Florence Minch Stauffacher Diary – 1959.                                                                                Index

Thur. Jan. 1

Hamburgers under the trees - squash pie & ice cream. A very lovely time. Mary gave us a lovely box of candy. Service this A.M. Every one busy with last things. I see to socks etc. Turbine still refuses to go right.

Fri. Jan. 2

Dick’s 11th. Had all here to supper. I’m all packed up & Gl is ab’t done too. Sorry to leave Deans & Spees but it is nice not to have to lock up all. Apolo will look after them and every thing.

Sat. Jan. 3

Left home ab’t 5. Road was muddy some & when we stopt in Beni for gas it rained hard. We went to Oicha in the down pour. muddy. Dorothy & I came with Margaret. Stopt at Stoughs. They have a lovely place. Found the gas tank leaking badly so Cls mended it at Oicha then came on got here just after us. See back.

[from back] Conf. 1959 - Jan 4 - 11.

3rd. Have seen many of the old friends & some new ones. Not all here yet. Am going to bed but do not feel very tired.

Mon. 5th. Gl. was very miserable yesterday. bad nausea. is better this morning. Mtgs yesterday were very helpful. (what I got of them). I went to 3. Have seen many - it is so nice - God is good.

Fri. 9th and we celebrated - all so nice & I do praise God for all His goodness. This evenings musical was grand! Mary anne did so well boh on cello and accompanying Mr. Fonseca on the trumpet. All so stirring & thrilling. 2 more days.

Later: - Feb. 16. Didn’t remember to finish this. Sun. night the 11th. I fainted at the supper table so they carried me out. I had enjoyed the day so much. Communion - baby dedications, lovely music!!! Dr. sent word Gl. & I should be ready to leave with him & Mrs B. by 6 A.M. We did & were at Oicha in less than 6 hrs.

Cl & the ladies, Dorothy, Mary staid & helped put things away & came to Oicha on Tues by 2 P.M. & we came on.

Sun. Jan. 4

A very happy day. Went to 3 mtgs. Bishop Stanway spoke so helpfully. The new worker testimonies were very interesting & some were funny. Songs tonite were very fine. Ken D. spoke a bit on conditions in Sudan. Harp & clarinet were beautiful.

Mon. Jan. 5

Another full day. I went to 2 services but none this P.M. My head keeps so giddy I’m not sure of my steps. Wrote Hoyts & have almost finished “Discoveries” by Eugenie Price. Games tonight. We went but soon came back.

Tues. Jan. 6

I put in a new battery & sat near the front so got what the Bishop said. It was much like “Discoveries”. The music is beautiful and the meals very good.

Wed. Jan. 7

Again a good talk by the Bishop. Wrote Betty F. Harrises & Spindlers finally got here - car trouble hindered them. Finished reading “Discoveries”. Very helpful.

Thur. Jan. 8

Went to all but early pr mtg. Every thing was so good & interesting. Enjoyed Miss Tilley’s talk on Bible Club work. Good pictures this eve. Am tired but will sleep well.

Fri. Jan. 9

The girls pinned one of Sara’s Nairobi roses on me to celebrate my 53rd Af. birthday. The men’s chorus sang “We rest in Thee” so fine and dedicated it to me. I spoke a few words “His grace is sufficient” for all. See back.

Sat. Jan. 10

This is Evelyn Camps birthday. The ladies had a tea at Zola’s for her. I went out & watched the ball game. So. Congo won.

Sun. Jan. 11

Written on Mon. We had a grand day of fellowship in the Lord with communion service last thing. Testimony & praise this eve. but I fainted at the supper table & was carried to bed. but [cont]

Mon. Jan. 12 Oicha

it was not my heart - Dr. said - just altitude. Gl & I came with Drs. so fast & comfy. Left Rethy 6:30 & were here by 12. and were pushed off the road once but no damage done. Feel stronger but not well balanced.

Tues. Jan. 13

Cl & ladies came just as we finished dinner ab’t 2 P.M. We left at once & shopt in Beni. no rain but plenty dust. I took a tumble before leaving but didn’t hurt myself much. Found Margaret Petrie and Betty Partridge here which was very nice. Very nice to be home again. Lots of mail.

[from undated page in back] Found Margaret Petrie and Betty Partridge here. Seemed to have enjoyed themselves. I was not very steady on my feet for a few days - had a fall at Oicha but not hurt. I just wonder how many more such spells I’ll have before the Lord says it is enuf. There was no pain. Dr said just altitude did it. Now on Sat. morning. the 14th I felt very uncomfortable & soon there was pain. Mary gave me a hype which quieted it but I kept vomitting the med. so she gave me another needle for nausea. like Edward did.

Yesterday I ate my dinner from a tray - very good. Then sat on veranda. Margaret Clapper gave us such a nice surprise by bringing Agnes B, Miss Edna, Jewell, Nina & Bertha Vollor over. That was grand. I took nimbutal & slept well. & have been up all day but so shakey on my feet. ‘Twill go better tomorrow. I don’t like to think ab’t Guildings leaving on Sat!!!

Wed. Jan. 14

A letter from Mrs Guilding says they would like to come last wk of Jan. We wired “come”. Cl. again at the turbine - no lights yet but are not washing yet in hope the power will be on in a day or 2. Not very steady but went over all the mail.

Thur. Jan. 15

Washed with wash machine! And tonight we have lights and Gl is ironing. so nice. Letter from Co says Beth is arriving there by plane today - she is too sick still to work. has chronic jaundice.

[inside front cover] Lights & wash machine with turbine power. Jan. 15, 1959.

Fri. Jan. 16

Ladies went to Katwa for dental work and are not back yet & it is most 8. Rained hard for a bit at 2 P.M. Washed my hair & Gl. put it up on curlers. The perm seems very good - it is some Mrs West gave us. Nice lights tonight.

Sat. Jan. 17

Nelsons came ab’t 4 and the ladies returned from Katwa just afterward. Teeth took long. Letter from Mr. Weppler saying he will be coming Feb. 10. Washed again.

Sun. Jan. 18

Quiet day. Cl went to Lume. All mtgs as usual. finished up letters so Lolwa ladies can post tomorrow. Heard Billy Graham from ELWA.

Mon. Jan. 19

Ladies (Petrie and Partridge) left ab’t 9. Tourists called at the garage. Cl. was there. Gl began the women’s school. Darned socks.

Tues. Jan. 20

What a wonderful 3 yrs. these have been. Wonderful to see how the Lord has led & kept me. Wonderful helpers and dear ones. and yet I complained when the future was so uncertain & I so weak & ill. Shame on me for ever doubting.

Wed. Jan. 21

Helped clean up Faiths room. I washed dishes etc. & put all away ready for Apr. 9. Betty Lincoln is to come with her. Artons & 4 others want to come for July. Don’t know yet.

Thur. Jan. 22

Cl. has ab’t finished plastering the pantry. It surely will be nice when all done. Cleaned typewriter and oiled and Gl. is putting the new ribbon on.

Fri. Jan. 23

Wrote Paul B’s. Two women brot knitting so I could see. Rekka has finished her little sweater and begun another. Debora finished the back to hers & is doing the front. Started yellow baby sweater again - finer needles.

Sat. Jan. 24

Gl. pretty busy all day. I was too dizzy to take tub bath but washed my hair. Gl did it up. I feel OK sitting or lying down but it is hard to walk around.

Sun. Jan. 25

Cl went to Papis for communion service. We all had dinner at Dorothys. Very nice. De Pourkes came ab’t 4. Grandma & I had a nice visit. Lovely supper. Cl has fever. Every one left by 7.

Mon. Jan. 26

Dr came almost 2. had said he’d not come for dinner. Bertha Vollor came too. She looks very bad & is having treatments. Cl worked some but lay down too. Some French scientists called. A Prof. his wife & daughter.

Tues. Jan. 27

Wrote a letter. It was dark so late every thing was late. Very heavy clouds all A.M. so didn’t wash. only a sprinkle then sunshine this P.M. Mary got 15 eggs today.

Wed. Jan. 28

Nice mail. Beth was expected in 3 days. A letter for Guildings - so they will surely be coming. tomorrow? Nelsons at Marys for dinner. Worked at rug - another row and I’ll stop.

Thur. Jan. 29

Cl had just left for Oicha & Bunia when Guildings came. Now we’ve talked some but not nearly finished. Mr Rhoad is very poorly. They brot some lovely groceries.

Fri. Jan. 30

The knitting girls are being punished because they went home instead of to school when I dismissed them. so no class next week. Have done a lot of talking today. It’s so nice having Guildings here.

Sat. Jan. 31

Nelsons left ab’t 9:30. They were very nice guests. It’s so nice having Guildings here. We spend a lot of time visiting. Putting last row (green) on rug.

Sun. Feb. 1

Mrs. G. & I staid home from church & had a nice visit. This P.M. slept & read. Mr Guilding read a sermon. Radio said Owen was coming to Oicha this eve, so Cl should be home in good time.

Mon. Feb. 2

Cl got here before 12. So nice to have him back. Now we have good lights again. Got some mail off. talked some too. I’m sure enjoying these folks. Gets light so late & is often cloudy.

Tues. Feb. 3

The bank has partly washed away so cement work has to be done. That means no lights for 10 days or 2 wks.

Wed. Feb. 4

Wrote some letters. Knitting class came & I gave out the new needles - but they can’t have them til they bring Frcs. 15. Finished the green rug & put it by my bed.

Thur. Feb. 5

More washing. Mary gave me a hen & 8 chicks. When chicks are large enuf I’ll return the hen & what chix she wants & I’ll keep some. Locked the yard & got 6.

Fri. Feb. 6

Gl baked a nice cake & iced it & Mr G. decorated it. Miss Shelley and Miss [blank] came from Kitsombiro but Mrs Speery has not come. chicken dinner tonight.

Sat. Feb. 7

Mrs. Speering & Miss Zimmerman came ab’t 11 - from Nyankundi. They worked pretty steady all day & are still at it 9 P.M. Rained pretty hard this P.M. Gets light so late these cloudy mornings - cant see to dress before 6 oclock. Dizzy so much today.

Sun. Feb. 8

A lovely bright day. Cl took Mrs Guilding & me to mtg. It was so precious to meet with all. The 4 ladies each spoke a bit. They all left for Katwa after a good chicken dinner - stew & dumplings - Mary’s make.

Mon. Feb. 9

Got some letters off. and have one ready to send to Uganda with Cl tomorrow when he goes to meet Mr. Weppler. Lots of clouds but only little sprinkles. I feel so strong & steady these days.

Tues. Feb. 10

Cl & Mr Guilding left ab’t 7:30 for Kasese to meet Mr. Weppler who was to come by plane. They are not back yet & it is 9. We have had a nice time chatting. It’s so lovely having Gs here.

Wed. Feb. 11

They got in by 11 - the plane was 5 hrs. late. Mr. Weppler looks well. He spoke at pr mtg to the Africans. Cl & Gl take him to Oicha tomorrow & do shopping at Beni. Very nice mail - Ray, Co & Lo etc.

Thur. Feb. 12

Beth arrived on time - & tho thin and very tired was resting. 14 yrs. ago today Mother Hurlburt went to glory. Cl & Gl took Mr Weppler to Oicha - then they went shopping to Beni & got home after 7.

Fri. Feb. 13

This is Women’s Day of Prayer. Goffinets came for lunch. The baby is so cute and very good. had Lora’s booties on.

Sat. Feb. 14

Got up & dressed tho I didn’t feel peppy. Mary came. Heart too fast so I staid on the bed. Couldn’t keep medicine down. Mary gave one needle to quiet & later, one for nausea. Slept well.

Sun. Feb. 15

What a happy day tho spent mostly in bed. Mrs. G. read my chapter to me. I can keep med down so ate a bit of break. Mary had dinner for all. Sent me a lovely tray - chicken etc. I got up ab’t 3:30 & sat on the veranda. Then Mar. Clapper came bringing Agnes, Jewell, Nina, Miss Edna, Bertha Vollor. Gift of bed room slippers from Scotty etc.

Mon. Feb. 16

No rain tho cloudy. Got a couple of letters off. Seem to be getting steady again tho not very ambitious. Have to walk carefully. Mrs G. took care of the chickens again.

Tues. Feb. 17

2 parcels from Cora. 1 sent by [numeric 4 with circle around it]. Shurg etc. Went to bed as usual but was not sleepy and did not go to sleep til 3:30. Can’t understand. Took asperin at 12. No pain no discomfort no fret - just quiet prayer & praise. We have a new calf. [underlined in red]

Wed. Feb. 18

Knitting girls came. 2 are doing very well. Went to see Mary’s house cleanr. Ab’t 5 P.M. Mr. Scholes H.A.M. came from Kasese bringing Mr & Mrs. Milliken back from furlo. Mrs. M. is Lily Robert’s sister & Jack’s. Talked.

Thur. Feb. 19

4. A.M. folks left right after breakfast. Men cut down 4 large cedars. So much lighter that way. Radio said Miss Weber from FEA went to glory on Feb. 9. No particulars. We worked at rug - laughed a lot but didn’t get on very far.

Fri. Feb. 20

Mrs. G. gathered cuttings etc to take along. Cl almost finished plastering the kitchen. Mary finished her painting and it looks very nice. She had tea for us all. Mrs G is taking along what we had begun of the rug. & thinks she can get on. Am sending a box of fudge to M.A.

Sat. Feb. 21

They got away before 9 - over an hr. early. It is lonely without them - we enjoyed every minute of their stay. I know the Oicha folks will enjoy them too. Walls in kitchen all done & the door hung. Still no rain.

Sun. Feb. 22

Cl & Gl to Lume for communion service and a wedding. Mary & I went to Dorothys for dinner. read & wrote. head is aching - a very quiet day. Last Sun the 7 Oicha ladies came. I was up but not dressed.

Mon. Feb. 23

We miss the Guildings - but at 11 A.M. a Mr & Mrs. Barker drove in & asked to stay til Thur. They are from Nyankundi. he is a builder. Came out on Le Tourna-boat bringing cattle to Liberia. Interesting folks.

Tues. Feb. 24

Wonder if Guildings still have their roots & bulbs or whether Brit. Customs has them. Mrs Barker wrote letters then helped cut out flannel board pictures. Gl. is working over time to get them into shape for out schools.

Wed. Feb. 25

Quite a nice mail but no word ab’t Beth’s condition. Warren had a bad go of something. Drs couldn’t find out what - he had a terrible convulsion. took several men to get him to the hospital. was ab’t OK again.

Thur. Feb. 26

Barkers left after breakfast. I took books to pieces for papers for dispensary. Worked a bit at rags for blue rug. I’m very concerned about Warren - I want to write him tomorrow. May God help me to say just the right thing to help him to look to the Lord for help. Planted 2 apple trees - from seed.

Fri. Feb. 27

Prof. Winsor came ab’t 4:30. He is in guest house. Wrote Warren. May god help him to take it seriously. Also wrote the [numeric 4 in a circle] ladies. Cut some blue rags for a rug. Mother would be 105 today.

Sat. Feb. 28

Gl. busy in kitchen. Mail came ab’t 3 P.M. Letter from Co saying Beth was getting stronger but still has pain - hadn’t seen specialist yet. Prof Winsor at school most all day.

Sun. Mar. 1

A quiet day. Have been so sleepy read a lot & got some letters finished. I’d like to know how Warren is. Such a strange attack. Drs. can’t say what it was nor what brot it on. Got some letters ready for Mr. Winsor to take in the morning. It’s been nice having him here. Am sending shrug to Sara in Gl’s parcel to the children. Don’t know just when it will get there.

Mon. Mar. 2

Mr Winsor left ab’t 3 - loaded with things for Oicha & Rethy - but he does not go to Rethy. We hope Dr. will take them next wk. when he goes. Felt quite miserable again this P.M. but better now. Queer thing.

Tues. Mar. 3

Have felt pretty good all day. Wrote Mrs Westervelt a birthday letter. Today is the day!!! Rained a bit. Cl. put cement floor in kitchen! [underlined in red]

Wed. Mar. 4

Cl & Gl left right after break for Beni & boards on Mambasa road. Gl. suggested I might like to go to Mrs. Gofinets but I didn’t care to spend all day there - so they took their time & came back after 5.

Thur. Mar. 5

Yes, all 20 or more came. and Mrs. Goffinet & baby. G. baked 2 cakes & iced & Mrs G. brot cream puffs. Had ham open sandwiches & buns & jam. I poured at one table. all seemed to enjoy it. I was so dizzy I went to bed. Mary said nothing wrong so took nimbutal & slept.

Fri. Mar. 6

Was rather groggy all day but more steady since supper. Couldn’t settle to any thing. Had knitting class - slept twice and am ready again.

Sat. Mar. 7

Glad I feel better than last yr. Have been pretty steady all day. Wrote Mrs. Bischoff - also Lora. Got one from Lo. but nothing else - one from Myra. Thot Gofinets were coming but they didn’t. 1 mo from today Cls leave to get the children. Shall I go to Oicha? or no?

Sun. Mar. 8

Felt OK when I got up but later got so dizzy but Cl took me to church. It was so nice meeting with all the others around the Lord’s table. I am still unsteady but much better. Don’t know what makes it - perhaps aralen I took last night.

Mon. Mar. 9

Written Wed. A.M. Mary gave me a shot of something to quiet my heart & I have slept all day Mon. & mostly Tues. And very well last night. I wanted to take Thrs knitting class but Mary says NO! She is a faithful nurse & helper. Brot me lovely gardenias & beautiful shades of roses with [cont]

Tues. Mar. 10

forget-me-nots - all so very pretty. Azande Conf. at Dungu starts today. Ray & Sara are there. God bless them & give them a real revival as they all look to Thee. Some letters to finish. Staid down all day so sleepy.

Wed. Mar. 11

Better but not very peppy. Breakfast at the table. Mary found malaria so must take a course & she gave me 2 needles.

Thur. Mar. 12

In bed all day but Cl helped me to the table. Nice mail came. Sara & Ray are at Zande Conf at Dungu.

Fri. Mar. 13

Thot all day it was 14th. Have been better but still very unbalanced. Cl is a good help. Bless him. Tried to write but got things pretty badly balled up. Was writing Co when suddenly I had changed to Ray.

Sat. Mar. 14

Much better this eve but my eyes ache so much - like strain. I’ve finished knitting the sweater and am sewing it up and making the tie. Nausea seems much better. It has been really hot today & all is getting very dry. Cl. put kitchen window in. Very nice.

Sun. Mar. 15

Hot again. Mary not well so came & sat with me during church. Cl went to Papi. A Dr. and Mrs. Saddon from Eng. called ab’t 11 & came for our evening service. They want to see Dr B tomorrow. Quite dizzy by spells but feel pretty good now. A letter from Guildings.

Mon. Mar. 16

MOVED back into the nice white kitchen. Dr. came ab’t 12:45. Told ab’t C.P.C. doings. Vera Theissen is back. I feel better today - was really hungry for supper of scrapple & soft boiled egg.

Tues. Mar. 17

So comfortable in my body tonight. Whitewashed the dining room. didn’t put things back yet. Wrote some & cut old books and magazines for Mary. Kitchen & pantry so nice. Cl is making the outside door. To back.

[from back] Mar. 17. Had a go of malaria and the camoquine made me very dizzy and my eyes bad too. All these malaria drugs have such an effect. Atabrin is ab’t the best. Tonight I feel quite well again. no nausea & am steady on my feet. It’s so nice being back in the kitchen so white & nice. Cl. is making doors and cupboards. This time it took me more than a wk. to get back.

Wed. Mar. 18

Stanley K. came as we were eating. Radio had said he would be here. 3 girls brot money for k. needles. Stanley said all OK at the dorm. Barneys left Mon. morning. Wrote M.A. an Easter letter.

Thur. Mar. 19

Very thick fog & sprinkles all A.M. Quite clear & cool P.M. Still pulling old books to pieces - cutting margins for tickets for dispensary & the rest in sqs for wrapping medicine in. Telegram from “Hurlburt Tribe” Want to come over Easter.

Fri. Mar. 20

Written Tues. Mar. 24. Time out. My heart was going too fast on Fri. morning. No known reason and nausea. Mary gave me a needle that helpt that & made me sleep too. Mary & Dorothy gave us a kitchen warming Sat. eve. A very lovely supper Italian style spag. etc. We called it a dance. Every thing was lovely but no lights yet but the walls & ceiling are very white & clean.

Mary asked all to chicken dinner on Sun. I had mine in my bed. but it was very good. I’m taking several medicines so don’t feel too spry.

Tourists came to Marys and after seeing the work left some Frcs. which she divided amongst us. Fri eve M. had a very sick patient Cl had to take to Oicha. He spent the night there & brot back the wire cable we have been waiting for. So now he is getting the wiring in the house fixed.

After kitchen & pantry were done Cl. put up a new door tween dining room & kitchen & whitewashed dining room and their room and Faiths. So most of the rooms look white & clean. We heard from Rays they will meet Cl in Bunia & come on here the 8th & stay with me. I’m glad.

Tues. Mar. 24

Nice rain this eve. Went to breakfast at table. What an anxious time we had a yr ago. [waiting for Claudon to get back from Kenya] Yesterday a lot of Easter & birthday mail came - such nice letters from so many. Did almost finish magazines for Mary. Not feeling too bad so am not taking nimbutal - see how I sleep.

Wed. Mar. 25

Slept 12 - 3, then 4 - 6. not so bad. Sun. a cow was frightened by something & went over the precipice - so we killed her. Very nice beef - canned some. This eve a big calf (our first) is sick. Perhaps Paul H. can help to know. he comes tomorrow. Finished magazines & cleaned room. bathed washed hair and had knitting class.

Thur. Mar. 26

Pierses stayed for lunch - and now Hurlburts are here. not Paul Jr. tho. They couldn’t get away. I have been feeling stronger today. Worked at rug. A calf died & another sick so asked Pauls to bring medicine. Yesterday was Pierses wedding anni.

Fri. Mar. 27 Good Friday.

And it has been a good day for me for I’ve had no nausea. Thank God. Wrote Bec. worked at rug. H’s wandered round. Helpt inoculate the cows. Letter from Co says Warren is paralysed on right side to waist.

Sat. Mar. 28

H’s all went over to see the place where they want to build. Goffinets, and Mrs. de Winter & 2 children all came for cafateria supper. LIGHTS. Letter from Mrs Guilding says Jesse Raynor went to glory Dec. 10.

Sun. Mar. 29

H’s left after dinner. It was so nice having them here. Chas’ family are lovely - so well mannered. Because the power is on we went to Marys for sermon & music. Very nice. Am much more steady this eve. Very pleasant Easter day.

Mon. Mar. 30

Another calf dead this morning. This was the first one we got & he was doing so well. Cl. thinks it is render pest so went to Butembo to see the Vet. but this is a holiday so Cl has not returned.

Tues. Mar. 31

Cl. got back ab’t 4 P.M. Vet. says it is not rinderpest - but he can’t say what it is without seeing them but said spray them twice a wk. I baked date crackers for the camp.

Wed. Apr. 1

Didn’t sleep well last night so haven’t accomplished much today. Cows got sprayed. Do hope & pray no more die.

Thur. Apr. 2

Cl & Mary took a patient to Oicha. Letter from Rays saying OK about next Wed. But they want to get on back on Mon, if Chas H can do their teeth. I’ve felt pretty well today - no bad effects from nivaquine. Cows all still alive.

Fri. Apr. 3

Wards come to Dorothys tomorrow. We have nice lights. Mind is more clear & I enjoy reading my Bible - it was hard to keep my mind on my reading.

Sat. Apr. 4

Wards are here. Letters today say Warren is very seriously ill - has had 2 strokes. Dr. gives little hope. Eric Barnetts want to come in June. Stanley is coming back for a visit & may come here with them.

Sun. Apr. 5

Not feeling so good. Seems like it might be last nights nivaquine. We were at Marys for dinner. Guess each house hold will have it’s own guests next Sun.

Mon. Apr. 6

Dr. came tho radio said nothing. He tested my heart & said I should take 5 quinidine a day. The 3 men, Dr. W., Mr Olson & Weaver are here & tomorrow they start up the Mt. Also Mr Ward.

Tues. Apr. 7

Not yet 8 but I wonder if Rays will be here tomorrow night. The 4 men left for the Mt. after breakfast. Didn’t sleep very well so will take nimbutal & see - for I want to feel good tomorrow.

Wed. Apr. 8

Cls got away by 4:30 and Rays got here by 10 P.M. I staid up at Marys. Didn’t take long to get to bed. Every one sleepy & tired. Bill & Dora Deans came ab’t 5 P.M. I had supper with them.

Thur. Apr. 9

A letter from Cora today says Perry Mathis died in his chair while reading the paper. Warren was allowed in a wheel chair. De Pourkes came just for a good by call as Mother leaves soon for Belgium. Took 2 camoquins.

Fri. Apr. 10

Camoquine is working me bad. Have been so sick all day. Took dramamine for nausea - asperin for headache. Then another & nimbutal to sleep - and 5 quinidine. Any wonder I’m miserable. Deans here to dinner. Sara looks after things fine.

Sat. Apr. 11

Went better today for I slept hard last night. My head not good & I feel sick but have slept some and mail came. Letter from Della says Geo & Soph are fine. Men came from the mt. had a good time.

Sun. Apr. 12

50 yrs. ago today we left Af. on our first furlo. A quiet day. Communion but I didn’t feel able to go. Feel better this eve and had a nice service. God is so good to have Rays here.

Mon. Apr. 13

Have felt stronger. Get around without help. When I feel so miserable as I have these days I surely wish I could go Home. Then I feel better & find it is pleasant here with the dear ones.

Tues. Apr. 14

Feeling much better this eve. Cls are supposed to be at Dr. Stephens at Nyankundi tonight. Rays & I have had a nice time. M.A. has a bit of malaria.

Wed. Apr. 15

Cls got back ab’t 3:30. They report a good time. M.A. made Marshmallows for their safari home. Ray is taking this organ & leaving theirs. We have had a very nice wk together.

Thur. Apr. 16

Rays got away ab’t 9:30. It was very foggy & soon after began to rain & rained all day. Hope they got to Katwa with their big load. Exchanged organs - so Ray has Dad’s & that is as it should be. Mary & Deans to supper.

Fri. Apr. 17

Wards had dinner here & Deans supper. It’s nice to work in the clean kitchen. Did washing in laundry end of the pantry. Talking of my birthday but I don’t want any celebration.

Sat. Apr. 18

Intended having a picnic supper out side but too rainy. so had cafateria. Gl. worked so hard all day. Had pictures this eve. Mt. Kenya, animals and Billys “Commercials”.

Sun. Apr. 19

Yes I do remember with joy. [her birthday, last year] I haven’t done much kitchen work these days. Had a quiet A.M. Boys went to Papi’s with Cl. Had Pastor White’s (San Antonio) tape. I can’t hear it very well - too far from the mike.

Mon. Apr. 20 [Florence’s 78th birthday]

And what a day! While at break. 5th grade boys came and sang “How great Thou art”. Cards & gifts from the family - then after break the station staff & guests came bringing many parcels & cards. See back.

[from back] Apr. 20, 1959. This is the day. Before I had my hair combed 16 girls came & sang “Come all ye faithful” very nice. Dispensary staff sent a signed card also Elders. Mary 2 aprons. A cute card from the cats. Betty sent tinned fruit & cheese!

[from back] Apr. 20 There were several lots of peppermint candy. Billy & Dick a needle threader. Faith & Betty ball pt pens. C & G. Fr. 100. Cards came from all over. Rays work, I suppose - all north stations & most from south too - all together there were 49 cards. Radio announced it too so many were thinking of & praying for us & we had a very nice day. Dorothy gave me “If” Amy Carmichael. Cindy dog gave writing paper. Rays letter forms. MA & Sally peppermint life savers. Gl. had a lovely roast chicken dinner with beautiful cake “1882, Baby Florence, 1 year old” - & 1 candle on it.

Tues. Apr. 21

Mail brot more cards & letters. Mr. & Mrs. Bedford & daughter of a Brit. & Foreign Bible Soc. called for just a bit. He was here 9 yrs ago. They sent a radio congratulations to me yesterday. Every one is so kind. Dick has malaria. Wards went to Oicha. 62 cards & letters.

Wed. Apr. 22

Deans & our family are packed for the Lake tomorrow. Gl. has been going hard all day. The Lord surely helps her. More mail & cards. I’ll never have such a birthday again.

Thur. Apr. 23

The guests & our folks left early for the Lake. Got back by 5. I had a bad day with awful headache. After supper went to bed. took nibital & slept. (written Fri.)

Fri. Apr. 24

They left at 6 but Faith & Betty staid with me - & Dorothy is sleeping here. We thot they might get back but it’s 8:30 & so we are going to bed.

Sat. Apr. 25

They did come in last night ab’t 11. All had some work but not Cl. They said Ray had a very hard time of it. Too bad. They brot a gas stove. The kitchen looks even nicer than before.

Sun. Apr. 26

Girls staid with me. Boys & Cl went to Lume. At dinner time So Af. tourists came. to climb the Mt. Had a tape - good. Aid seems better. Cl. had to help me to my room. Mary says I need more sugar.

Mon. Apr. 27

So dizzy & faint by spells. Others went to the River for picnic lunch. After I ate I put candy into my mouth & lay down & in an hr I felt quite peppy! I’ll try it again. Mr Hurlon has made arrangements to climb the Mt.

Tues. Apr. 28

Mr. Hurlon started up the Mt. Mary asked Dorothy & me to dinner. Roast lamb from Aus.!!! Claudon is pretty well packed up. Deans leave too tomorrow.

Wed. Apr. 29

Deans left after break. so did Cl & the boys to meet Mr Paul at Mbau’s. Radio said 4 Kenya ladies were coming here for the night. They came just at dark. My head has been bad so am going to bed. 7:30.

Thur. Apr. 30

I feel so much better this eve - tho I got quite sick as we were thro with dinner. Had a nap & feel better. The 4 ladies left ab’t 10. One was Grace Capen - all missionaries. Began to knit the blue sweater. Water ditch broke so no lights. Very heavy rains in the hills.

Fri. May 1 Holiday Belgian Labor Day.

Wrote Co birthday. Pretty miserable til this eve. Cl & Mr Paul came ab’t 2 P.M. Mrs. Hurlon (So Af) is helping Gl. with portrait sketching.

Sat. May 2

Mtgs A.M. & P.M. Mr. Hurlon got back ab’t 3. Reports a good trip but rain yesterday. Cl worked at turbine & lights came on then something went wrong with the generator. All here to supper cafateria.

Sun. May 3

Hurlins left ab’t 11:30. Took lunch for on the way. Meetings A.M. & P.M. Mr Paul & team have been a big blessing I’m sure. Only a couple of dizzy spells today. Next Sun we will be alone. No children.

Mon. May 4

Every thing disappointing. had power turned on for washing - then the bank went out again. A bill came for chick feed of early in the year & we have ordered more!!! Money needed on all sides - He is able! Felt pretty good today.

Tues. May 5

Lots of hustle today doing last things. Some dizziness but not serious. Finished getting cards ans. & wrote Mrs. Westervelt. Cat has 4 kittens.

Wed. May 6

They had breakfast and got away ab’t 6. All seemed in good spirits. A letter from Mrs. McKenrick said Uncle John Buyse passed away on Apr. 24. Heart - only half hr. of suffering. I’ve been so dizzy again today.

Thur. May 7

I tried to make cookies but had to give up - too tiresome tho I feel pretty fine. Did too much yesterday tho had a good night. Wonder if Cl is at Lume tonight. It’s lonely without him & the children. Am doing the blue sweater over. Too small.

Fri. May 8 Now 53 yrs. [wedding anniversary]

Cl. not back yet - 8:30 P.M. Took camoquine. Sun. is Mother’s Day. 2 girls came - Vira who had begun her sweater & Yerusa who began hers today. Felt pretty good til 4. then got very dizzy.

Sat. May 9

Cl got back at midnight. Brot letter, etc from Ray & Sara. Ab’t 3 to 4 P.M. I get very faint. but all leaves by supper time.

Sun. May 10

Mothers Day. Nice letters of appreciation from Ray & Sara. Blessed communion service. To Dorothys for dinner. A sermon by Mr White - one hr. long.

Mon. May 11

Got quite a number of letters off. Have felt pretty well all day. Nausea after supper. took soda, OK now.

Tues. May 12

Girls came for knitting - said the teacher said they should come Tues. Wed. & Fri.!! Have been feeling badly all day tho I wrote a letter & cut up a dress for rug. Took quinidine, aralen 2, asperin, nimbutal.

Wed. May 13

Girls came again. Have been sort o’ depressed. Guess I’m not eager to get things done - just rather leave it all. but that’s not the Lord’s way. The father took Mary’s baby that Benj. wanted. The priest’s work.

Thur. May 14

Cutting used envelopes into strips for Mary. Mail brot a parcel from Cora. A pretty striped dress which I can’t wear - too long waisted & too bright!!! other nice things. letter from Lo says they have not heard from Warren for 3 wks - so hope he is home.

Fri. May 15

Radio said Dr. Willke family would be coming for vacation on Mon. The pretty dress in yesterdays parcel fits Mary so she has it & I’m glad. Starting the front of the blue sweater.

Sat. May 16

Cl. & Dorothy went to Oicha and Beni. Brot Council report. Paul Bs go to Blukwa. Langford & Seume are coming but not at the same time. Mrs. Becker sent a glass sugar bowl of peppermints!!!

Sun. May 17

Wrote some letters. Cl. to Papi. Ate dinner at Marys - good chicken stew & dumplings. Had a tape this eve - Keswick speaker.

Mon. May 18

Willkes came by 11:30. All ate here. Holiday today. Not a very comfortable day in my tummy. Wrote some letters. Nina sent me a tin of cherries for pie.

Tues. May 19

Girls came for knitting. Wrote Mrs Woodley. Worked at rug - but haven’t felt well so had no ambition. but not so miserable as sometimes. The Willke children are cute & well behaved so far.

Wed. May 20

Almost 9 - been seeing Dr Willkes pictures - Mt. trip etc etc. Feel so much better tonight. Wonder what makes the difference. sugar? or rest? or or -

Thur. May 21

More pictures - for teachers. I got so dizzy had to come in before it was over. Dorothy has malaria.

Fri. May 22

Cora’s happy day! Cl. left for Lume abt 3 - had a load of folks. I have had a hard time staying straight. At pr mtg time I had to come & lie down. Don’t see why I get so faint. Took camoquine at supper.

Sat. May 23

Took camoquine last eve & am very dizzy. Guests had dinner at Dorothy’s. Lights off.

Sun. May 24

Very dizzy. Letter from Co says Mattie writes Warrens mind is going - God help him & us to know what to do for them. Drs left after tea. Cl came by 5.

Mon. May 25

So much better tonight. All A.M. very depressed. Thinking so much ab’t Warren. God help me overcome by thinking of texts & songs. Wish Warren would too. Wrote Ray. Good lights tonight.

Tues. May 26

Had a troubled night & needed many verses to quiet me. Mostly ab’t Warren & Mattie. Girls - only 2 came to knit & I let them take it home. The others were sent from school. naughty. Am taking nimbutal.

Wed. May 27

Slept so well and have had a really good day. Searles came ab’t 1 - had lunch then left for Kampala where they see David & family enroute to U.S. They (S’s) return here on Sat for wk end.

Thur. May 28

Good night & comfortable & happy day - mail brot letter from Rays & the pictures taken Christmas. I expected to write Co. but took all A.M. to get letters & enclosures read. Hard rain. Beautiful double rainbow this eve.

Fri. May 29

No nausea & so feel stronger. Fish came. had rice & fish supper. Good. Wrote Co. Worked at rug this P.M. Finished reading “Stones of fire”. Pembeing guest house.

Sat. May 30

Apolo is back. Some mail came. Co sent 50. to the Office for me. Thanks, Lord. No Searles have come. Had an awful rain for quite a while - so lights are not bright. Slept so well last night. hope to again.

Sun. May 31

Nice quiet day. Cl went to Papi. Dorothy had us there to dinner. Was ready for Searles too - but they did not come. Heard Mr. Fleece and Mr. Maxwell’s tape tonight - both good.

Mon. June 1

Am sleeping in the boys’ room tonight. Mine is all nicely whitewashed. Couldn’t sleep at noon so hope to have a good one tonight. No Searles yet. No rain either. Have had quite a comfortable day.

Tues. June 2

Searles came ab’t 11:30. Plane was late. Slept pretty well after nimbutal - but quite groggy today - but wrote a letter & helped girls with knitting - only 2 now.

Wed. June 3

A very comfortable day with plenty of exercise for I moved back into my nice clean white room. Not all arranged yet tho. No curtains nor pictures up yet. Dad w’d be 81.

Thur. June 4

Cleared out & tidied up one bureau drawer. Didn’t sleep til after midnight then took aspirin. Wasn’t so peppy but put curtains up. All so nice & clean. Will put a few pictures up tomorrow.

Fri. June 5

Searles left ab’t 10. Wrote S.M.S. Took Camoquine tonight. Am sleepy so hope I sleep. Did last night - very well. How I wonder ab’t Warrens.

Sat. June 6

Not very steady but not so bad as other times. Finished Apolo’s pull over. Alone today. How many will we be next wk.

Sun. June 7

Didn’t sleep so well. At 12:30 took aspirin - have been sleepy all day. Dinner at Marys - good! Had tape this eve. Mail brot word that Warren is home - right hand useless. Can speak only short sentences. Mattie’s memory gone. Poor folks. Hope they look to the Lord for help.

Mon. June 8 Mrs. Becker [birthday]

Beckers came. All here for dinner. The Dr. from Mutwanga came (& family) & staid to tea which was late for Dr was very busy at dispensary. Gl. baked cake - very pretty. It was so nice having Mrs B here all P.M. Got some letters off.

Tues. June 9

Cl met Sid Langford at Kasese. They got here ab’t 7:30. He looks well but is tired. Been pretty steady today.

Wed. June 10

Cl. & Mary took Sid to Oicha but left his briefcase. Mr Scholes & party came ab’t 5. They go thro Beni & will take it & leave it at Carramelis. Such a queer week. Cochranes are at Oicha tonight - will come tomorrow.

Thur. June 11

HAM folks left after break - and Cochranes came for late lunch. HAM folks took Langfords briefcase to Beni.

Fri. June 12

They came ab’t 3:30. Pauls Sr, Chas & family and Bells. Paul Jr. did not come as Faye had had to go home for treatments. Pauls are here in the guest room. Chas are in guest house and Cochranes. Bells at Marys. Disappointed Pauls didn’t come.

Sat. June 13

Too rainy for picnic at river of fried fish & roast potatoes - but sun came out when we ate. Worked at rug some. Helen is at one too. Cafateria supper. Good meat loaf. 17 of us - Gl. busy in kitchen all day.

Sun. June 14

Such a nice day - all went to communion service. Jim took
Agnes & me in their car. Ours was in use. Lovely dinner & quiet restful P.M. & supper & then a tape & sing & Cl showed Pauls & Bells the Mt. pictures. All so nice.

Mon. June 15

The folks left after break. Bells to Oicha - the others to Katwa. Mail went at noon. had a few letters ready. Cochranes still here & Fri Mr & Mrs. Seume come. We had such a grand time. ‘Twill always be a happy memory.

Tues. June 16

Should have reminded them yesterday. Paul is quite well but is very careful of eats. Am so sleepy these days. Washed my hair.

Wed. June 17

Much as usual. Girls came for knitting. Worked at rug. Wrote.

Thur. June 18

Nice letters from Lo & Co. Beth is in Canada taking 6 mo. dentistry. No further word ab’t Warren. He drives the car with Mattie beside him. Mr. Cochrane & Cl. are putting some of our old records onto tapes.

Fri. June 19

Cl & Mr Cochrane went to Kasese to meet Seumes & it is 8:15 & they are not yet back. Good chicken dinner waiting. I took a camoquine. I’ve been so well so I don’t expect much reaction. Hard quake at 2 P.M.

Sat. June 20

Queer day - like Sun. They all got in ab’t 9. Seumes are younger than I thot. Very nice & gave talks to dispensary folks at 8 & church at 10 then lunch - fish & potato chips. Cl took them to Oicha & will stay there tomorrow to help for Brands went to mid term picnic.

Sun. June 21

Edith took 3 camoquine so is rather shakey. Her eyes get bad. I staid home all day. It got late before our eve service was over with for there was talking & visiting. Lights no good. I was so tired I got to bed quickly. Writing this on Mon.

Mon. June 22

Cl got back before noon. I helped the girls knit - one finished her pull over. A long caravan looking car came. A man & wife. They bathed & had supper but sleep in the car.

Tues. June 23

Am not feeling good so am going to bed. Haven’t taken temp. but nauseated. & chilly. Gl. will take temp. later. - - There was none.

Wed. June 24

Took nimbutal and slept also slept some today but had trouble as my heart was going too slow so had a drink of strong tea. Then was better & enjoyed cafateria birthday supper, tinned corn from home, cranberry sauce & boiled ham and baked potatoes. Mr. Cochrane’s birthday.

Thur. June 25

Slept from 8 to 5 & have had a couple of naps today but still had to drink tea - heart going too slow. Nice letter from Ray written because 10th graders had a sneak day so no classes. Will Kenya folks be here tomorrow night?

Fri. June 26

Radio said Barnetts are at Rethy & w’d be out this eve. Emily & Stanley came ab’t 7:20. Papa hasn’t come. Erik will be out on Mon. with Dr Becker. Meetings are later in the wk. They brot the chair from Klines.

Sat. June 27

W’at a day! Nice having Emily & Stanley here. ab’t 2:30 Cl. Philip & Stanley started up the hill for a hike - supper time 7. they had not come then it rained hard. Finally after 8 Cl came saying a stone fell on to Phil’s foot so he couldn’t walk well. all were stumbling over stones. Now 9:10 all are in hot baths. Do pray no harm will come from it all.

Sun. June 28

W’at a day! Ediths labor pains started early & by 8:30 a big baby boy came. Mary took care of her. Stanley took Phil for Xray - no broken bones - but must keep foot up. Klines sent a reclining chair I bot & he will use it now. All packed for early start to Bunia to meet Erik & go for a camp on the plains. Eriks vacation. Emily is better this eve.

Mon. June 29

Cl & Stanley left ab’t 5. Not much rain here today but heavy clouds in the valley. Philip John is very little trouble. All are getting better tho Philip’s foot is still very painful. Worked at rug. started blue hot dish pad.

[This was the last diary entry.]

Florence died July 30, 1959 at Oicha.

Florence’s death, as remembered by granddaughter Faith Stauffacher Hoult. (exerpt from audio interview by Richard Stauffacher, Nov. 2017)

At some point we went off to Conference, the mission had a conference once a year and we would all go to Rethy and get together and my father hated it and my mother really loved it and I kind of liked it. And I remember sitting at this long table and I was starting to eat and the whole table started shaking and moving and I thought “what in the world, are we having an earthquake?” and then I realized my grandmother was falling out of her chair clutching the table and it was moving the whole table and everybody swarmed around and she was having a heart attack.

Well then it became quite clear that she had a weak heart and as time went on, you know, that made her more and more disabled to do things. I think she kind of recovered from that and went back to Ruwenzori but things weren’t good and at some point they took her to Oicha which was the medical station and there was a Doctor Becker, Carl Becker Sr. was there and she was not good at all and I got out of school and came there to that station in stead of going home to our mission and my mother was there. I don’t know where the rest of the family was, I guess you guys must have gone to Ruwenzori with Dad or something cause I don’t remember you being there. You couldn’t have been there, there was no room.

I was twelve at the time and there were two rooms in the house, two rooms. The front one was like a bedroom for medical patients and so it was set up that way. Rows of little houses for the sick people to be in. She was there in a bed in the front room and there was a chair and then in the back room there was a little place to fix food and another bed. Then there was a pathway leading out to a toilet, an outhouse and I remember my grandmother was sort of not conscious. She was just lying there sort of murmuring and talking and my mother was taking care of her, whatever she needed. So my mother says to me okay she says Faith, I really need to go to the outhouse and I really need to spend some time out there and I don’t want you to come and bother me so you take care of Grandma and you just, just manage.

So I was horrified. I couldn’t take care of Grandma or what to do! What to do! So I was running around in there and all of a sudden she starts talking so I run over and I listen you know, what - she said “I need a pedestrian.” (laughs) And me, I had no idea what a pedestrian was but it sounded very medical. And I thought - “a pedestrian, she needs a pedestrian - what’s a pedestrian? Oh dear” - so (laughs) so I said “why… wh...” and she was getting annoyed so that made it even more terrifying. “I -I - I want a pedestrian” and so finally I thought well there’s nothing to do but go ask my mother who’s also going to be mad at me. So I run out to the outhouse “Mom - Mom, Grandma needs a pedestrian! (laughter) and my mother says “She does not need a pedestrian! I’m going “yes, she does! She needs one! So, so my mother comes out like a wet hen, all mad. Hugh - she goes in and she says “now Grandma, you do not want a pedestrian! And Grandma says “yes, I need a pedestrian”. So my mother says “what do you do with it?” She says “I wipe my mouth”. My mother says “you mean a kleenex”. “Oooooh yeah, that’s what it is.” So she grabs a piece of kleenex and shoves it at her and goes stomping back to the outhouse.

Oh man; it wasn’t until years later that I found out what a pedestrian was. (unintelligible) I learned the word before I learned the meaning. So anyway, it was kind of scary there, and the next day I started getting malaria, and feeling really horrible. I got malaria fairly regularly, and when you have malaria you feel like you have really bad flu, you vomit a lot, umh, hot and cold you’re running a fever, you just feel lousy. But it doesn’t usually last too long if it’s just a normal malaria bout and you feel wonderful when you get over it. But I was in that - um, Mom put me in that spare bed I guess that was supposed to be her bed? Or maybe there was another bed in the front room that I’ve forgotten. And I remember wanting attention and I wasn’t getting it because Grandma was taking it all. And so I woke up in the night and I called for my mother because I knew I was going to throw up - and she didn’t come. She just ignored me. And so fine, I vomited into the mosquito netting which was tucked in and held by the bed and then, and then my mother just kept wandering around in the front room with a flashlight.

Yeah, she had to have a bed in there, that must have been hers and I thought “Why isn’t she coming?” And then I heard her go next door - that’s right there were two - it was like a duplex, a little tiny two houses connected and Carl Becker Jr. was in the next place with his wife. And she went over and called him - ‘least that’s how I remember it - I don’t know why he was there, but he went and got his father. He might have come in first and then gone and got his father - I didn’t care because nobody was paying any attention to me and I was sick. And um, so - after a while my mother came in and very distractedly pulled the mosquito net out (laughing) and all the vomit went on the floor and she didn’t seem to even notice. She was kind of walking around in a daze. I thought “what’s wrong with her?”.

And then Dr. Becker Sr. came and he checked around on Grandma a bit, and then he just said “The Lord has lovingly and graciously taken her unto Himself”. And everybody was comforted and they kind of went away because it was the middle of the night. And then my mother came in and tried to clean me up a bit and put something for me to vomit in again and in the morning when I woke - no, that night we left - but at some point before we left I walked in and I thought “I’ve never touched a dead body” and I thought maybe I should do it just because I could say I’d done it and I touched her leg, Grandma’s leg and it was real real hard. But I think it probably was anyway because she wasn’t fat or anything. And I thought “oooooh, that’s …” but I, I was so sick that I really didn’t have a lot of attention to give her and - but yeah, that night they took us up to the Brands house and uh, we stayed up there and then her funeral was maybe a couple days later?

It couldn’t have been much later but I was over the malaria and I remember we went out to the cemetery there at Oicha and quite a lot of people. She was very well loved. And I wore white because it was a happy day, for her to be going home to be with the Lord.


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