% Tone:
10% . . . . . 0: 13
0: 12
20% . . . . . 0: 25
0: 22
30% . . . . . 0: 47
0: 36
40% . . . . . 1: 23
0: 56
50% . . . . . 2: 19
1: 22
60% . . . . . 3: 41
1: 54
70% . . . . . 5: 35
2: 31
80% . . . . .
8: 6
3: 9
90% . . . . . 11: 15
3: 45
100% . . . . . 15
Left column(%) is per cent of tone on a
grayscale. Center column (total min:seconds)is
total etch time for a % of tone. Right
column (add min:sec) is amount of time to add
to total time immediately above it to arrive at
total time immediately below it. Maximum etch
time is estimate, based on coarseness/fineness
of aquatint, strength of acid, temperature,
and any other factors which determine the
maximum amount of time an aquatint can be in
the acid before it reaches black and starts to
break down.