t 10. took Madeline & Chas with them as Marian will teach them the rest of the term. Then early next yr. they Marian & husband go to Ireland to live & carry on his business. Such a lovely day that we took our supper & went out to Pine Forest. Miriam went too.

Sun. Oct. 7

Spoke about 3 yrs. ago. [Bridge collapsed under car on trip from Congo to Kenya.] Wonder if Cl & Gl. are thinking about it, and Gail. Uhlingers came to dinner & supper. Jack to supper. Freda to dinner. Some naughty boys are picking fruit and making trouble in many ways. Have a good bunch of letters ready. Had music this eve.

Mon. Oct. 8

Not awfully sunny but clothes got dry. Made grape nuts. Wrote 3 letters - & did a bit of knitting too. Don’t feel good - head is bad by spells. I wonder if its malaria. Got some bacon from Jack.

Tues. Oct. 9

Wrote more letters. Didn’t do much else as shoulders & neck are stiff and I feel sort o’ like malaria is working me! Now Mrs. S. [Stough] and Dad are both free from tormenting pain.

Wed. Oct. 10

Sifted all the rest of the Lubero flour. Mended and wrote Lucile. Unyai who has been sick came back yesterday. This morn I found some one had taken the remainder of coffee cake from cupboard. Later we found bananas missing. Ray went to talk to him & he ran away, so we feel he’s guilty.

Thur. Oct. 11

A lovely big mail tho it was very late coming. An air from Al. she misses Elmer so much and Mrs. Elmer 87 yrs. old wrote such a nice letter. I want to get several more Xmas letters off. Mr. U. went to Nioka & brot a box of sugar for us. I’m so grateful. Sara went to dorm for supper & eve.

Fri. Oct. 12

Tanners came last eve so Mary A. & I called on them this P.M. & took jelly. I made strasberry jelly - also Kabugabu [physalis alkekengi or cape gooseberry]. Washed my hair & wool dress - but it was rainy so didn’t dry. The dress, I mean. Gave Mrs T. Gl’s latest letter. She had one of Sept. 3.

Sat. Oct. 13

Baked & wrote letters & sewed at Betty’s dress. Tanners came & we had tea. They gave us some nice grape fruit. Jack called at 8. Interrupted my letter to Gl. I’m sending air.

Sun. Oct. 14

A quiet, pretty day. Services as usual. Jack had dinner & supper here. Music this eve as usual. Not all the children came. Played “Gloria” from Mozart’s 12th Mass. because Lucile said she played it for Dad the first Sun. after she heard he had gone as he liked it when she played it long ago for him.

Mon. Oct. 15

Dr. & Brand came ab’t noon & went strait to Jacks. We didn’t see them til supper time. They all 3 ate here & then Dr & B. left for Blukwa. Finished Bettys birthday dress. Wrote Udds & canned 3 qts Kabugabus.

Tues. Oct. 16

Got Kabugabu juice ready to jell. Mrs Paul came & we talked ab’t Sat. party. Miriam’s birthday is on Sun. so we’ve ab’t decided to make a station affair & have supper on our lawn or if rainy then cafateria in Pauls house. Miss Meloon writes the 2 ladies want to come for vacation Feb.

Wed. Oct. 17

Plans for station party go forward only Mr. & Mrs. U. will eat with Nina. The rest of us plan cafateria supper at Pauls - but I get half the supper ready here. Miriam is better. Wrote Grace Troy.

Thur. Oct. 18

Cable came saying Fred Lasse, Longmans & Claudons & Weisses arrived Oct. 9.- so glad for that word. Letters from Lo & an air from Stacey. Mrs. U. came ab’t 4. Jack here to supper too. Short cake for supper. When I was mixing it Mary A. kept saying “Grandma, where’s the “short” I can see the cake but where is the short”!!!

Fri. Oct. 19

Nice A.M. Had all mats out & washed when Mrs U. asked if pr. mtg was here. I forgot all ab’t it. so they went to Pauls. I baked 2 white layers & 2 gold ones. White don’t seem very nice. Started to rain at 12 & poured. Canned strawberries.

Sat. Oct. 20

It was pretty for a bit this morn but soon clouded & rained but the children came about 3:30 & played outside & in. Had supper ab’t 5:30. Spanish rice, deviled eggs, raw carrots sliced, lettuce, Buns, cake & pop corn. Betty & Miriam each chose 3 others to sit with them at a pretty decorated table. Had a very pleasant time. We came home early & put M. to bed & then had music here.

Sun. Oct. 21

All services as usual. More rain. but cleared for P.M. mtg. Children came for music but got very restless & sleepy. Tracked in lots of dirt of course. I wrote Stacey today. He sent such a big one I wanted to reply at once. Jack L. here to supper. A yr. ago p.p. [passport] came.

Mon. Oct. 22

A yr. ago!!! How Spees have suffered too since then. Hope Gl & Cl have or are having a happy day. [3rd anniversary] Very cloudy but no rain - or very little. Tanners called just before supper. They come to lunch tomorrow.

Tues. Oct. 23

Now the memories are beginning. Dad did enjoy the trip that first day. even tho we didn’t bring the thermos. Mail came this morn. letter from Brills to say Dr. Kleinschmitts & 7 others are coming on return trip of Gripsholm. How we do hope Stams are among them. Last Alex. letters from Cl & Gl. I wonder if they are remembering a yr. ago. [at Mbarara, taking John to Kenya for medical attention]

Wed. Oct. 24

How vividly I remember last yr. Seems I can go over every hr. What Al writes abt Elmers last wks. is much like Dad’s. eat every 3 or 4 hrs but this day last yr. he got nothing all day. But he was really very patient about it all. Baked do-nuts & Mary A wanted to know if the centers were the “nuts”.

Thur. Oct. 25

Wonder if Dr. Bonds are remembering a yr. ago. [stayed with them at Kaimosi] Washed hair - also Mary A’s. also several sweaters. Quite a nice mail. Rays had several home letters but mine were all from Kenya. U’s went to Bunia & Mrs Paul took care of school. Some one broke a window at Long’s & pulled the curtain thro. They are nice ones.

Fri Oct. 26

Made more Kabugabu jelly. Sent some eats to Tanners & they returned a bunch of lovely big bananas. so thankful. Wrote Mrs. Propst. Also air to Gl. Rained this P.M. so put Mary Ann into closed hi chair & went with coats. U’s brot lots of nice tinned stuff - haven’t see her.

Sat. Oct. 27

Work as usual. Mrs. Tanner called to get help on the stitch of the sweater she’s making like Mary As. Wrote & ravelled at red sweater. Want to make one for John. Had music tonight & will have sing tomorrow night & some child give message.

Sun. Oct. 28

Have thot so much today about that Sun. last yr. at Kaimosi. The native service was on Christ’s return & they sang “Shall we gather at the river”. It isn’t as pretty a day as last yr. but no rain. Mr Tanner spoke. Children enjoyed the sing.

Mon. Oct. 29

Undid the red sweater & dampened & wrapped all yarn. & have chosen a pattern. Now to get at it. Mary A. & I went to Tanners this P.M. to take the check for the curtains Mr. T. is getting. Mr. & Mrs. Widman of M.E.U. want to come here for vacation.

Tues. Oct. 30

Baked & made lemon pie. Jack came back from safari & had supper here. He brot some bananas. It’s surely great how the Lord provides us with fruit & especially bananas. Littlejohns write they can’t come in Jan.

Wed. Oct. 31

Got a good start at John’s red sweater. Finished home letter. Sorted out & marked Xmas cards. Mr. T. came back this eve. brot curtain material. It’s very pretty I think. and letter from Prue [Frost] to say they were leaving for Irumu tomorrow hoping to get a plane for Leo.

Thur. Nov. 1

Tanners came to tea. Mrs. Paul too. Some Kenya mail came but no special news. Sara at the dorm for supper. Quite a bit of sun so opened windows & doors of both houses for air - they get so musty. Decided I’d make marshmallows for both families also potato chips - for picnic on Sat.

Fri. Nov. 2

The guests – Widmans - will come next Tues. Kacengu man brot a few bananas. and Tanners brot some yesterday - so we manage to have some for breakfast every day. Made 2 lots of marshmallows - also chips & do nuts. and some Kabugabu jelly.

Sat. Nov. 3

Baked pies for tomorrow. and put potato chips into oven to crisp them up & burned them so we couldn’t use them. but we roasted a few & had lots of food. Weiners were so good. Marshmallows were too soft to toast. Nina didn’t go so we were 39.

Sun. Nov. 4

A lovely sunny day. Meetings as usual. Nina here to dinner. Jack to supper. He brot chicken soup & chicken. ‘Twas very good. Got several letters off. Wrote Johnsons after childrens meeting. Some parents came to visit school children & all ate lunch in guest house.

Mon. Nov. 5

Yes, yes how I do remember it all. [John’s illness] and how scattered we all are. Dad left first, then Cl & Gl. & Pauls are home too by now & Papa & Mama [Barnett] alone at Ravine. Mrs Tanner came to tea & to see ab’t knitting. Mr. Paul came back this eve. brot children choc. and oranges. Freda has a bad throat. Mrs Brill writes all coming with Kleinschmitts are single workers - So - guess Rays will be here next term.

Tues. Nov. 6

Sara began my dark blue sweater. Baked the cake for Minnie May’s birthday tomorrow. Widmans came ab’t 5. and just got over to the house when it started to rain. and it stormed hard for an hr. Yoeli didn’t come at all. Pauls got supper. we set table also wiped dishes. Baby’s name is Sandra Jo.

Wed. Nov. 7

Iced cake. A couple of girls came after school & all had tea on the lawn with little tea things. Widmans told Ray they want much to go to Rw. for Xmas!!! Minnie May & Donald here to supper. Am thinking much of Mrs Sywulka & children all day. Ravelling Betty’s pale green sweater that was stolen & recovered.

Thur. Nov. 8

Baked ginger bread. and did other things. don’t know what but was busy all A.M. This PM went to Tanners for tea - which was coffee. Very nice time & very good cake. U’s here to supper. Had strawberries & rest of birthday cake. My mail was disappointing. A letter from Mrs P. written Sept. 30 - too old to be interesting. 2 from Lora were better.

Fri. Nov. 9

Got a back quarter of beef - Frcs 185. Have made 4 qts of hamburgers. and will make 4 more of fried steaks. and then there’s good sized roast left. & a bit for corned beef. Wrote Al one sheet for birthday will write other sheet of Xmas greetings. Wonder if Cl & Gl are remembering a yr. ago. [just before John died]

Sat. Nov. 10

This is not the date but it’s the day and how my thots have been going over all the doings of that day - & now its most 10 P.M. and we have had a lovely eve of music but the tears would come. but tho I’m sad it is only for myself. He is enjoying heaven’s music. Ray played “Fling wide the gates”. & that’s what they did just a yr. ago now for him.

Sun. Nov. 11

First thing we read Daily Light and then Sara cut red carnations for my room & said “for Dad”. Freda brot lovely roses. At native meeting the quartet sang “Near to the heart of God”. A lovely sunny day. No fire this eve. Mr Paul lead service but I was mostly in cemetery at Kijabe - seeing a mound covered with pretty flowers & Ivy singing “Sleep on Beloved”.

Mon. Nov. 12

Rainy morning but clothes got dry. Last year wasn’t pleasant either at Kijabe. Cold & windy at the cemetery. Dr Becker & Mr Miller came about supper time. Widmans at Nina’s. Made Cape tom. jelly & butter. & sauce.

Tues. Nov. 13

Dr. & Mr. Miller left ab’t 11. so I made a bit of lunch for them. Fixed up a couple of dresses for Mary A. Baked cookies. Widmans at Pauls for supper. Rained before noon so had to send coats up. Wrote Mrs. Innis.

Wed. Nov. 14

Made lemon pie. and spent A.M. stewing & working. Took jigger out of M.A’s toe after bath. Tanners sent oranges and grape fruit. Asked Mrs Paul & me to tea. had apple pie & coffee. ‘Twas so good. Mr. T. brot us home as it rained hard while there.

Thur. Nov. 15

Not much mail - letters, I mean. Nina & Litchman got parcels. An air from Miss Wambold for all Rethi-ites. Zola B. was quite ill when they got there. Drs. couldn’t tell what the trouble was. No word yet from Cls. Strawberries. Canned 1 qt & made 3 bottles of jam. To Ninas for tea.

Fri. Nov. 16

What a sad “home coming” it was last yr. No one had heard that Bwana had gone. Pr. mtg here this A.M. as Ray wanted to get off right after school. I told Widmans we’d have tea at 3:30 - so asked Mrs Paul if she wanted to come. She & Mr. & Jack L. & Mr Tanner all came. They left ab’t 4:30 John with them. also 2 natives.

Sat. Nov. 17

Elmer has been there for 3 mo. The men got here ab’t 10:30 with a nice bush buck. A nice piece for every one even the help got some. Baked a usual. This P.M. we all went to Tanners for tea (coffee & raisin pie, yum!) Little Betty is sick. cold & fever. Mary A. has a cough.

Sun. Nov. 18

A lovely sunny day. Mary A. feverish so staid in bed all day. Sara went to native service only. Mr. Widman spoke at P.M. mtg - very good. Jack told children of his conversion at their mtg this eve. Verna had flannel-o-graph lesson. We are having Thanksgiving dinner at Dorm next Thur.

Mon. Nov. 19

Made more Cape tom. jelly and jam. Am to supply some for cranberry jelly on Thur. Also made mock fruit cake. Gl’s recipe. Mrs. Tanner called to see ab’t knitting the cap. so had tea. They leave early in the morning but want mail if it comes in. Mary A better. only coughs.

Tues. Nov. 20

Found some one had stolen quite a lot of bananas out of the magazine. had gotten over the wall where bricks were down - so every thing was taken out & the building taken down. Things stored in the laundry room which will now be our store room. Made another cake. Mary A quite miserable - cold in head.

Wed. Nov. 21

Baked some cookies etc. Got squash ready for pies. Will bake tomorrow. 2 chickens killed too ready to stuff. Picked strawberries. Mended this P.M. Mary A much better.

Thur. Nov. 22

Made 4 pies & roasted 5 chickens (Mrs P’s & ours). It rained ab’t time to go so we put all into the back of our car & took them - also cakes. A very very nice dinner and nice program and then knitted & chatted til 5:30 & ate cafateria what was left at noon. Mrs Van Thielen & a Mrs McIntosh from Kampala came. also Van Asches.

Fri. Nov. 23

Made Kabugabu jelly. Canned 3 qts. hamburgers. Baked cookies. & mended some. Mr. Paul went to Gate for his team and brot mail. but there was nothing from home for any one except parcels & magazines. Mr. Widman said he went to bed at 8 last eve & awakened at 6. Pretty good after the eats we’d had.

Sat. Nov. 24

Didn’t have much to do but it took me all day to do it. didn’t even get my bath til P.M. then washed my hair too. Music this eve preceded by Jack’s funny ones - some are like Barnetts have. Bot a tea set from Mrs. Van Asche. Rays say its their Xmas present to me.

Sun. Nov. 25

My mind & conscience got busy over that tea set - and I didn’t get to sleep & when I had finally slept a couple of hrs I awoke & couldn’t sleep - decided I would give Ray the money for it & then give it to some one else. Uhlingers here to meals & when she saw it she said it was a bargain at Fr. 400. Widman bot a motor engine then sold to Ray for their board here.

Mon. Nov. 26

Ab’t 3:30 Mr. Brand came bringing Mrs. Williams and the Miller family. Mrs W. to see Mr. Buyse next week - Miller family on way home from Oicha. I sewed most all day. fixing clothes that are too small. and a dress for Sara that’s too large.

Tues. Nov. 27

Brand & Millers got away after 9. It began to rain ab’t 11:30 & has done a lot of it all day. Was to go to Ninas for tea but it was so muddy. Finished altering a dress for Sara. Have fruit ready for cake & will bake tomorrow. Still raining.

Wed. Nov. 28

Baked Christmas cakes. Am leaving one here for when they go camping in Zandeland. Made jello and pickles for salad - 3 in 1 - for tomorrow. All ladies here to tea. Baked date cookies too. Letter from Gl. posted Marseilles. Read it to the others.

Thur. Nov. 29

This is the first time since ‘34 that the 29th is Thanksgiving day. I had only one chicken but used it in shepherd’s pie so it was enuf. Uhlingers were here. Frieda brot white and pink chrys. very pretty for cake & table. She also brot a dish of ripe olives. It all tasted good. Strawberries & little jello.

Fri. Nov. 30

Mail came ab’t 4 P.M. in the rain. Mrs. Paul, Williams, Widman & Nina were here for tea. hoping it would come. Uhlingers got home mail & we got Gl’s air of Oct. 26. but otherwise no home mail - no magazines. Got 2 kilos of butter from Van Theilens & can get more next wk.

Sat. Dec. 1

Sara was busy & couldn’t do the buying so I was late with my baking. They practiced the Xmas program this P.M. & ab’t 4:30 a Mr & Mrs Burk and Mr & Mrs. McMillan drove in. Mrs McM. was Ione Reed whom we met just 2 yrs ago - at Butembo with Dr. Westcotts. They are all U.F.M. McM. are just married at Juba as she was returning from furlo.

Sun. Dec. 2

A very enjoyable day. Mrs Paul sent milk etc to help out as she couldn’t entertain the guests because of pembeing being done. Both Mr Burk and Mr. Widman spoke. The ladies also spoke briefly. Picked strawberries for supper.

Mon. Dec. 3

The folks left before 10. Am so glad they came. McMillans may go to Ruwenzori. Widmans about packed up too. Ray, Sara & Mr. Widman are not feeling well. Upset tummies and achey. & chilly. Hope all will be better in the morning. Clothes all dried nicely tho there was a shower at noon.

Tues. Dec. 4

Widmans did not get away as he is quite miserable. Nothing stays down. He vomits so hard - so is weak. He had a bit of soup & toast & hot lemonade & hope he will be better in morning. Ray & Sara ab’t alright again. I’ve been chilly & hot by spells so have taken aspirin & am going to bed before 8.

Wed. Dec. 5

Mr. Buyse was to come on Mon. but today a runner came saying the car refused to go so Mr Uhlinger asked Ray to go & get him. he took Betty & Mary A. along for a ride & left at 3:30. I’m feverish & headache so am going to bed instead of pr mtg. Widmans left at 10:30.

Thur. Dec. 6

Ray, Mr. Buyse & the girls got here a quarter to 9. Couldn’t get B’s car agoing tho they worked til 11 last eve. Made ginger cookies - used Mrs. U’s cutters. Will ice some on Mon. Washed hair also Gl’s jumbo wool sweater. Looks alright. Mail doesn’t come til tomorrow.

Fri. Dec. 7

And what a mail! letters & letters for every one. We “loose” women - who have no P.M. class, went to Nina’s for tea & to wait for mail. We just finished & it came. Then we were just in the midst of it when the school folks came. Rays must have had 12 or 15 letters. Mrs. Propst wrote Mrs Dalziel had very serious op. but rested well the first night.

Sat. Dec. 8

Felt weak & pepless all day but did what seemed necessary to do. Got a lot of nice honey & have it strained too but will melt wax on Mon. Lots to do that day. Mr Buyse found a tiny cavity & filled it. so that’s done for a while.

Sun. Dec. 9

Wish I c’d see Gail & wish her Happy B. I had a Xmas greeting from her in Fri mail and so started to reply today. Ray asked me to tell children of my conversion & how the Lord led me out here. Mr Buyse also spoke. he & Jack had dinner & supper here. Mr. Paul came as mtg closed.

Mon. Dec. 10

Jim came for break. He slept on the road - didn’t want to disturb us! Agnes must go home at once and they have enuf for her to fly - so Rays want him to use some they have & go too. Mrs Williams is here now and after we’d eaten Imhoff, Littlejohns & Dr Kleinschmidts came. Then ab’t 8:30 Tanners & Alice H. came. Fed all & have beds ready for all. Am plenty tired.

Tues. Dec. 11

Dr. B. blew in from Kacengu this A.M. & the rest of the Aba crowd. 3 new single ladies Misses Short, Cribbs & Green. Mr Senff brot them and Mr. Brill. Program this eve went off very well. Twas given in girls Dorm dining room. Then to large dining room for cookies & coffee & then to sitting room for testimonies from new workers.

Wed. Dec. 12

Pretty well all packed up - lunch even ready. We hope to have break. early & get off as there are several stops to make. Council may not be thro but Mrs. Paul & Mrs Uhlinger will take them all. Made over 2 qts green tom. pickle. Fried chicken for tomorrow. Ray went to Goli - he & Dix fixed Buyse’s car & he brot it back.

Thur. Dec. 13 Oicha

Got away in good time - ab’t 7:30 but have such a heavy load couldn’t drive fast. Had only 20 min. for shopping at Bunia. Sara got some dry peaches & raisins at Irumu. Got to Oicha ab’t 5. Jim not here yet. Ag. looks bad - mostly because of loss of sleep. But they are committing it all to God.

Fri. Dec. 14

Sara staid as Dr. hasn’t come. We shopped in Beni. Agnes had such a big breakfast, we ate only a banana at pontoon. Yuda had fried potatoes & pork chops. Widmans stopt at Beni on way to Oicha from Pauls. They will be out tomorrow.

Sat. Dec. 15

Baked a cake [Mary Anne’s birthday] but it took long as we had to seek for things. Dr. came bringing the 2 nurses: Green & Cribbs. Miss N. asked for all to eat there. Widmans & Sara came just as we finished dinner. Things are getting into order slowly. How well I remember a yr. ago. [son Raymond & family arriving at Stanleyville (Kisangani)]

Sun. Dec. 16

Mtg’s as usual. Miss N. didn’t come to evening service. I’m so sorry she is so bitter toward Harrys. I do pray for wisdom so I can continue to be friends with her. Had hard rain at noon & showers all P.M. Victor has stiff neck & not feeling very peppy. Men going to Oicha in morning so wrote Agnes & Mrs Becker.

Mon. Dec. 17

Doing chop box things mostly & rooting out things we need. Sara covered the chair cushions & they look very nice. Ray put filler on desk top - will varnish it later. Mr Widman went to Beni took miss N. and Harry. brot sugar & flour.

Tues. Dec. 18

Baked bread again. it got much better. Frieda fixed up the teddy - but we have decided to knit one for Shirley. Betty’s cold is getting worse. Still un storing things but some have not been discovered yet. Sara went to River with the girls. Campers got away by 5 this morning. Lovely moon tonight.

Wed. Dec. 19

Wish we could peek into camp. Did many little things - baked ginger cookies. Planned a lot for Xmas. Went to H’s for tea & then to the garden. Are getting on with knitting the teddy. Miss N. didn’t come to pr. mtg. Sara carried M.A. up to river yesterday & is very stiff & sore today.

Thur. Dec. 20

Yes, how I remember last yr. [arriving back home at Ruwenzori after losing John] Made fondant. Tried to finish knitting the teddy but not quite. No men back yet so suppose they are having a good time. Butter & letters from Oicha.

Fri. Dec. 21

The men got back before noon. bewhiskered and sunburned but happy. Brot 3 animals - none killed today so all went for Xmas for natives. We killed a pig. Had pr. mtg right after break. then sorted out my things in pantry. & brot down. Am getting some things into order. Wrote Agnes & Beckers as Widmans John & Betty go to Oicha tomorrow.

Sat. Dec. 22

Made marshmallows this P.M. Baked pie & Yuda cut up meat. I salted some & sent some to Agnes. and others. They got back after dark. brot mail & some Xmas things - a parcel from Mrs. P. of candy & nuts. We’ll share all. also brot Lubero flour. Mrs Chilson is very seriously ill - has been in bed for 15 wks. & seems to be slowly going.

Sun. Dec. 23

Took til almost midnight last night to finish the back to John’s sweater. Will do the ribbing tomorrow. The men, boys & Frieda & Sara want to go to pt. to see mt. top in morning. Had good rest today then all went for walk to Dad’s hut. It’s all cleaned up so is nice - but too far from this house for guests.

Mon. Dec. 24

How excited every body is & what mystery & secrets! The tree is pretty & loaded. The men & boys & F & M. left at 5:30 & went to the top of the pt. They saw the snow but forgot the glasses. Baked & worked all day. Frieda helpt all day too. Sara finished J’s sweater. The turkey & duck are ready & 3 apple pies (tinned & dried).

Tues. Dec. 25

Music on radio - also King George spoke. Carolers were around early. Just after break. Harrys came down & we all opened gifts. Such a lot & so pretty. Mary Anne was so excited she was all trembly. Shirley loves her teddy that we knitted. Had roast turkey & duck - & both fell to pieces so much they were hard to carve. Break & lunch is ready for Widmans & Pauls going to the Lake.

Wed. Dec. 26

Little shower at dark. Widmans & Pauls had a grand time at Lake [Ishango]. Were back by 4:30 & brot fish for supper. Alice asked us up for dinner ‘twas very nice. Natives had sports. Got some letters off. Ray pasting pictures in albums. We kept Sandra - she was so good. not a whimper - just laughing & playing. Children went swimming.

Thur. Dec. 27

And now it’s the last night. The days have gone so quickly. All ate supper here on back lawn. Weiners & buns & veg salad and fruit salad & cake & tea. All pretty well packed. They want to leave by 4:30. Wonder if Miss Zaffke has left for Jo’burg by plane as per plan.

Fri. Dec. 28

They got away by 4:30. I called them as the alarm didn’t go off. Suppose they are at Rethi now. Ab’t 12 Miss N. asked Mr. Widman to go for Dr B. for Mrs de Wilde. Harry went too & they brot Alice W. who will stay there tonight & tomorrow they will take her to Oicha. Rays were at Oicha by 7:30. I have W’s room ab’t ready for them. Put away a few things. still lots to do.

Sat. Dec. 29

I passed my first night alone here in comfort & rest. Wonder how many more times I’ll be alone. God knows & He cares. I’m ready for whatever He sends. W’s moved down this A.M. while I baked a bit. Harrys are buying the car from W’s so he went for his first lesson in driving.

Sun. Dec. 30

Ab’t 7 a man came from Matayo Mate’s school to say elephants were there. Mr. Widman has a license. He & Harry went expecting to have service today & get after elephants early tomorrow. We 3 ate at H’s. Miss N. came to service which we had here.

Mon. Dec. 31

Mr. W. & H. returned ab’t 5. He shot one but the ivory was no good. Now the war is over but there’s not much peace yet. & thousands of boys are still over seas. Dad has had over a yr. of glory. & has been joined by many more. Who will be there by next year? How good God knows. (Back)

[from back of book] Dec. 31, 1945. How fast and happily the yr has past. Those mos. at Rays were so fine and I’m so glad for them. I feel I know Sara better. She is pure gold. Tonight they should be at Aba on way to Bafuka. to visit out schools for a bit.

Have been going over old papers etc today & course I’m not all here. Many are keeping a happy watch night tonight - reunited families. How we wish all were praising God. Wonder if Cl & Gl are staying up. - Wouldn’t be surprised.

What will this yr. have for us all. Do hope Cls will be back a yr from now. Am slowly getting settled. So glad Widmans are here.

May I be a blessing to others - a greater blessing than ever before.


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